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Speakers from the Freedom Socialist Party forum "Ecosocialism: A World to Win, A Planet to Save" in Seattle, which was held on September 26, 2014.

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Speakers from the Freedom Socialist Party Convention 2014 in Los Angeles, which was held May 24-28.

Marking the 10 year anniversary of the death of TJ Hickey, family members and supporters marched through Redfern to Parliament House demanding justice on the 14th February, 2014. TJ Hickey was a 17 year old Aboriginal boy who died at the hands of the Redfern police and like all Aboriginal deaths in custody in Australia, no police officer was ever convicted of this racist crime. In fact the police, courts, media and the NSW government were all involved in a cover up of the circumstances of the death. Ten years on the family still want justice...

Free Nestora Salgado coverage on Univision.

Free Nestora Salgado Fundraiser in Los Angeles

The Freedom Socialist Party's Free Nestora Salgado Protest in Seattle. (12/10/13)

A broad coalition came together to call for freedom for Bradley Manning, gay soldier and wikileaks whistleblower, at the NYC Gay Pride Parade. (7/3/13)

Andrea Bauer pays tribute to Clara Fraser, co-founder of Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party, during a May Day Celebration. (5/4/13)

Emily Woo Yamasaki speaking for Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party at the rally in front of the Greek consulate in New York City, part of the international day against fascism. (1/19/13)

Freedom Socialist 2012 Presidential Candidate Stephen Durham speaking at a Bradley Manning rally in Hartford, Connecticut. (6/6/13)

Seattle protest of Putin regime's reign of terror against the left in Russia. Part of the Days of Solidarity against Political Repression in Russia. (12/1/12)

Stephen Durham from Doug Barnes on Vimeo.

Freedom Socialist 2012 Presidential Candidate Stephen Durham and running mate Christina López speak at Peace and Freedom Party Convention, August 4, 2012 in Los Angeles, California. Introduction by Nancy Kato.

Freedom Socialist Party Presidential candidate Stephen Durham, campaigns at the Los Angeles May Day 2012 march. Durham is running on the Freedom Socialist Party ticket with Vice Presidential candidate Christina López. In California, they are vying for the nomination of the Peace and Freedom Party. In other states they are running a write-in campaign.

Freedom Socialist Party candidate for U.S. Vice President Christina López explains why she is running in this Un-millionaire campaign with Stephen Durham, candidate for President, and why you should help.

Vets & Soldiers Speak Out against War 10th anniversary of the Afghan invasion. (10/7/11)

Megan Cornish of Radical Women, and Henry Noble of Freedom Socialist Party talk about the history of the labor movement in the University District. Brought you by the University District Museum Without Walls of Seattle, WA.


March 22, 2014 Unite Against Fascism march and rally in London

Free Nestora Salgado Protests - Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles.

October 2011: Fight corporate rule with working-class power. Occupy Wall Street and Beyond.

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Melbourne, July 23: Never Again! Remember Murdered Security Guard, Steve Rogers. Defend the Fertility Control Clinic! Stand Up for the Right to Choose!

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Melbourne, May 16: Anti fascists drive Australian Defence League from streets

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Melbourne, March 8: International Women's Day Rally for Equal Pay

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Los Angeles: March 4th Committee March and Rally on October 7th National Strike and Day of Action to Defend Public Education and Services

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XXV Encuentro de Mujeres in Paraná, Argentina attended by thousands of feminists from Latin America as well as a Radical Women/Freedom Socialist Party contingent

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March in Seattle, WA to protest cop slaying of John T. Williams

On September 16, hundreds of local residents gathered to protest the brutal slaying of native carver John T. Williams in downtown Seattle. John belonged to a family of famous carvers from the Nitinaht tribe in British Columbia. Officer Birk shot him in the back four times for the "crime" of carving a small wooden figure with a three inch pocket knife. He claimed John refused to put his knife down, although he was not menacing anyone. John was deaf in one ear and wearing headphones at the time he was shot

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Rally and march in Seattle, WA: "Obama, it’s time to deliver!"

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Rally in Melbourne, Australia. "Mumia is innocent! Free all political prisoners!"

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Rally to Protect State Services in Olympia, WA

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Special photographic report to CubaDebate Haiti, opting for life

Photographer: Alejandro Ramírez Anderson

Translation of introduction:

In January this year I moved to Haiti. I arrived with the intention of filming a documentary with the theme of food sovereignty in Anse-a-Pitre. I arrived with a total lack of knowledge about the people. Two days after the earthquake and these terrible circumstances I went to Jacmel. Between these two communities I remained thirteen days among those who witnessed disasters, suffering and grief, stories of struggle, solidarity and life, and learned something about the Haitian people. Here I share some excerpts from these images.

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Photos of Honduran Police and Military Repression

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Latino Liberation Movement Student Walk Out

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The War on Iraqi Children

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2005 World Social Forum

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Afghanistan Socialist Association School

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KVI-AM radio rallies pro-war fanatics for assault on free speech in Seattle

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A Radical Roadmap for Peace between Palestinians and Jews

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Seattle Protest of the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit

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