2 Responses

  1. Even today, Denmark has enormous gross imports and exports of electricity, above 30% of their consumption. The kind of wind penetration they are aiming for is not achievable by those who doesn’t have much larger neighbors who can soak up the intermittent power.

  2. Times have changed since COP15 Copenhagen Climate Summit.
    Earth is now past point where emissions reductions do it.
    Arctic is beyond point of no return of methane emissions.
    Telling it like it is isn’t fashionable or fun but it is necessary in order to have any chance to rally the world.
    In order to have a chance to get change to sort this out.
    An army needs to be forward of the advance of Earth heat.
    Entropy rise of closed system needs change to open a lid.
    That change to be realized needs alteration to fiduciary.
    Full honesty is needed and to get ahead of perfect storm.
    link to arctic-news.blogspot.com

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