Tag Archives: ISIS

The Friday Blog!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! As far as the UK is concerned, 2018 will be remembered for the appalling chaos of Brexit, Theresa May’s poor negotiations and the heartless austerity wielding Tory bastards split over the potential results. The … Continue reading

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Panic In The House Of Trump!

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! If we actually had a real job we would have been fired already cos we have spent 24 hours a day watching CNN and MSNBC online (especially Rachel Maddow) covering Donald Trump’s rapidly collapsing … Continue reading

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It’s The Economist, Stupid!

Last week’s edition of The Economist (26/8/17), the surprisingly entertaining journal for capitalist apologists and other such scumbuckets, ran several pages about ‘Political Islam’ which included the following statement: ‘Those who would suppress them all make three errors: they claim … Continue reading

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