Uprising-As Long As There's A Profit To Be Made... 7" (2004,Incendiary Sound,Act of Attribution)

First off i feel the need to send my apologies to Nate from Uprising for taking almost an eternity to post this little gem since is an awesome record, it comes from an underrated and not well known band that never had the attention it deserved from the crusties, yeah it's sad and true and i have to live with it: Ii m a lazy bastard who's getting aged and forgets... :/
Uprising formed in Michigan in early ' 00's and in their short life they released the amazing split with Contravene on Catchphraze Records in 2003 and this ep, there is also a cd-r demo which came out in only 35 copies plus a few more songs (in heavier crusty pathways) recorded for a future release that never saw the light of day because of lack of funds and motivation.
As long.. was recorded in 2003 and came out in '04 (or it was 2006?), the complete title is "As long as there's a profit to be made there's no telling where the killing will end", music wise it delivers six tracks of crusty anarcho-punk/hardcore with political lyrics in a blending of Nausea and early Contravene, it was released by Incendiary Sound Records and Acts Of Attrition (any help about the labels is appreciated), 300 copies were made, 25 came with release show limited covers. Despite being a nice record (Contravene is the first band that comes to mind each time i listen this, Uprising were such good) it didn't sell much copies due bad distribution, for those who might want to get a copy, Nate still has many ,contact him via mail at uprisedetroit (at) gmail (dot) com and get one, it rarely pops up on ebay, distros or elsewhere).
No more blurb, the songs of ep are already uploaded on Soundcloud by Nate so you can give it a listening.



No title for this post since there is nothing on the cover revealing what is this but i m more than sure you already recognized the record: Anyway, from Doom's Live in Japan we continue with another rare shit: This is known as s/t tour ep or Phantom ep but the band informs with a text inside the gatefold cover that "the unofficial title of this is Live and Compressed". And yes, the band is Disfear and this is their self released tour ep for their US/Canada tour of May/June 2006, this was sold only in their gigs which makes it a little more rare than the Disfear releases of mid 00's plus the fact that there were pressed only 500 hand-numbered copies. The record came in gatefold cover with the lyrics of the three songs printed (Phantom, the first song which sometimes is taken as the title of record, was a new song previously unreleased and two years latter appeared as closing track of Live the Storm, Left to Die and Everyday Slaughter come from Soul Scars and Everyday Slaughter cd's-lp's ) and some information about the recording plus an insert with the date list of gigs for their tour and instructions to win on-line a Disfear pin. The songs were recorded at Tavastia Club in Hell-sinski, Finland and music wise and according to the band, the sound "is very live and unfortunately compressed" and that's what it is but still deliver the goods in chaos.
This was the short rant, . The last months i ripped some vinyls or scanned the covers (or took pictures) of old posts and the during the last weeks i re-up'ed em, so if you take a trip to back pages you will find a lot of these (Deviated Instinct, AGE, Warcollapse, Anarchus, Consume etc and some more will be updated soon, hopefully). So, until the next post, get some drinks and occupy the streets.

Doom-Live in Japan (1992,Ecocentric Records)

This little piece of vinyl comes from the old days of Doom and brings some tracks live recorded at Antiknock, Tokyo, Japan in 1992. This was released by Ecocentric Records the same year and was the first Doom live record (the second was Pissed, Robbed and Twatted), there were two pressings, the first one came in black n blue cover and label while the second in black and white.A sheet with special thanks was included. Ecocentric site says about 1500-2000 copies were made and long long out of print. Music wise it delivers eight songs including the Black Sabbath cover they used to play and some of their all time classics (Lifelock, Exploitation, etc), the sound is bearable but without reaching the level of quality of Pissed, Robbed and Twatted but definitely much better than the live Multinationals.. bootleg. Not as famous as Police Bastard but a nice document of Doom on stage in early '90's and a rare collector's item and also the chance for some vultures to fill their pockets with money. And just to complete the 7IC Doom post linking, let me tell you that Ecocentric is also behind Doomed to Extinction split with Extinction of Mankind and the cd version of split w Selfish.(and yeah there are some more Doom post in back pages,shameless promotion,hahaha)
That's the short ranting. Yeah once again it took some time since the last post but finally here you have it again, until the next post whenever it come, don't stop listening to crust and keep spitting the face of neo-liberalism.

Anti Cimex-Victims of a Bombraid (1984,Malign Massacre Records)

It took some time from the last post and a lot of shit happened but finally here we are again: You know the record, you know the band so only a few words here: Some months ago i posted the Hardcore Horror Records re-issue of Victims of A Bomb Raid (here) and i promised an older pressing so here is one of the diamonds of Swedish punk scene in its first issue: This is the original and first press of Victims of... from 1984 co-released by Anti Cimex and Malign Massacre Records. This pressing came in folded sleeve with lyrics and photos inside and had these little bits around the record title text on front cover, "Anti Cimex" is in this pale gray/silver color and vinyl labels were black, the second pressing was almost the same, came in cardboard sleeve it had the name of band in white but these little bits around the record title, the lyrics and photos inside, all were gone. As i said in the first Victims... post, for some reason the record appears with the name Set me Free in a Maximum Rock N Roll add in spring of '84(check it here)
So this is it. I won't rant much since there is no reason and also no mood (just check the headlines about what's going on in Europe and my country, this shit sucks and even if blogging is a way to escape, things are hard and had affect on you so you can not get away), let me direct you again to the amazing Shit-Fi of Stuart Schrader and his Anti Cimex Archive for many documents and crazy ebay auction stories about Anti Cimex records

VA-Under the Cloudy Sky-Kanazawa City Hardcore (1994,MCR Company)

Under the Cloudy Sky-Kanazawa City Hardcore belongs to the endless seven inch compilation list of MCR Company  and as the title says it consists of bands from Kanazawa City. MCR released a bunch of 7" compilations back in '90's, each one dedicated to one city: Tokyo, Sapporo City, Kyoto, Yokosuka City, Mie City, Shizuoka City and many many others. Kanazawa City Hardcore came out in 1994 in 700 copies and its long long time out of print, it consists of four bands, Iconoclast, Damnable Excite Zombies, Noise Gate and Override Negative. Iconoclast and D.E.Z. are well/widely known, i posted Who does the freedom and equality exist for? and Suck your soul 7"  some years ago so check these posts for some bullshit ranting about them, if you know anything about Iconoclast's singer being also in Crow just drop some lines to reveal the mystery, i have met some conflicting opinions on the web. The other two bands didn't make it out of Japan or at least i never met them around yet, according to Discogs.com Noise Gate appeared in Revolutionary Cry 7" in 1995 which is another seven inch comp by MCR while Override Negative contributed some tracks to Ultimate Attack cd (1994, Ultimate Records).
The record came in four way fold-out cover, each band contributes one song: Iconoclast dominate here, their song appeared in their demo tape, Noise Gate stand equal to Iconoclast and deliver a fast and angry piece of Jap-core with catchy riffs and rough vocals, D.E.Z. are great too with their thrashing hardcore while Override Negative bring some US orientated hardcore.

Disfear/Uncurbed-Masslakt/The Strike Of Mankind split 7"(Lost and Found,1993)

Here's is a little gem including two of the most important bands of Swedish scene: Disfear and Uncurbed teamed up for this split which was released by the german label Lost And Found Records in 1993 in only 500 (?) copies and as expected is long out of print. There is no need to say anything about the bands, each of them delivers one song, Strike of mankind of Uncurbed was taken from the cd with the same title while Masslakt (mass slaughter) of Disfear was a new song. Both bands bring powerful, raw and aggressive Swedish hardcore, the record is too sort, it lasts only four minutes (wish there were more songs here) and it looks like a tour ep (the bands toured together in Germany but it was in 1995 not in '93..) or a bootleg (poor photocopied cover, blank labels), futhermore Discogs says "Most of Lost and Found releases are bootlegs" but then Uncurbed list the split as an official release in their discography, anyway if you know anything about that just drop some lines.
Recently Uncurbed called it a day after twenty years of activity, the split w Warvictims was their swan song. Members are already in other acts such as Demonical, Irritation, Interment, Kol & Stål, Entropi and Regurgitate. Disfear keep going on.

Abstain-US '99 tour 7" (1999,Agitate 96)

I know its been a long time since the last post but i had and still have some problems with my turntable and scanner, the turntable is ok now but the scanner is still out of duty, i hope i will fix the problem soon.
A i said to Mike from Fifteen Counts... this post was supposed to bring you some Japanese crust but finally here 's something from the grindcore area: I posted some releases of these Pennsylvanian grinders in the past (Superiority Complex demo tape, split w Unholy Grave, split w Denak and split w Nasum) so there is no need for any blurb about them. This is their ep for the US tour of '99, released by Agitate 96 Records in 500 copies and as expected it delivers fast and brutal hardcore influenced old school grindcore with hyperfast blasting drums and thrashing riffs, vocals moved from the deep low growls of their early records to hoarse high pitched screams/yells, slightly reminding of Drop Dead or Siege. Unfortunately Abstain fall in the category of bands that would sound a little bit better if they added the missing instrument since the sound is a little dry despite the descent production and the chaos of fast drumming, by adding the bass the sound would be more deep and structured but then who am i to judge 'em?. By saying that i don't mean this is a bad record since everything is done fine, Abstain duet ruled back in their day,( Dead Shall Rise cover, Terrorizer is one of my favorite grindcore songs ever) and that's what they do here delivering the goods for nine minutes: Aggression and furry, rawness and speed, the wall of sound, the heaviness and socially awared lyrics are always there.
I said enough, go get it, EDIT: I used my digi cam to solve the scans problem so i added artwork photos, the scanner is still dead though...

The Craw / Deathgrenade-Primitive thrash split 7" (2010,Live Fast,Die Drunk/Nuclfear)

This split was kindly offered by the Shane of Live Fast Die Drunk Records (myshit, site, blog), a Perth, West Australia based label and consists of two local bands, The Craw and Deathgrenade. I know absolutely nothing about them and the only information is from Live Fast... blog posts: The Craw have released so far Figure 241. Single Abdominal Wound in 2008, the 2009 demo and a four way split cd with Projekbabi, KrassKepala and Deathgrenade. The discography of Deathgrenade includes the two aforementioned releases. The split was released by Live Fast Die Drunk and Nuclfear Records in 500 copies of different cover colors (blue, yellow etc), 400 on limited black vinyl, the rest on pink. Music wise both bands bring primitive and noisy hardcore with some d-beat and crust elements, three tracks of noisy and raw hardcore by The Craw (plus an extra song from the four way split cd as bonus by Shane) and seven fast chaotic and thrashing blasts by Deathgrenade, all good enough to cares your ears. Some copies are still available from Live Fast Die Drunk here(price is in AU$) and also from other labels (here, here, there and there and probalby elsewhere, don't be lazy and search it.
There is nothing else to say,lets keep it short this time.

Wolfpack-st 7"(2004,Feral Ward Records)

Time to restart this crappy blog, its been a whole summer since the last post and my fingers started to itch and want to type some bullshit so here we are, actually this wasn't a summer break since Crust Demos was alive with only a month hiatus during the days of June, the days of protests and greek government's voting of new austerity measures against people and lower/middle classes, following EU and IMF's orders. The financial monstrosities have no end and keep going on and on
ok this little shit about whats going on here was enough, now about blogging: There is a bunch of 7"s waiting to be posted, a few old diamonds will be re-posted in new rips, i started thinking of stopping keeping it formal and start posting lp's or(and) tapes, don't know yet, time will tell, anyway,cheers to everyone!
Now about Bloodstained Dreams: You know the band and how their story goes so there is no need to blurb much shit about, this little treasure came out in 2004 when the name Wolfpack was history and Wolfbrigade entered into hiatus, so this year Feral Ward had the brilliant idea to release on seven inches two tracks, originally recorded back in 1995 and first appeared in Bloodstained Dreams cd (1996,Distortion Records). The record came out in the criminally limited number to only 500 copies and were almost instantly sold out and became collector's item bringing fever and smelly farts to eBay users each time it pops up. Music wise both tracks shred coming from the old glorious days and Johnsson's voice rules, the only bad thing here is the duration of record, unfortunately Feral Ward picked up the two shorted songs, it would be perfect a four song 7" including all tracks of cd (total running time 11:25") but this didn't happen, anyway all credits go to Feral Ward for this move to bring on vinyl these old tunes.

Rotting Christ/Sound Pollution-The Other Side of Life split 7" (bootleg)

This little gem brings you the globally known Rotting Christ and the widely unknown Sound Pollution in a split ep which was the first official release of R.C. and the only vinyl release of S.P.
Rotting Christ need no introduction, before they become known as metal lords they were a noisecore/grindcore band, they recorded a few demo tapes with Carcass-ic medical lyrics (Decline's Return, Leprosy of Death) before they start their journey into black metal realms with Satanas Tedeum demo from 1989. Internet is full of info and resources about them so there is no need to blurb any shit.
Sound Pollution was formed in 1988 as Ηχορύπανση (Ehorypansi, sound pollution in Greek), they recorded a couple of demo tapes: Practic Holocaust (1988) and Demo 1989, they had a split tape with Seven Minutes of Nausea (contributing the 2nd demo tracks) and appeared in Nobody Listens Anymore comp (1988, PPR Records). After some line up changes the band split into two new bands:the black metallers Varathron and the crusties Industrial Suicide (Βιομηχανική Αυτοκτονία,Viomihaniki Aftoktonia) which included people from Forgotten Prophecy and Negative Stance, I.S recorded two demo tapes (demo 1989 and demo 1990), they appeared in Delirum Tremens #17, Bonds of Friendship benefit comp. (1990,tape) and called it a day in 1991 or so, some members along with people from Panikos and Social Outcasts continued with Human Lethargy.
Both bands deliver similar psychoterroristic grindcore farting songs of a less than a minute lenght each, Rotting Christ deliver their Carcass-ic medical terminology with gory background while Sound Pollution grunts and growls are more into socio-political side of things, furthermore the bands shared some members (i think the "vocalist" is the same person in this recording, any help from old time Greek grinders is appreciated), sound quality is horrible, the record came in blue vinyl (this one here is a bootleg) consisting of nine Rotting Christ and ten Sound Pollution songs (or "songs") and a sheet with lyrics was included.
From a comment on Youtube written by Spyros (a.k.a. Captain Death), Sound Pollution-Varathron and Vomit drummer, we found that the influences of S.P were Doom, Napalm Death,Siege and Mob47. Carcass, Sarcofago and Agathocles were the inspiration of R.C and this split was supposed to be with S.P. and a Yugoslavian band but finally RC covered the other side of vinyl.
This split reaches incredibly high prices when pops up on ebay, just take a look at this picture ( or search it in Discogs.com) and to coin Roilo Golez of Brave New World blog, "The Greek government should take in consideration the potential of their early local noise band to solve their public debt crisis." Well i don't if this post speeds on the process to downfall or reduces the imaginary income this record could bring to Greek state as a parameter in a chaotic mathematical equation ( and i have no remorse at all,hahahaha!) but on the other hand this record and its chaotic wrath beyond music forms and the usual formulas describes the Greek Indignados, even the cover artwork is connected with them: Some gallows appeared today in front of Greek parliament, watch it here :)
Sound Pollution demos links are taken from Cerdos Distructores, Raf666Underground, Lord Agz! Punk As Fuck 777 Not 666 and Brave New World,i ranted too much,go get it and torture your ears

Crucifix-Nighteen eighty four 7 (1992,War Crimes) bootleg

You all know Crucifix and you all know Nineteen Eighty Four 7", don't you? here you got their heritage to the seven inch vinyl world: This was originally released in 1982 by Freak Records and was the follow up to eponymous 12 inch ep from 1981 and was followed by Dehumanization lp from 1983. These three diamonds along with the split w Patareni and Exhibit A lp comp. are Crucifix legacy and we shouldn't forget the contribution of Annihilation in the legendary No So Quiet On The Western Front 2LP . Here you got an unofficial re-issue from 1992 on War Crime Records from Switzerland and came out in only 500 copies. According to a Bacteria trade list from 2009 which includes a (numbered) copy of this boot there were 800 copies made but since there is not any numbering on my copy this must be another bootleg.
War Crimes brought this in the same artwork, what is different is the vinyl labels and instead of peace symbol and Freak Records badge there is the picture of front cover printed on labels (and of curse the Freak Records badge on back cover is gone), inner sleeve artwork is exactly the same and brings you the lyrics. Prejudice, Steelcase Enclosure and Rise and Fall are the three tracks of ep recorded live "in the studio at Tom Mallon's And Rythmic Rivers S.F. 1982" and as Discogs says the original copy included a patch, back cover print says Steelcase Enclosure is B1 track but Rise and Fall is the first song on side B .
Some Crucifix interviews can be found in Suburban Voice #6 (1983) and Ripper zine #2 (1982), some more infos about them can be found in Wikipedia, no need to say anything else,go get it