Blogs > Clio Blogroll > Cliopatria's History Blogroll

Apr 15, 2011 1:43 am

Cliopatria's History Blogroll


Maintained by Ralph Luker and the HNN Staff

(Click here for Part 2)



Art, Literature, Culture

Historians who write about Many Things

Academic Lives

Contemporary Commentary

Ideas and Beliefs

History of Science & Technology

Digital History

Material Culture & Public History

World History

World History on Tumblr

Women's History

Women's History on Tumblr

Genealogy & Family History

Ancient History

Medieval History

Early Modern History

Modern History

Regional Histories

United States History

United States Local History

Military History



News and Links

Primary Sources

Primarily Continental Languages

Agricola-Suomen historiaverkko

Blogosfera de historia

Bulgarian Historical Blogs




Art History Carnival

Asian History Carnival

Biblical Studies Carnival

Carnival of Genealogy

pre-modern history

Four Stone Hearth anthropology/archaeology

The Giant's Shoulders
history of science

History Carnival

History Carnivals Aggregator

Indian History Carnival

Military History Carnival

back to top

Art, Literature, Culture

50 Watts


Alberti's Window

All Things Considered ...

Art and Architecture, 1640-1940

Art History

Art History/About

Art History Newsletter

Artists and Art

Arts Journal

ARTstor Blog

Atrium Musicologicum

Bearded Roman

The Begin With


A Boat Against the Current

The Book Haven


Classic TV History

A Commonplace Blog

The Earthly Paradise

Giornale Nuovo

Idelsohn Society for Musical Preservation

It's About Time

Let My People Show

Little Professor

My Life and Thoughts

Northwest Music Archives

The Owls*

Painting History

Paper Cuts


Quick Study

The Rest is Noise

Brian Sholis


Steamboats are ruining everything

three pipe problem

The Vanished Hand

wood s lot


WTF Art History

back to top

Historians who write about Many Things

@Number 71

The Agonist*


Dan Allosso

The Aporetic

The Appendix

Athens & Jerusalem*

Augean Stables

Chaos Bogey

Clio Bluestocking Tales

Clayton Cramer

Cranky Professor

The Crolian Progressive

Compound Cliches

Cyber Hacienda


Dead Voles

Deliberate and Retrospect

Dr. History

Easily Distracted

The End is Coming

Fat Man on a Keyboard

Ghost in the Machine

Goose Commerce

Gypsy Scholar

The Historian's Corner *

A Historian's Craft

History Buff


Kenneth Hite's Journal

Intellectuals Inc.


Jost A Mon

Ralph Keyes

The Laughing Historian

Lawyers, Guns and Money *

The Lazy Scholar

The League of Ordinary Gentlemen*

Leisurely Historian

Light Seeking Light

Madman of Chu


Michael Meckler

Mode for Caleb

Jerry Monaco

Ken Mondschein

More or Less Bunk

Wilson J. Moses


Nonesuch HP*

Notes from the Ironbound

Obscene Desserts

Panorama of the Mountains

The Perpetual Three-Dot Column

Ph.D. Octopus *

The Public I

Putz Blog

Reading the Maps

Brian Sandberg

sans everything *

Scattered & Random

Peter Stothard



Through a Glass Darkly ...

Young New York

Jon Wiener

YDS: The Clare Spark Blog

back to top

Academic Lives

100 Word Minimum

a la Rob

Adventures of Notorious Ph.D.

After the Flood


Amanda in Lithuania

Amused and Disgusted


Backward Glance

Kelly J. Baker


Blurred Productions

brewing history

Tom Bruscino's Diary

Center of Gravitas

CFH Grad Students Weblog

Chicken Soup for my Grad Student Soul

Clio's Disciple


Deep Language

Andrew Devenney

Disability Studies

Dissertation Diva

Doctoral Bliss

Sherman Dorn

Dude, Where's my Tardis?

An Elephant for Emily

Elle, phd

Even in a Little Thing


Ferule & Fescue

For I Have Tasted the Fruit

Free University

Freudian Petticoat

Frogs and Ravens

The Gates of Mercy

Geschichte Grad

Heo Cwaeth


Historian on the Run

Historian on the Edge

History Futures

Hurst Street

The Idle Historian

idle think

In the Service of Clio

The Innkeeper's Tail

Institutional Review Blog

Invisible Adjunct

it warn't always like this

Ivory Tower Musings

Kelly in Kansas

LGBT History Month UK*

Light Reading

Lisa's (Online) Teaching Blog


moria in excelsis

Mojo Bison's Range


My Adventures in History

My Life and Thoughts


New Kid on the Hallway

News from Kevin Mattson

nobody sasses a girl in glasses

Notes from the Field


Poor Martin, An Almanac *

Pretty Hard, Dammit

Prone to Laughter

Purring Prophecy

Queen of West Procrastination

Quid Plura?

Jana Remy


Sage to Meadow

The Socratic Dilemma

Lisa Spangenberg


Stuff Academics Like

student activism


Tea, Lemon, Old Books

Tenured Radical

Teaching the Modern Middle East: Reflections on a Large Survey Course

Through a Glass Darkly ...

The Two-Fingered Typist

Wandering Through Time

Weapon of Class Instruction

What Would Phoebe Do?

Worst Professor Ever

Shana Worthen


back to top

Contemporary Commentary


Eric Alterman (Daily Beast)

Eric Alterman (The Nation)

Glenn Altschuler

The Anti-Slavery Bugle

Arguing the World*

Timothy Garton Ash

Andrew Bacevich

Belmont Club

Paul Berman

Big Tent*

Brainstorm *

Chris Bray

The Broken Elbow

Jennifer Burns

Mark Byrnes

p m carpenter's commentary


Coffee Grounds

Nancy L. Cohen


Creative Ink

Morris Dickstein



Engaged Social Sciences


Faceless Bureaucrat

Niall Ferguson (Daily Beast)

Niall Ferguson (Huff Po)

Paul Finkelman


Front Porch Republic *

Lawrence B. Glickman

Warren Goldstein

Anthony Grafton(NYRB)

Anthony Grafton(New Yorker)

The Hawblog*


History Unfolding

Inflection Point Diary

Informed Comment

IC Global Affairs *

The In-House Critics*

Michael Kazin

Peter N. Kirstein

Stanley Kutler

Longing for the Real

Alfred W. McCoy

Robert S. McElvaine

Nicolaus Mills

New Deal 2.0 *

The Notion *

Bob Ostertag

Joseph A. Palermo

Rick Perlstein (The Daily Beast)

•Rick Perlstein (The Nation)

Robert Perkinson

Politics & Letters

Gerald Posner

Private Papers (VDH)

The Progressive Professor

Ronald Radosh

Paul A. Rahe

Diane Ravitch

Real History Blog


Andrew Roberts

Rootless Cosmopolitan

Michael Roth

Jon Rowe

Michael Ruse

Thaddeus Russell (Daily Beast)

Thaddeus Russell (Huff Po)

Stephen Schlesinger

Scholar as Citizen

David Sehat

Timothy Stanley

Talking Points Memo*

Edward Tenner

Text Patterns

That's Not History

Gil Troy

Westminster Wisdom*

What Would the Founders Think

Ted Widmer

Jon Wiener

Sean Wilentz (Daily Beast)

Sean Wilentz (Huff Po)

Sean Wilentz (New Republic)

Sean Wilentz (New Yorker)

Garry Wills

Works and Days (VDH)

The Writing on the Wal*

Julian Zelizer (Daily Beast)

Julian Zelizer (Huff Po)


back to top

Ideas and Beliefs

The Anxious Bench

The Beacon*

Chairman Ku's Little Blue Book

The Christian Humanist

The Circuit Reader

This Day ... in Jewish History

Faith and American History

Genealogy of Religion

Eddie Glaude, Jr.

Exploring Religious History

Grateful to the Dead

From Under the Fig Tree




Historia Ecclesiastica

History of Christianity

History of Philosophy

Homeschooling Research Notes


The Immanent Frame*

In Medias Res

Jewish History

Jewish History Channel


Just Thomism

The Juvenile Instructor*

Jacob T. Levy

Magistra et Mater


Mark Oppenheimer

Mark Oppenheimer Huff Po

Menachem Mendel

Michael Ruse Huff Po

Necropolis Now

Old Life

The Other World

Pietist Schoolman

Pilgrims and Wayfarers

Per Caritatem


Religion in American History

Corey Robin



Then and Now

Times and Seasons*

The Useless Tree

The Way of Improvement Leads Home

back to top

History of Science & Technology

A Blind Thermometer

Ad quattuor cardines mundi

Advances in the History of Psychology


American Science*

The Animal Chronicle

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Centraal

Bad Astronomy

Biomedicine on Display*

The Board of Longitude, 1774-1828

Boffins and Cold Warriors

Bones Don't Lie

British Library: History of Science

British Society for the History of Science

The Bubble Chamber*

The Chirurgeon's Apprentice

Clutter Museum



Greg Downey

William Eamon

Einstein's Apple *

entangled bank


Ether Wave Propaganda*

Evolving Thoughts

False Vacuum

Famous Scientist

From the Hands of Quacks


History Books Review

History of Emotions

History of Geology

History of Medicine

History of Science

A History of Total Health

History of Vaccines

IT History Society Blog*

Imaginary Magnitude

The Inverse Square

Kafka's mouse

Jay Kennedy

Knitting Clio

Roger Launius's Blog

Mammoth Tales

Mano Singham's Web Journal

Medical Humanities

Morbid Anatomy


Neurotic Physiology

Nursing Clio

Obscure and Confused Ideas

Old is the New New

Patent Pending

A Pinch of Arsenic

Primate Diaries in Exile

The Pauling Blog

petri dish


Ptak Science Books

The Quack Doctor


Relevant History

The Renaissance Mathematicus

Respectful Insolence

Royal Society: History of Science Centre *


Scientia Curiosa

A Simple Prop

Skulls in the Stars

Speakeasy Science

Songbirds and Satellites

The Sterile Eye

Stories from the Stores

Technology Almanac


Time to Eat the Dogs

Travels in a Mathematical World

Holly Tucker

University of Toronto Scientific Instruments Collection *

Warping History

Wellcome Collection

west of the moon

Whewell's Ghost *

The World's Fair*

back to top

Digital History




Dan Cohen

Data Mining

Digging Digitally

Digital Campus

Digital Classicist

Digital History Hacks

Digital History at Yale

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities



Electric Archaeology


Found History

Fresh + New(er)

Googlization of Everything


The Historical Webber


History Research Hacks

History Tech

The HUMlab Blog

IHR Digital


Jefferson's Newspaper

Keeping Time

Making History Podcast

Manuscript Transcription


Notional Slurry

Now & Then

Trevor Owens




Sample Reality

Sapping Attention


The Stoa Consortium

The Stone and the Shell

The Ten Thousand Year Blog

Thoughts of a Knowledge Geek

With Criminal Intent*


back to top

Material Culture & Public History

American Duchess

The American Menu

American Orchard

Assembling History

The Attic


Bladensburg Archaeology Project


Blog for the Study of the Jewish Book

The Bygone Object

A Cake Bakes in Brooklyn

Candy Professor

The Cataloguer's Desk

Codex xcix


Diary of a Mantua Maker

Digging in the Archives


Eating Like an Edwardian

Edible Geography

English Buildings

Fading Ad Blog

Forgotten Bookmarks

Food in Italy

Four Pounds Flour

Garden History Girl

Guided By History

Historian for Hire


The History Chef!

History is Made at Night

History on Wheels

History Punk

The House Historian

Hush Puppy Nation

Isis' Wardrobe

Keith Harris History

Kitchen Retro


Rachel Laudan

Library History Buff Blog

Magazine History

Material World *

The Meanings of Things

Ministry of Type

Museum 2.0

Museum of the American Cocktail

New Curator

Off the Wall*

The Old Foodie

Open Plaques Blog


Permanent Record Project


The Posterity Project

Prerogative of Harlots

Public Historian

Public History Index

Public History Podcast


Restaurant-ing Through History

Rugs of War

Serious Eats

The Stuff Curator

Tangerine and Cinnamon

The Textile Blog

Thoughts on Public History


The Uncatalogued Museum

Urban Humanist

Urban Oasis

Vast Public Indifference

Wearing History

What's on the Menu? *

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News and Links


Gleeful Gecko

The History Ring


Plep NY

Steve Goddard's History Wire

Socialist History News

The Virtual Stoa

World of Royalty

back to top


AHA Today*

Alcohol & Drugs History Society*




Arkansas Press

BBC History Magazine

BL: Americas Collection

BL: Untold Lives

The Beehive

The Bigger Picture

Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery

The British Museum*


Business History Conference

Business History Matters

California Press

Cambridge Press

Chicago Press

Colonial Williamsburg Blogs

Columbia Press

Connecticut Historical Society Manuscripts

The Conveyor

Cork Press

Cornell Press

Cultural Compass

Dittrick Museum

Duke Press

Jonathan Edwards Center


Eye Level

Field Trip South

The Henry Ford Blog*

Found in Collections

Georgia Press

Galt Museum & Archives

Hagley Library & Archives

Harvard Press

Hawai'i Press

The Historical Association

Historical Notes from OHSU

Historical Society of Pennsylvania


History and American Studies

History Compass Exchanges*

History Today Blogs

Huntington Blogs


Ignatius Press

IHR Digital*

Indiana Historical Society Press

Indiana Press


JAH Podcast

Library of Congress

Library of Virginia

LRB Blog

LSU Press

McGill-Queen's Press

The Medieval Garden Enclosed

MIT Press

Mississippi Press


Museum Blogging

Museum of London Blogs

The NACTS Blog


National Coalition for History

National History Center

National Museum of American History*

National Trust Historic Sites

National WWII Museum

Naval History Blog

Nebraska Press

Nebraska State Historical Society

New York Historical Society Library

North Carolina Press

Now & Then


NYU Press

Oral History Association

The Oriental Institute

Orkney Archive -- Get Dusty

Out of the Box

From Out of the Top Hat

Oxford Press

Pennsylvania Press



President Lincoln's Cottage

Princeton Architectural Press

Princeton Press

The Public Archive*

Rare Books @ NLS

Reader's Almanac


A Repository for Bottled Monsters*

Rhode Island Historical Society

Royal Society*

Sail 1620


Smithsonian Institution

Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations*

Society for the History of Technology

Southern Sources

Stanford Press

Tennessee Press

Text & History

The Historical Society Blog*

UAH History News


Urban History Association

Verso Books

Virginia Historical Society

Wellcome Library

Women's Review of Books*

The Working Life of Museum of London*

back to top

Primary Sources

9th Btn Y & L Diaries

Advertising for Love

Anglo-Saxon Aloud

An Extraordinary Incident

Bad Postcards

The British Pathé Blog*

Civil War Diaries, UVa, Special Collections

Collaborative Hincmar Project

The Complete Works of W. N. P. Barbellion

Curiosities of Literature by Isaac D'Israeli

Daily Chronicles of the American Civil War

Daily Dickinson

Darwination Scans

David Brainard's Blog

Diaries of a Lady of Quality

The Diaries of Franz Kafka

The Diary of Samuel Pepys

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Europa Film Treasures

Field Force to Lhasa, 1903-1904


The Hope Chest

Iconic Photos

In Focus

In Siberia

John Baker's Warbook

Dr. Johnson's Dictionary

Ralph Josselin's Diaries [1617-1683]

Letters of Note

Mechanical Icon

Milestone Documents*

Modern Mechanix

My Parents Were Awesome

Mysteries of London

The Natural History of Selborne, 1768-1793

Old Picture of the Day

George Orwell Diaries

Rag Linen

rand's esoteric old time radio

Room 26 Cabinet of Curiosities

Shades of the Departed



Soldier's Mail

Spurgeon Collection

Square America

Sunday Magazine

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau

This Date, From Henry David Thoreau's Journal

A Vietnam War Clerk's Diary

War Diary of the 8th Battalion, AIF

Weirdo Video

John Wesley's Journal

WWI: Experiences of an English Soldier

WWII: London Blitz Diary 1939-1945

Yesterday's Papers

back to top


Betsy's Page

Black History

Dave's Internet Lounge

Groves U.S. History Blog

The History Channel This Is Not

History is Elementary

A History Teacher

The History Teacher's Attic

History Tech

Middle School Matrix

OHS AP European History Blog

The Professor

A Shrewdness of Apes

Speaking of History

Teach History

Teaching American History in SW Washington

US History Teachers Blog

World History Teachers Blog*

back to top

* - group blog

‡ - retired to the hall of fame

Site Meter

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More Comments:

Brendan Hamilton - 2/8/2011

For Art, Literature, Culture category, The Vanished Hand:

A collage of the old, weird world exposing the avant-garde alchemy of history. Though not limited to this, my particular interest is American history from the Civil War through the Great Depression, as explored through music, poetry, art, photography, and various miscellanea.


Anthony Scalabrine - 1/27/2011

I'd like to nominate J.R. Clark's blog, "A Vietnam War Clerk's Diary," at It would be categorized under either "primary sources" or "military history."



paige johnson - 12/20/2010

Hi, I blog about the history of gardens and designed landscapes at and would like to be included on the list.

Alan Flower - 12/20/2010

Hello I'm Alan and my blog is called History and the Sock Merchant. It's a modern history blog with reviews, articles, discussions, news, its own brand of humor and more. I would be very grateful if you would consider adding it to your blogroll.

Yours Sincerely

Owen Rees - 12/1/2010

Please add this blog

I love the list by the way!


Pat Denault - 11/15/2010

The Business History Conference has an institutional blog, The Exchange, at

We would very much appreciate it if you could add it to the blogroll, under Institutional blogs.
Pat Denault
BHC Web Editor

Mark Gaffney - 11/14/2010

Please consider add my website, it is a Civil War Talk Radio Companion site....lists all show, descriptions, guest names and links to listen and download the episodes.

I would not call it original content, I am just providing information for other fans of Civil War Talk Radio, hosted by Gerry Prokopowicz.

Thanks for your consideration.


Phil Magness - 11/8/2010

The Historian's Corner at IHS Kosmos:

Rebecca Onion - 10/8/2010


Thanks so much for compiling this list - it's wonderful.

I just started a blog about children, science, and technology in the twentieth-century US. I'd love to be included - probably under the "History of Science & Technology" category, though the blog could obviously also qualify for "US History".

Name: Songbirds and Satellites


Thank you.

Adam D. - 9/1/2010

To Whom It May Concern:

Please add the following blog to your Military History blogroll:

A Miniature History of the American Revolution

Many thanks,


James Rupp - 8/17/2010

Thank you!

James Rupp - 8/11/2010


Could you please add Footnotes Since the Wilderness to your United States history blog roll?

Thank you!
- Jim Rupp

jordan smith - 7/16/2010

new jordans safiridifferent designs

Ken Middleton - 7/15/2010

"Women's History Sources" is a new collaborative blog that features "New and Notable Primary Sources in Archives, Historic Sites and Museums, and Libraries."

Contributors include archivists, historians, librarians, and museum curators.

Ken Middleton - 7/15/2010

"Women's History Sources" is a new collaborative blog that features "New and Notable Primary Sources in Archives, Historic Sites and Museums, and Libraries."

Contributors include archivists, historians, librarians, and museum curators.

Colin Tyner - 5/8/2010

I would like to nominate my own blog on Japanese and environmental history to the list:



Elizabeth Henderson - 5/8/2010

I have a blog devoted to the life and work of Edgar Allan Poe. If you think it would fit in with the theme of your blog roll, I'd be very grateful if you'd consider adding it to the list.

Paul M. Doolan - 5/5/2010

May I humbly suggest including my blog, called "ThinkShop"
in your blog roll - because I am an insufferable generalist, possibly under the heading "Historians who Write About Many Things"

Robert Wilhelm - 3/23/2010

I would like to submit my blog: "Murder by Gaslight"

A compendium of information, resources and discussion on notable nineteenth century American murders.

Thank you,

Robert Wilhelm

Gina Collia-Suzuki - 2/20/2010

You very generously added my blog 'Floating Along...' to your Asian History section. I have recently moved it to a new address and would be most grateful if you could update the URL when you get the chance. The new address is:

Many thanks,


Caroline Rance - 1/10/2010

Many thanks for listing The Quack Doctor in the History of Science category. I've recently changed the address to: and wonder if you could update it when you get a moment?

Susan Sklaroff - 1/2/2010

My blog, "Rebecca Gratz & 19th-Century America," based in large part on the extensive Gratz family correspondence of the era, was created to give fresh details about the life of one of America's first women to organize charities and other good works (her Hebrew Sunday School is her most famous) and to also bring attention to information about the customs and pastimes of women of the time. I would be most grateful if you would consider it for your blog roll. It is

Gina Collia-Suzuki - 11/28/2009

I blog about Japanese art and history, predominantly of the 18th century.

It would be wonderful if you could see your way to adding my blog to your excellent list.

tony lin lin - 11/18/2009

520For sell mbt shoes man is man and master of his mbt walking shoes fate. Have an aim in mbt anti shoes life, or your energies will all be wasted. What makes life dreary is the want of mbt uk motive. When the fight begins within himself, a man's mbt shoes worth something.

Samira Kawash - 10/29/2009

Hi, here is a self-nomination for your blog-roll:
Stories about the history and culture of candy in twentieth century U.S.

Kathleen Middleton - 9/2/2009

It's not my blog, but you might consider adding Pue's Occurrences,

Jordan Goffin - 8/24/2009

Hi, I just wanted to do some self-nominating. Our blog ( is technically an institutional blog, but it would really probably be more at home in the "Primary Sources" section. Thanks for considering.

Meam Wye - 8/12/2009

I would like to self-nominate my history blog. The blog is about contributions of Muslims to science and technology during the medieval Islamic Civilization:

Title: Shining History - Medieval Islamic Civilization

Ralph E. Luker - 8/11/2009

You'll find them both listed under Modern History. We don't list blogs in more than one place.

Michael David Barton - 8/7/2009

A few history of science blogs not on the list:

Lincoln Mullen - 7/17/2009

Would you please consider adding "Religion in America" to your blogroll? It is a group blog on the history of American religion.


Vicky Lapointe - 7/15/2009

could you add my blog in the Primarily Non-English Language section? The name is Patrimoine, Histoire et multimédia and the address is
It's about Quebec history and digital history.

Sean Kheraj - 6/8/2009

Sean Kheraj - 6/8/2009

I wanted to add a new blog and a podcast to the list.

1.) Sean Kheraj, Canadian History & Environment (

2.) Nature's Past: A Podcast of the Network in Canadian History & Environment

I produce both the blog and the podcast on Canadian environmental history.

Nick Quinata - 3/2/2009

Please consider me for the blogroll. I've started an advertising history blog that spans World War II era ads up to the '70s. The Mad Men world is covered as it coincides with my thesis work. Thanks!

Rick McDaniel - 2/22/2009

I would like to nominate my food history blog, Hushpuppy Nation ( ) for inclusion in your blogroll. I hope you enjoy it and deem it worthy.

All the best,
Rick McDaniel

WGS Gator - 11/11/2008

Is there a way to get listed on your HNN Blog Roll?

If so, we would appreciate it if you could add our new blog as follows:

Haunt My Blog (All Things History)

Thank you, we enjoy your site very much and will give you a reciprical link on our new blog site.

Maria M N - 10/26/2008

Hello, could you please replace "The Pied a Terre" blog with the following:

"The Preppy Academic"

Thank you.

Hassan Hamed - 8/8/2008

Ancient history of Egypt here

Hassan Hamed - 8/8/2008

Your way to the Egyptian history at Gates of Egypt

John Warren - 7/10/2008

please add my history blog to your list - thanks.

New York History

Historical News and Views From The Empire State

mr alarm - 7/2/2008

The blog primarily posts unknown or unusual sources, but also offers commentary and analysis of historical topics. Focused mostly on 20th c. US history.

Michael F Robinson - 6/26/2008


I'd like to nominate my history of exploration blog:

Time to Eat the Dogs

for your History Blogroll. I think it would fit best under Digital History, Science, and Technology. Thanks much.

Andy Walpole - 6/21/2008


Is it possible to add Future / Retro to the blogroll?

General history and digital humanities

Euan Mackenzie - 6/17/2008

I'd like to self-nominate my ancient history and early-medieval blog. It can be found here:

Cinderella R - 6/9/2008

Hi - just wanted to let you know that my World of Royalty blog (listed under News and Links) has moved to a new location:

Thank you.

Jana Remy - 6/2/2008

Can you add the Making History Podcast Blogsite <>; to your list? Perhaps it would be best categorized under the Digital History heading.

Mark R Stoneman - 4/15/2008

There are two changes in my blogs.

"Clio and Me" is now located at

I have discontinued History Survey, which I am migrating together with some other material to a personal website/wiki.

Tad Suiter - 2/20/2008

I've moved "The Leisurely Historian..."

The new site url is

Also, I'd actually like to change categories, if that's alright. It's pretty much all Digital History and/or US History...

Or, if two categories is verboten, maybe just "Historians who write about many things..."?


Heather Munro Prescott - 1/7/2008

I'd like to nominate my blog, "Knitting Clio," which could be listed under Historians who write about many things:

Trevor Owens - 12/5/2007

nominating my own blog as well...
History through children's literature

Could be filled under
Art literature and culture
Modern history

Brian Tubbs - 11/27/2007

To whom it may concern:

Can I 'self-nominate' my blog for a listing in your Blog Roll? It would fall under United States History.

The blog is...

American Revolution & Founding Era

Brett Holman - 11/10/2007

Australia Felix

History and Web 2.0

Lincoln Mullen - 10/23/2007

Thanks for linking to my blog; I was quite surprised to find it on this list.

I've changed the name, however, from "&#921;&#931;&#932;&#927;&#929;&#921;&#913;" to "The Backward Glance." The URL is still

Could someone make the change? Thanks.

Gavin Robinson - 9/24/2007 covers WWII in the Mediterranean theatre

Christopher Riggs - 8/29/2007

I would suggest adding the following:

Northwest History

"Historians Bill Youngs and Larry Cebula will use this blog to experiment with ways of exploring history in the digital environment. We will focus on the Inalnd Northwest but may venture further afield on occasion."

Fabian Prieto - 8/12/2007

Two blogs

bligcentenario: (about latin american countries independence)

historiasenconstruccion (digital history projects in Colombia)

Andrew Keating - 7/1/2007

forgive the self-promotion, but I would like to offer my own blog ( for inclusion in your lists. I am a graduate student in modern British history at UC Berkeley, and I post about topics related to British and European history and current events. I also write about topics related to technology, computers, and other interests.

Brett Holman - 6/30/2007

The Australian War Memorial has a number of blogs on (obviously enough) military history:

These generally accompany forthcoming and current exhibitions and so are temporary in nature, as explained here here (another blog - - is already no longer being updated).

Fiona Thomson - 6/26/2007

Hi folks,

I have a new blog about the history of activism and politics in the San Francisco Bay Area. It's at It's called Bay Radical. Thanks for considering...

Gavin Robinson - 6/20/2007

Historic Battlefields: mainly about the First World War.

mercy otis warren - 5/16/2007

and a silly one at that!

Gillian Sarah Polack - 4/27/2007

There are more food history blogs that could usefully be added to your listing. I don't know if Janet is a professional historian, but her blog at The Old Foodie is interesting. Mine is less consistent ( but I *am* an historian, so it all evens out :).

David Saraiva - 4/12/2007

A blog about ancient history written to be accessible to anyone:

Gavin Robinson - 4/7/2007

It's only "Holocaust History Archive" that's dodgy. "Holocaust Controversies" is genuine history that seeks to debunk deniers.

Gavin Robinson - 4/6/2007

Did you look at "Holocaust History Archive" before adding it to the blogroll? Are you aware that it's a holocaust denier site? ie run by deniers to spread their propaganda.

Ralph E. Luker - 3/18/2007

Thanks, Brett. This is _really_ helpful.

Brett Holman - 3/14/2007

Antiquarian's Attic



Thoughts on Military History

Victoria's cross?

Kristan Tetens - 2/9/2007

Like the others here, I've overcome my modesty and would appreciate the inclusion of the following blog in Cliopatria's History Blogroll.

"The Victorian Peeper" deals with all aspects of the history of nineteenth-century Britain.

Thank you.

Kristan Tetens

Eric Drummond Smith - 2/3/2007

I just wanted to self-nominate a group blog I co-administer on Appalachian culture and history called Hillbilly Savants. . .

Dmitri Minaev - 2/1/2007

Like those before me, I apologize for not being able to fight a surge of vanity and humbly present my blog :). The topic is mostly history of Russia, not excluding history in general and modern Russia, too.

De Rebus Antiquis Et Novis.

Jason Michael Norrett - 1/4/2007

Self nominating Superhero Historians. The address is and it is a U.S. history site for kids. The "historians" take on one subject at a time.

Paula Martinac - 1/4/2007

I am nominating my own new blog, "The Queerest Places" ( This blog is based on a book I published called "The Queerest Places," a national guide to historic sites of interest to lesbian and gay history.

Lucy D. Jones - 11/18/2006

I'd like to self-nominate My Florida History blog at

Ken Reynolds - 11/8/2006

It doesn't seem very humble, but I'd like to nominate my blog for Cliopatria's History Blogroll. The Cannon's Mouth ( deals with projects in Canadian military history and the historians behind them.



Paul David Gill - 11/8/2006

I would like to self-nominate my history-related blog "Muziris",
My blog is mainly focused on ancient history (Roman East, Late Antiquity, Early Christianity/Judaism/Islam,). I sometimes comment on news items - mostly by applying social theory, or confronting the facts with their (historical) context. The blog is mainly in English, sometimes in Dutch.

Lyonel Kaufmann - 10/17/2006

I allow myself to announce you the blog according to:

It's devoted to the history, its teaching and its didactic.

With my best messages.

Tom Scheinfeldt - 10/11/2006

I have a blog that I would like included in the list:


Tom Scheinfeldt

Paul Kekai Manansala - 10/9/2006

I'd like to nominate my own blog on the history of the Nusantao of Insular Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

Quests of the Dragon and Bird Clan

Ed Darrell - 7/25/2006

Please check, see if this blog is worthy of listing: (Millard Fillmore's Bathtub)

Brett Holman - 7/14/2006

William J Turkel - 3/21/2006

Hi, I have a history blog ("Science & Technology", I guess) called Digital History Hacks at

Brett Holman - 3/4/2006

Mohammed Ben Jelloun - 12/25/2005

Postcolonial Iraq

John Potter - 11/15/2005

A new Russian History blog can be found at

Klaus Graf - 11/8/2005
Collaborative Weblog for Archival Science (German, partly English)

Chris Laning - 11/4/2005

You're welcome to take a look at my blog,, and add it to the HNN blogroll if you like it. A somewhat specialized topic, but I'm having fun writing it. Modesty forbids me to say I also think it's fairly good <grin>. I'm enjoying the other blogs I'm discovering here!

Jonathan Dresner - 8/8/2005

Looks good to me: thanks!

sylwester ratowt - 8/8/2005

Shamless self-nomination:

Ralph E. Luker - 1/24/2005

Grant, We'd going to continue to keep an eye on 50th Star. It isn't yet clear to me that the bench there is as deep in history as we like to see on the History Blogroll.

Grant W Jones - 1/22/2005

I'll modestly self-submit for the "contemporary commentary" category: