Solidarity Links

African American

Alternative Media & News

  • Indy Media Collective of independent media organizations and journalists offering global grassroots coverage from an anti-corporate viewpoint.
  • Prensa Latina Latin American news source in Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish.
  • Znet Z Magazine writers John Pilger, Naomi Klein, Vandana Shiva and others on the issues of the day.


  • Searchlight Combats fascism, racism and all forms of prejudice.

Anti-globalization Movement

  • ESF Information on and analysis of the European Social Forum and other world social forums.
  • Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia Discusses forces and issues in the anti-globalization movement and links the reader to related topics.

Civil Liberties

  • Center for Constitutional Rights Legal briefs, news, educational materials & events relating to the Patriot Act, prisoner rights, Guantanamo Bay, INS violations and protestor suits.
  • National Lawyers Guild Lawyers, law students and legal workers defending civil liberties and publicizing their current legal battles on behalf of demonstrators, unionists, & immigrants.


Immigrant Rights


  • Campaign for Labor Rights Mobilizes grassroots support for union organizing and to end labor abuses around the world.
  • Labor Notes U.S. labor news, books and conferences.
  • Maquila Solidarity Canadian network promoting solidarity with groups in Mexico, Central America, and Asia organizing in maquiladora factories and export processing zones to improve conditions and win decent wages.
  • US Labor Against the War Trade unionists active in the antiwar movement who call for an end to the US occupation of Iraq and for all military, political and economic authority to be returned to the people of Iraq.

Latin America



Marxist History and Theory

  • Marxists Internet Archive An encyclopedia of materials from Marxist writers and thinkers in many languages, operated by an all-volunteer, anti-profit group. Great for students!
  • Marx/Engels Archive Writings of the original thinkers and political organizers-Karl Marx and Frederick Engels-who founded the communist movement. Engels' book Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State is a classic analysis of why women are an oppressed sex!
  • Rosa Luxembourg Writings by the early 20th century German socialist writer and revolutionary

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Middle East and North Africa


  • Campus The world's largest online database of student activists, groups, events, and resources.
  • Campus Anti-War Network Independent, democratic, grassroots network of students opposing the occupation of Iraq and military recruiters in our schools at campuses all over the country.
  • Student Action with Farmworkers Provides students from farmworker families with educational and career opportunities & other students with opportunities to work with farmworkers for social justice.
  • United Students Against Sweatshops Organizing resources, news and job opportunities for students who want to work against sweatshops in the U.S. and around world.
