
Archives: April 2005

50 Killed 114 Wounded In Coordinated

50 Killed, 114 Wounded in Coordinated Series of 17 Bombings 3 Americans Killed, 7 woundedThe guerrilla movement pulled off a spectacular set of bombings in Iraq on Friday, as though responding decisively…

Parliament Approves Cabinet Interior

Parliament Approves Cabinet Interior Ministry goes to Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq Al-Jazirah is reporting, early Friday morning, several car bombs in the al-Azamiyah and Salikh neighborhoods of Iraq, which…

Us Soldier 4 Policemen Killed In

US Soldier, 4 Policemen Killed in Afghanistan by Neo-TalibanResurgent Taliban forces attacked Afghan police and a US patrol on Wednesday, leaving one American soldier and 4 policemen dead.CNN says the US has…

Racism In Israel Increasing Racial

Racism in IsraelThe increasing racial tension inside Israel is a worrisome development. But what really struck me is the Israeli government projection that in 2025 inside current Israeli borders, 30 percent of…

Iraqi Cabinet More Details Of New

Iraqi CabinetMore details of the new Iraqi cabinet are now out. The big and rather ominous surprise is that Ahmad Chalabi is the temporary Petroleum Minister. It has not in the past…

New Cabinet Al Hayat Says That Grand

New CabinetAl-Hayat says that Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani had pressed for 10 of the cabinet posts in the new government of Ibrahim Jaafari to go to Sunni Arabs. In the end, only…

Iraq News Round Up Guerrillas

Iraq News Round-Up Guerrillas assassinated an Iraqi female member of parliament Wednesday, women's rights activist Lamia Abid Khadduri Sakri. Al-Zaman says she was a member of the Iraqiya List of Iyad Allawi,…

Abu Muslim Rebels Against Al Mansur

Abu Muslim Rebels Against al-MansurWhen we left the story, it was perhaps late 754, and a conflict was brewing between the second caliph of the Abbasid dynasty, al-Mansur, and his minister, the…

Guest Comment Bush Is Lying By Kevin

Guest Comment: "Bush is Lying" by Kevin McMillanKevin McMillan of Columbia University writes:"I'd suggest a friendly amendment to today's post on many Americans' view that President Bush actively lied to them about…

Talabani Fears Baath Military Pentagon

Talabani Fears Baath Military Pentagon: No Military Progress in Iraq in Past Year Jalal Talabani told al-Hayat that he feared that the concerns among the Shiite religious parties about Sunni Arab cabinet…

Bush Is Liar 50 Of Americans Gallup

"Bush is a Liar": 50% of Americans Gallup has found that half of Americans believe that President George W. Bush actively lied to them about Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction…

Postcript On Blogging Matthew Haughey

Postcript on BloggingMatthew Haughey says his posting about being tired of seeing the phrase "mainstream media" used by bloggers was "tongue-in-cheek" and that we should "unclench." I should say that I think…

History Of Baghdad Abu Muslim And Al

History of Baghdad: Abu Muslim and al-MansurIt is actually quite odd that despite the United States being in military occupation of Baghdad, there doesn't seem to be much interest among Americans in…

Unbreaking News Just Saw Al Jazeerahs

Unbreaking NewsJust saw al-Jazeerah's evening news and now they are reporting that there has been a last-minute glitch in Jaafari's presentation of his cabinet to the presidency council. The presidency council is…

Breaking News Jaafari Presents Cabinet

Breaking News: Jaafari presents Cabinet to Talabani The Scotsman reports that prospective Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari has presented his cabinet to President Jalal Talabani. Jaafari, a religious Shiite from the Dawa Party,…

Negotiations On Government Al Zaman

Negotiations on Government Al-Zaman/ AFP /DPA says that the new Iraqi military exchanged fire with the Syrians Monday at the Iraqi-Syrian border. The outgoing Iraqi government had accused Syria of allowing guerrillas…

Mainstream Media And Bloggers Matthew

Mainstream Media and BloggersMatthew Haughey says he won't read our blogs if we use the term "mainstream media" (a.k.a. MSM).A news flash for Matt: We don't care.We don't care if you read…

Badr Corps Will Accept Ex Baathists

Badr Corps Will Accept Ex-BaathistsBBC Monitoring translates comments of Hadi al-Amiri in ash-Sharq al-Awsat for April 24:April 25, 2005HEADLINE: HEAD OF IRAQI SHI'I GROUP OFFERS UNITY TO EX-BA'THISTS"The following is the text…

Nyt Coverage Of Palestinian Deaths

NYT Coverage of Palestinian Deaths CriticizedAlison Weir maintains that a statistical study of the New York Times's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict shows that the killing of Israeli children is highlighted and…

4 Carbombings Kill 23 Wound At Least

4 Carbombings Kill 23, Wound at Least 80 2 US Troops Killed Thomas Wagner of the Associated Press reports that on Sunday, guerrillas detonated 4 car bombs in Baghdad and Tikrit, leaving…

Jaafari Decides To Exclude Allawi Al

Jaafari Decides to Exclude AllawiAl-Zaman/ Reuters reports that prospective Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari has decided to give up attempting to form a government of national unity that would include the Iraqiya list…

Guerrillas Kill 16 In Iraq Associated

Guerrillas Kill 16 in IraqAssociated Press reports that a 'series of explosions shook the Iraqi capital Saturday. The deadliest was a roadside bomb that exploded near an Iraqi army convoy on the…

11 Killed 26 Wounded In Bombing Of

11 Killed, 26 Wounded in Bombing of Shiite Mosque AFP reports that a bomb killed 9 and wounded 26 at a Shiite mosque in Baghdad on Friday. Other sources put the death…

Moussaoui Pleads Guilty Trial Begins

Moussaoui Pleads Guilty Trial Begins in SpainZacarias Moussaoui pled guilty Friday to September 11- related charges. But he appears actually to have been envisaged as a "second wave", and wanted to hijack…

Guerrillas Shoot Down Helicopter

Guerrillas Shoot down Helicopter, Killing 11 (6 Americans) AP reports that guerrillas shot down a helicopter carrying civilian security guards on Thursday. A jihadi website claimed that the guerrillas executed the one…

New Mccarthyism At Columbia My

The New McCarthyism at ColumbiaMy extended op-ed on the Columbia affair ("The new McCarthyism: A witch hunt against a Columbia professor, and the New York Times' disgraceful support for it, represent the…

Al Qaeda Fights On In Mecca Two Muslim

Al-Qaeda Fights on in Mecca Two Muslim radicals and two policemen died Thursday in a running gun battle between the authorities and the jihadis in the Muslim holy city of Mecca. The…

Assassination Attempt On Allawi 70

Assassination Attempt on Allawi 70 Bodies Recovered in Iraqi MassacresRetired Gen. John Keane, back from a fact-finding trip to Iraq, told The Hill that he thinks the Iraqi guerrilla opposition is planning…

20 Killed 42 Wounded Us Troops

20 Killed, 42 Wounded US Troops Humiliate Member of Parliament Guerrillas killed some 20 persons in Iraq on Tuesday and late Monday night, according to ash-Sharq al-Awsat. In the upscale Sunni Azamiyah…

Outgoing Interior Minister Warns On

Outgoing Interior Minister Warns on Iran, Badr CorpsFalah al-Naqib, the interior minister in the expiring government of Iyad Allawi, warned Tuesday that melding the Shiite Badr Corps into the new Iraqi security…

Badr Foreign Troops Unneeded Badr

Badr: Foreign Troops UnneededThe Badr Corps claims to be in military control of Muthanna province, including the city of Samawah. Regional Badr leader Hadi al-Amiri said Monday that Samawah is secure, and…

Ex Baathists Excluded Police Poorly

Ex-Baathists Excluded Police Poorly Trained The United Iraqi Alliance (Shiite religious parties) who now dominate the Iraqi government are insisting on purging the Iraqi government of former members of the Baath Party…

17 Killed In Iraq Including 2 Us

17 Killed in Iraq, including 2 US TroopsThe guerrilla war rolled along on Saturday, claiming at least 17 victims dead and more wounded.Guerrillas detonated a bomb in the eastern city of Baquba,…

News Roundup Bush And His Agendas

News RoundupBush and his agendas (social security privatization, the Iraq War) continue to slide in the polls. Americans turn out to want a timetable for withdrawal of US troops just as much…

7 Iraqis Killed 16 Wounded Friday In

7 Iraqis Killed, 16 Wounded Friday in String of Bombings Two Marines Killed Guerrillas in a town near Baghdad took 60 local Shiites hostage and are threatening to kill them, unless Shiite…

Sistani Discourages Shiite Mps From

Sistani Discourages Shiite MPs from joining Cabinet Al-Zaman/ AFP: An aide close to Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani said Friday that Sistani prefers it if the members of parliament from the United Iraqi…

Disputes Prevent Selection Of Tamim

Disputes Prevent Selection of Tamim Governor (Kirkuk) al-Zaman/ AFP: An Iraqi official in Tamim province describes the situation in the city of Kirkuk. Disputes among Kurds, Turkmen and Arabs have prevented the…

Guerrilla War Leaves 24 Dead In Iraq

Guerrilla War Leaves 24 Dead in IraqThe Financial Times reports that guerrilla actions, including bombings and ambushes, left at least 24 persons dead on Thursday in Iraq. There were bombs in Baghdad,…

Secret Service Still Hasnt Caught Bin

Secret Service Still Hasn't Caught Bin LadenShouldn't the Secret Service be out trying to find Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri?. The most prominent organized group that I know of trying to kill the…

Oil For Food Scandal Taints Gasp

Oil for Food Scandal taints (gasp!) Houston We've had to put up for months with blowhards like Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota jumping up and down about the Iraq food for oil…

At Least 17 Killed By Bombs 4 Us

At least 17 Killed by Bombs, 4 US Contractors WoundedAP reports that guerrillas detonated a car bomb near a US convoy, killing five Iraqis and wounding 4 US contractors. Two other explosions…

Neoconning Media Eric Altermans

Neoconning the MediaEric Alterman's "Neoconning the Media: A Short History of Neoconservatism" is a must-read account of the movement and its main institutions and media outlets.Alterman lists "half of the New Republic"…

At Least 10 Dead In Deadly Blasts In

At least 10 Dead in Deadly blasts in Mosul, Telafar Wire services report that a suicide bomber killed five Iraqis in Mosul, and another killed five Iraqis in the largely Turkmen city…

Demonstration In Samarra Ash Sharq Al

Demonstration in SamarraAsh-Sharq al-Awsat/ AFP: Hundreds of Iraqis demonstrated Tuesday in Samarra, demanding the withdrawal of American troops from their city. Clan elders and school and university students participated in the rally,…

Iraq News Roundup Ash Sharq Al Awsat

Iraq News RoundupAsh-Sharq al-Awsat does a report on Fallujah in which it alleges that of the residents who have returned after the US assault, many are living in tents because their homes…

Competent Intelligence Urged By

Competent Intelligence Urged by Rumsfeld Ironies of Iraq today:Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is afraid that the new Shiite religious government in Iraq will purge ex-Baathists placed in the army and intelligence…

Sharon Defies Bush Ap Headline Gets It

Sharon Defies Bush The AP headline gets it right: Sharon dismisses Bush Warning on Settlement Expansion. I would have called it "large-scale land theft" rather than "settlement expansion," but it comes to…

What Muslims Think Is Really Happening

What the Muslims think is Really Happening in JerusalemThe far-right Israeli extremists who demonstrated in Jerusalem were not just protesting the plan to remove Israeli colonists from Gaza, as was reported in…

Life Imprisonment For Saddam Are

Life Imprisonment for Saddam? Are the guerrillas fighting in Iraq demanding that Saddam not be executed as one of their conditions for coming in from the cold? Adrian Blomfield reports from Baghdad…

Us Millions In Iraq Wasted I Saw Lewis

US Millions in Iraq Wasted I saw Lewis Black, the comedian, in Detroit last month. Lewis does angry humor. But at one point he went on a rant about how you just…

Allawi Resigns Joins New Government

Allawi resigns, Joins New Government Iyad Allawi has consented to join the new Iraqi government. He is demanding 4 of 31 cabinet posts for his Iraqiya Party, which only has 40 seats…

Of Bents And Teaching Daniel Drezner

Of Bents and Teaching Daniel Drezner maintains that there are virtually no political science courses that deal with the Arab-Israeli conflict in the United States that have a "Zionist bent."Well, I disagree,…

Up To 300000 Demonstrate In Baghdad

Up to 300,000 Demonstrate in Baghdad Edmund Sanders reports that the crowds in downtown Baghdad protesting the US troop presence in the country may have been as large as 300,000. If it…

Friedmans Slander Of Middle East

Friedman's Slander of Middle East Studies and How it is Wrong and Ignorant On April 7, 2005, in his New York Times op-ed piece, Thomas Friedman wrote:' Until the recent elections in…

Breaking News Tens Of Thousands

Breaking News: Tens of Thousands Protest Americans in BaghdadTens of thousands of Shiites came out Saturday to Firdaws Square in downtown Baghdad to protest the continued US military presence in Iraq. It…

Protests Called For Saturday Against

Protests Called for Saturday Against US Troop PresenceWire services and Arab News report:"In the main southern city of Basra, three masked men shot dead an officer in the new Iraqi Army as…

Jaafari Appointed Prime Minister Jalal

Jaafari Appointed Prime Minister Jalal Talabani appears to have had a senior moment of some magnitude. In the course of announcing that Ibrahim Jaafari will be Iraq's new prime minister, he says…

Mahdi Army Still Factor Anthony Shadid

Mahdi Army still a Factor Anthony Shadid of the Washington Post continues his world-beating coverage of Iraq with an article on the reemergence of the Mahdi Army in the south, in places…

Cairo Blast At Khan Al Khalili

Cairo Blast at Khan al-KhaliliThe analysis of the bombing of a tourist area of Cairo, which killed 4 and wounded 18 on Thursday given by the Egyptian social scientists interviewed by China's…

New York Times Supports Mccarthyite

New York Times Supports McCarthyite Witch Hunt I am cancelling my subscription to the New York Times, and I urge others to do the same.The New York Times editorial board went over…

Bush Less Popular Than Dick Nixon

Bush Less Popular than Dick Nixon Could Iraq be the undoing of both major political parties that backed the war in the West?President Bush is suffering from the worst poll numbers of…

Provincial Elections Stir Trouble My

Provincial Elections Stir Trouble My comments on the Lehrer News Hour about the implications of the formation of a presidency council are now online. I was challenged by Dr. Karim on some…

Yalla Ya Jamaah Hurry Up Folks

Yalla Ya Jama'ah (Hurry up, folks!) The Department of Defense is having difficulty, according to Fred Kaplan at Slate, in coming up with a policy on teaching Arabic to Pentagon personnel. Not…

Oil Workers And Privatization Of Iraqi

Oil Workers and Privatization of Iraqi Petroleum An oil workers union in Basra, organized after the fall of the Baath regime, may be the strongest guarantee against the privatization of the Iraqi…

Services Have Gotten Worse Returning

Services Have "Gotten Worse"A returning aid worker for the AFSC says of Iraq:Finally, the city grew too dangerous for Westerners and they left, concerned that they were putting not only their lives…

Talabani President Iraqi National

Talabani President The Iraqi National Assembly is set to announce the formation of a presidential council on Wednesday, selecting Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani as president, Adil Abdul Mahdi as a vice president,…

Huhn Real Iraq Unfortunate Tendency In

Huhn? The Real Iraq The unfortunate tendency in the United States to evaluate all statements about Iraq with regard to whether they are "optimistic" (i.e. pro-Bush) or "pessimistic" (i.e. anti-Bush) makes it…

Another Bombing At Abu Ghraib Sunni

Another Bombing at Abu Ghraib Sunni Meeting Collapses in Acrimony Guerrillas mounted another bombing attack on Abu Ghuraib prison (this one involving a tractor), leaving 5 Iraqi civilians wounded. On Sunday, a…

Wesley Clark Conference Call Wesley

Wesley Clark Conference CallWesley Clark held a conference call on the situation in Iraq with some bloggers Monday afternoon, in advance of testifying in Washington on the situation.He began by pointing out…

Speaker Of Parliament Elected Amid

Speaker of Parliament Elected amid Rancor Two more US servicemen were killed by guerrilla attacks over the weekend, and the Green Zone took mortar fire near the Iraqi parliament again, during a…

Other Pope John Paul Ii Was Complex

The Other PopeJohn Paul II was a complex man and among the more intellectual popes in history. Because of his admirable stance against Stalinism in Eastern Europe (which did not in fact…

44 Us Troops Injured In Abu Ghraib

44 US Troops Injured in Abu Ghraib Attack, Some Seriously 12 Iraqis Wounded 6 Iraqis killed in Separate Incidents An organized platoon of some 40 guerrillas launched mortar attacks on Abu Ghrain…

Sistani Fatwa On Security Al Hayat

Sistani Fatwa on SecurityAl-Hayat: Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani gave a fatwa Friday saying that cooperation with the forces charged with safeguarding security in Iraq is "obligatory" on all Iraqis, "as long as…

Tragic Death And Other Tragic Deaths I

A Tragic Death and other Tragic Deaths I address a different aspect of this story in my opinion piece at, "In gods we trust," today.Bush's bizarre press conference on Thursday was…

3 Us Troops Killed At Least 11 Iraqis

3 US Troops Killed At Least 11 Iraqis Killed, 16 Wounded "The Government is Not Even Close to being Formed" A Rand report done for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld lets him…

Us Pakistan Relations Broad Based Four

US-Pakistan Relations "Broad-Based" Four Suspected al-Qaeda Captured in PeshawarPakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence along with, probably, the FBI arrested four foreign Muslims in Peshawar on Thursday. They are: Abdul Aziz of Kunduz,Afghanistan; Mustafa, a…