
Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Heywire Competition open?

The Heywire Competition is open now and closes on Saturday, September, 16 2017. Enter now!

Who is eligible?

You must be aged 16-22 on 31 January 2018. You must also live in Australia, but not in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth or Sydney. Check your eligibility here.

I am 15 now, so am I eligible?

You might be. If you turn 16 by 31 January 2018 you are eligible. If you are still 15 on that day, don't be put off, you can enter your story as usual and you will be automatically entered in next year's competition.

I live in a large town like Canberra, Darwin, Newcastle or Hobart, can I enter?

Yep, anywhere in Australia apart from Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane or Perth.

Are there specific topics that my story should be about?

No, but you story must be a true story about you and/or your community. It might be a personal story about an aspect of your life; a challenge that you've overcome; something you'd like to change about your community; or simply why you like living where you do. You can check out the list of popular topics that others have written about at the bottom of this page.

What makes a good Heywire story?

Check out our top 10 tips for creating a great Heywire entry.

Can I submit a video? Photos? Or a song?

Sure can! Your entry can be in any format: audio, video, photos or text. Read our tips on producing audio, video and photo entries.

What do I get if I win the Heywire competition?

You get to work with ABC staff to professionally produce your story. Then it gets featured on ABC Radio and/or To cap it all off, you win an all-expenses paid trip to the very prestigious and very awesome Heywire Regional Youth Summit.

How long should my story be?

There is no hard and fast limit, but we recommend text entries be roughly 400 words, video and audio be 2-4 minutes and series of photos contain roughly 5 images that tell a story.

Am I allowed to enter more than one story in the competition?

Yes, you can submit as many stories as you like. We have several contributors who use Heywire as space to blog regularly. This is encouraged!

Can I submit a fictional story?

Heywire is about you and your community, so we only accept true stories or opinion pieces.

What about group entries?

The heart of Heywire is an individual telling a personal story. Group work can be submitted as long as the group understands that only one person from the group will be declared a winner and get the chance to go to the Heywire Regional Youth Summit in Canberra if the entry wins. It's critical that one person is identified as the main writer/author, because it's that personal story that will be judged as the Heywire entry.

What on earth is the Heywire Regional Youth Summit?

All is revealed here.

How can I enter the Heywire Competition?

1) The easiest, most convenient and most popular way is by clicking the Enter Now button in the header of this page and submitting your story online.

2) But there's still good old fashioned snail mail.
Include your full name, date of birth, address and parents permission if you happen to be under 18.
Post to:
Heywire competition
GPO Box 9994
Melbourne VIC 3001

3) Or an entry can be e-mailed
Include your full name, date of birth, address and parents permission if you happen to be under 18.

Should I use my real name as my screen name?

The ABC strongly suggests you do not use your real name for your screen name, and should not intentionally use someone else's name. ABC policy on login names is contained in the Conditions of Use and you can find out more about online privacy for young people here.

Why hasn't my story immediately appeared online?

Heywire is a moderated space, which means an ABC staff member reads every story that is submitted and makes sure it meets our Conditions of Use before it goes public. We aim to publish stories by the following business day, and we are usually quicker than this. If your story is taking a long time to appear, check your email as we may have attempted to make contact with you explaining why we can't put it straight up online.

When might my story not be made public?

On some occasions we cannot publish submitted stories on our website because they do not meet ABC's Conditions of Use. The most common reason for a story not to be published is that the author appears to have used copyright music or images without permission. In some cases the ABC may not publish some stories protect the author's dignity or if we believe it could impact on their physical and emotional wellbeing, or that of others. We encourage you to read more about online privacy and the implications of uploading material to internet. If we do not publish your story we will always email you, so check your email or contact us to discuss how you can rectify the issue. Even if your story isn't made public the story will be entered in the Heywire Competition.

Why are some Heywire stories so challenging?

Heywire encourages young Australians to share their ideas and stories in a creative and honest way. Please be aware that, at times, the nature of their contributions may be challenging and may offend some audience members. The ABC is vigilant in ensuring the welfare of young participants but we understand that coarse language, disturbing images or unconventional situations may be a part of life for some young people, and when in context and in line with our ABC's Conditions of Use, may be included on the Heywire site.

I'm under 18 do I have to ask for my parent or guardian's permission to enter?

Yes, then check the box as you upload your story to confirm.

What video formats can be uploaded?

Members can submit video up to 500MB in the following formats:
MPEG (mp4, VOB, MPG, 3GP)
Microsoft (AVI, ASF, WMV)
Quicktime (MOV)
FLV (VP6 - newest version of FLV format)

What video editing applications are available?

Windows Movie Maker for Windows and iMovie for Apple, which are probably the most common video editing applications and both come free with the Operating Systems. Both applications will allow members to export their final program in an accepted format for Heywire.

What audio file type can I upload?

Members can upload an audio recording of up to 100MB in MP3 format.

What photo formats can I upload?

Photography or graphics can be uploaded using JPG, GIF,PNG and BMP formats up to 10MB.

What about using commercial music in my story?

Choosing music to enhance your film is a real skill, but be prepared, getting this right takes time and shouldn't be a last minute decision. You just can't download the latest Skrillex smash hit and mash it on your video. It's not legal! Unless you get personal permission from Skrillex himself and that's most likely going to cost you some big bucks.

Don't stress, ABC Open producer Ruslan Kulski suggests a few places where you can find some Creative Commons music for your video in the blog post 'How to find music for your videos'.

What's this about tagging topics?

Choosing topics for your story is another way you can get more people to see your content. When you submit your story you will be asked to select topics that relate to it, e.g. natural disasters, family etc. That way if someone is interested in a particular topic they can search the Heywire stories by topic and discover more stories of interest to them.

Where are the full terms and conditions for the Heywire Competition?

Terms and Conditions - boom!

What are the FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants?

Heywire has partnered with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) to provide grants to community organisations to adopt ideas developed at the Heywire Summit. The grants are typically open for applications in May and close in June. Find out more about how to apply, and the positive change the grants are making in regional Australia here.

Have any Heywire winners gone on to great things?

Heaps. Heywire is a springboard for young regional Australians to make a difference in their communities. Check out what some of our alumni are up to here.

Your question isn't answered here?

You can contact a Heywire team member by email: or by calling us on 1800 26 26 46. We aim to reply to queries by the next business day.

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