Monthly Archives:
February 2011

Lesson from Egypt: How to reject a literary prize…

Ali Gharib on

British writer Ian McEwan took a lot of heat for accepting the Jerusalem Book Prize. The literary award is given out every two years at the Jerusalem International Book Fair, an event that appears to be put on by the Jerusalem municipal government. In response to British writers who criticized his decision to accept the prize, McEwan wrote (with my […]

Israel preparing to deport star of Oscar-winning doc ‘Strangers No More’

Mya Guarnieri on

It’s big news here in Israel that “Strangers No More”— a documentary film that focuses on a South Tel Aviv school attended by zarim, Hebrew for foreigners or strangers—has won an Oscar. “Thank you most of all to the exceptional immigrant and refugee children from 48 countries at Tel Aviv’s remarkable Bialik Rogozin school,” Karen […]

Justice makes for a clear blue sky

Waleed Almusharaf on

Tahrir Square on February 1, 2011. (Photo: Zadokite) “Gratitude. And a prayer for the martyrs.” – Facebook status, February 11th 2011 A prayer for the martyrs is also to remember: The problem was not the events, but what happened. There are things about what happened which cannot be told it seems, some which cannot be […]

Mona Eltahawy’s speech signals shift in mainstream discourse that Zionists don’t want

Alex Kane on

Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy’s speech at the J Street conference was more than just another good speech–it’s a further indication of the shift in discourse on the Middle East following the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and around the region. Slowly but surely, alternative narratives about the Middle East and Israel/Palestine, voiced by Arabs, are making […]

Pete Seeger endorses boycott of Israel

Adam Horowitz on

Below is a press release issued by Adalah-NY and the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions. For more background see these posts: Folk music legend Pete Seeger has come out in support of the growing Palestinian movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel as a program for justice for Palestinians and a route to peace in […]

US Palestinian Community Network to PA – ‘You’re fired’

Adam Horowitz on

Today in New York members of the US Palestinian Community Network will be serving a “notice of termination” to the Palestinian Authority at the Palestine Permanent Observation Mission to the UN. From a press release: On the heels of a people’s victory for freedom and democracy in Egypt, the US Palestinian Community Network-NYC will present […]

Judith Butler: LGBT center refusal to host Israeli Apartheid Week event is ‘to submit to the tactics of intimidation and ignorance’

Adam Horowitz on

Below is an email from Judith Butler to Glennda Testone, the Executive Director of the New York LGBT Community Center, concerning the Center’s decision to cancel a “Party to End Apartheid” under pressure from donors. Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 To: [email protected] From: Judith Butler Subject: censorship at the NY LGBT Center Dear Glennda Testone, I am […]

Arab nonviolent revolutions mark the beginning of the end of the 9/11 era

Matthew Taylor on

In the wake of 9/11 and The Second Intifada, neoconservatives and hard-right Zionists brainwashed the American people with dehumanizing stereotypes about Arabs and Muslims. Our unsuspecting, historically amnesiac, critically unaware public was led to believe garbage like “they hate us because they hate our freedom,” “all Muslims/Arabs are violent religious fanatic terrorists,” “all Palestinians are […]

At J Street, Eltahawy gets standing ovation when she calls on peaceful revolution to come to Israel and Palestine

Philip Weiss on

I’ve been at the J Street conference for two hours now and the political program seems to be, End the Netanyahu government now, because we’re in deep trouble. But that message was overshadowed by Mona Eltahawy, the Egyptian journalist, who actuallly actually got applause when she spoke about the “massacre” in Gaza and Arab “hatred […]

Desecrating the American flag

Morgan Bach on

Since I got back from Palestine two months ago, every Friday brings me back to the village of Bil’in. I won’t even remember the importance of Friday, as anything other than the start to my weekend, until I stumble across a video in my Facebook mini-feed and watch Haitham’s footage of the weekly demonstration in […]

Can you pass the Saudi Arabia quiz?

Jeffrey Rudolph on

Saudi Arabia, an Islamic absolute monarchy, has enjoyed extremely close relations with the United States, a constitutional republic. This relationship highlights the gross hypocrisy of US foreign policy: fundamentalism and dictatorship in the Arab world is only condemned when it comes garbed in anti-Americanism. In fact, Saudi Arabia makes Iran—the target of sanctions and regime […]

New resource tracks and analyzes Israeli arms exports

Adam Horowitz on

Mondoweiss contributor Jimmy Johnson has just unveiled an interesting new resource to highlight “news, data and analysis focusing on Israel’s arms industry.” The site is called Neged Neshek (“Against Arms” in Hebrew) and it looks like it will be a very useful resource. In addition to laying out the raw data on what Israel sells […]

Qaddafi forces shooting from ambulances, witnesses say

Today in Palestine on

Popular Army to March on Tripoli, as Qaddafi Massacres Protesters, Juan Cole Aljazeeera Arabic is reporting that Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi has lost control of much of Tripoli and really only dominates the area of the capital immediately around his palace. Certainly, his security forces are having to fight for control. More news from Libya:

Memories of my grandmother, a defiant victim of the occupation of Palestine

Sami Kishawi on

Sitting in the backseat of a taxi heading to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, I waved goodbye to my grandmother while trying hard to hold back tears. I was nine years old at the time and I had no idea that this moment would be the last time I’d ever see her again. My sitto’s […]

Colonialism and violence

Issa Khalaf on

As we bear witness to the daily, ever escalating, ever-unprecedented yet routine Israeli collective punishment and cruelty and torment inflicted on the Palestinians—men and women, young and old, boys and girls, children and infants, farm animals, fruit orchards, and olive trees—one cannot but be awed at the utter lack of morality and conscience the Zionist […]

J St conference begins amid the harsh crackle of neocon-Likud walky-talkies

Philip Weiss on

The J Street conference begins tonight in D.C.. The liberal lobby group will be streaming some of the conference live, including Obama Mideast envoy Dennis Ross at 9am on Monday, here. You can see the full schedule and what else they’re streaming online here. I see that the U.S. star of the Egypt revolution, Mona Eltahawy, will […]