Showing posts with label NORWAY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NORWAY. Show all posts

Betong Hysteria-Spontan abort 7"

Next posts will bring some oldies and the first is a jewel from Norway: Betong Hysteria(concrete hysteria) was the first punk band in Norway and Spontan abort (Spontaneous abortion) was their one and only release back in 1983 on Mind Expanding Records. Apart from this they appeared in Fremtiden er nå! compilation lp(1983,Nå Records), Song of Norway (1983,Den Onde Sirkel) and in posthumous Anarki & Kaos: Norsk Punk '79-81 (1992,Voices of Wonter) and Hurra For Norge-Norsk Pønk-Rock 1979-86, Vol2 (2007,Svindel).Members went on in bands such as Lust-O-Rama, Kaare & Partiet and Siste Dagers Hellige
Music wise Spontan abort delivers five tracks of in-your-face, pissed and raging hardcore, here is a well written review in Kill From The Heart :
This killer release clearly shows rage and angst against society and the system the way it should be done. The first track "Snuten Kommer" ("The Pigs Are Coming") is about the violent police, always showing up with their handy riot gear. "Du Er Et Ledd I" ("You're A Chain In The...") is filled with contempt against people being just another tool for the system. "Det Er Bare Løgn" ("It's All Just Lies"), well it is, isn't it? "Mitt Eget Liv" ("My Own Life"), the title says it all. "Sipoene Ser Deg" ("The Sipo Are Watching You") is about being watched by the government, here called the Sipo after the WW2 Nazi monitoring branch. You have to pay a lot of money if you want the original 7" but according to Flo of Heart Fist there is a legit re-release on the way. This news dates back to September 2001, and I still haven't seen any release though. There is however a lot of bootlegs floating about".
Just to add here that the legit re-release (with bonus track and same artwork) was on Hit Me! Records.
1. Snuten Kommer ("The Cops Are Coming")
2. Du Er Et Ledd I ("You're A Part Of")
3. Det Er Bare Løgn ("It's Only Lies")
4. Mitt Eget Liv ("My Own Life")
5. Sipoene Ser Deg ("The Cops Are Watching You")

Infamy-st 7"

Here is a band that delivers powerful crust but is lost in oblivion: Infamy is unknown to the majority of crusties, they were from Norway, they formed around 2002-2003 and this 7" is their one and only vinyl release. They called it quits before release anything else, the six tracks of this eps plus three tracks for a split with Hellbound from Canada (that never saw the light of day) is their discography.Behind them there is a chain of links with a bunch of bands some of them widely known: Otto (guit) used to be in Angst and Jin'Rik,Sha, Thomas (the other guit) was in Jin'Rik'Sha too and in Going Under and Hevn as well (now he's in a band called Knuste Ruter), Stian, the vocalist moved to Canada and joined After The Bombs handling guitar duties, now he's back in Norway and plays in Dishonorable Discharge along with Kristian (drums) who was involved with Going Under, Pobelvelde and Crossbreed.
The record was released by Sjakk Matt Plater Records and comes in red vinyl but the xeroxed insert with lyrics that is supposed to be included was lost on the way before i put my hands on it.Music wise, Infamy delivers rough crustcore that is not far from the Swedish scene: Hoarse shouting/screamed vocals,rough and heavy guitar sound and metal edged riffs with thrashing parts plus some straight hardcore riffs that pop up from time to time, Hatred messiah has a strange and emotional riff that stands off the crust fields. There are only a few slower parts here and there, the band moves mostly in fast pace and drums keep pounding hard all the time.
This was a promising beginning but Infamy never released anything else. This is still available from Hardcore Holocaust, Nakkedskud Plater and probably from elsewhere so it will be available for downloading for a short time. Many thanks to Tarjei who runs Sjakk Matt Plater for his kind words and all these information about the band (dude you are cool! cheers!).

02:Keep the lie alive
03:Drop by drop
04:Hatred messiah
05:Black triangle
06:Insanity will prevail

VA-Lust auf tanzen! (Drei akkorde freiheit)

We have birthday today:it was March 23th of 2007 when this blog started with this post, both i and Whispy have spend much time, we had our ups and downs, sometimes this page was crowded and sometimes a ghost town and now after two years we don't feel tired yet and we want to go on until the day we run out of blurb, records, beers and will to continue. we want to thank all visitors and bloggers who helped us by adding our link in their blog, contributing records, adding infos, correcting the mistakes or just stopping by and saying a few kind words
One year before and the post was this. Seems things getting worse every year: Before twelve months we had government's attack against working class through the reform of social insurance system, now and while depression makes corporations and banks lose billions, government still remains devoted to neoliberal ideals and offers help of billions in banks and once again turns against people with new taxes. The same time companies reduce wages and working time making it flexible, company owners commit suicide, unemployment rises and the public procecutor of supreme court finds the right time to start campaign against squats...shit is everywhere.

This one wasn't sceduled to be a celebration post, actually last night i realized it was the birthday date. Anyway,"Lust auf tanzen!" is a 7" compilation released by Schandmaul Records and Seegang Platten in 1998. I don't know anything about Seegang Platten and only a few about Schandmaul, it was a Berlin based label, in Discogs appers only this compilation and a 10" by a band named Revolte released in 1998 too.
The bands featured here are (almost all) unknown to me:WutEntbrannt deliver two tracks of rough crusty hardcore, Asmodinas Leichenhaus is a fastcore act and bring one song of grinding delirium, White Rabbit were from Beograd, they offer one track of midpaced hardcore with female vocals, Kuchenmesser Nr 8 are in the hardcore fields too but a bit faster, Mrtva Budoucnost is a crust band from Czech Republic and deliver one powerful crust song ,Kort Prosess is the only band known to me, they bring one track,(Kjelli says "the kid with the removal face" is a Dr & the Crippen cover), Burned Out is the last band bringing two tracks of raging hardcore. Apart the from Czech crusties, White Rabbit and Kort Prosess the rest bands come from Germany, if you know any infos about just drop a line (i hope the usual suspect about the German scene will enter and enlighten us again)...
The artwork is black and white copy paste lay out and the package is awesome: There is no neither standard folder nor gate fold, the whole package is the sixteen page mag you see bellow and the vinyl is placed inside, each band has one page delivering lyrics,some statements or artwork plus some pages for the guys from the labels with some personal stuff and a few words about the record, most texts are in Deutsch
This comp. can be found with two names:"Lust auf tanzen!" seem to be the title, though on front page its says "Drei akkorde..Freihet" and could be taken as the title too. ( google search gives results for both titles for the compilation), Heart Fist has still some copies

ps:7inchpunk is back in linklist: Todd's mail explains what happened so there is no reason neither for removing it nor for bad feelings (that i never had, furthermore i dare to say i felt flattered when i saw my crappy writing there)
As for Stew, is worthless to say anything, only this: its a matter of using someone's word behind his back,a matter of copying/pasting someone's effort for your own shit without saying anything where you get this. Excuses are easy to be found but all these crap about copy right and blending punk ethics and way of thinking with stealing music and capitalistic standards about property or even the lessons on anarchy (ha!) is bullshit (a 'thank you" for the once "i have a deal for you".. do you remember?) and reflect your respect on other's effort, grow up first kid, start thinking, learn some things and then we may discuss

Jin'Rik'Sha' - End Present (2x7")

Billy had the brilliant idea of tapping into the norwegian scene with his Kort Prosess post below, so I thought I'll follow suit. Here's the Jin'Rik'Sha' double 7" from 1999 (in one of my most favorite labels - Heartfirst, naturally).

The band had some Angst members (the Angst 7" & the split 7" with Idora will also be uploaded here at some point), which for me was already credentials enough to give them a listen: the first Angst song I listened to was their contribution to Skuld's 'Whispers' compilation & I was stunned by it (still am today, in fact). Jin'rik'sha's signature sound - if one can speak of such a thing, given that their output was limited to this 2x7" & a demo I never heard - was to become quite common in the latter years, as it's very close to what His Hero Is Gone were doing (& by extension to what Tragedy are doing). The interesting thing being, of course, that they were doing it before Tragedy took the world by storm! I still remember my ecstatic surprise when I got this in the mail (in 2004 from Skuld; way too late, of course), listened to it, & found out that the latter two tracks sounded essentially like Tragedy. (I still wouldn't quite consider the first two tracks that close to Tragedy/HHIG, though.)

Heartfirst has some interesting reviews on the record which, among other things, show that HHIG knew of the band's existence. Rumours have it that the band could have been far greater had they appeared more often & promoted their music more widely. At any rate, Jin'rik'sha' gave up at some point - what was born from their ashes was Hevn (which have been consistently around & whose recordings you can find here) & DieDieDie, a band that has criminally neglected to commit their tracks to vinyl before calling it quits. 'Out Of Time' must be one of the best thrash songs of all times - I so crave seeing this on vinyl, if I had the time & distribution connections I'd do it myself... Luckily, they seem resurrected now, so I hope for the best.

I seem to recall that there has been another band with a name akin to Age (?) called Gain which was linked to Jin'rik'sha' & had a demo out. Someone had uploaded it in Unityouth a long time ago, but when I reached it the link was dead. It's all in a haze right now, I could be talking about an entirely different band or even about a Jin'rik'sha' demo... If anyone can add more pieces to the puzzle, please-please-please take 5 minutes off work or pleasure & do it! If anone has that demo or the Jin'Rik'Sha' demo, please-please-please contact me!

Kort Prosess-st 7''

This is going to be as short and smelly as Whispy's fart: We are heading north for this but i have no much to say about these guys since i don't know any details about them: This is the second ep of Kort Prosess, released on Heart Fist Records in 1994. Kort Prosess formed in Horten, Norway in 1992-93, they released two ep's (the first ep is posted here), their swan song was "Svart Natt" double 7" (1997, Heart Fist ). Heart Fist released a cd with both ep's and some copies are still available
Members of band went on with Hevn and T.O.A.M.O.L. (along with Alltid Jaget members, another great Norwegian act).
The second ep came with a booklet and inner sleeve, it delivers nine tracks and nine minutes total running time of rough and pissed hardcore.
There is not much infos about the band on the web, check their official myspace page for some tunes and Norwegian Punk & Hardcore Blog for some more details about KP discography
01:Det er ikke sant
04:Siste slutt
05:Tidens tegn
08:Ditt eget deg
09:Falsk sannhet

Kort Prosess-st 7"

This is powerful hardcore from Norway and the st ep of Kort Prosess that was selfreleased in 1993. KP were from Horten, Norway, they were formed in early 90's and released two eponymous 7"s, the first in 1993, selfreleased, the second in 1994 on Heartfirst Records and the "Svart Natt" double 7" (1997, Heartfist Records).
i dont know much about them so make a comment in case you know something. Their first ep was re-released by Heart Fist as 7" (BEAT 023) and CDEP and its long out of print. The first issue came with a big hole in the center,a booklet and black inner sleeves, The Heart Fist version had slightly different color on cover, different inner sleeves and the standard center hole.
the first and second ep's were released together in a cd by Heart Fist, available here out of print too. Members of Kort Prosess went on in Hevn and TOAMOL
6.Kort prosess
8.Mental død

V/A-Na eller aldri 7"

Despite the neighbor of Sweden scene, Norway's band had their own personality that differs from Swedish hardcore of 80's, at least that's what it sounds to my ears..). Na eller aldri is is an old 7" compilation including some legendary bands of Norwegian punk scene of early 80's: Kafka Prosess,(my fav Norweigian band), Angor Watt, Bannlyst, Siste Dagers Helvete, Landssvik, Psykisk Terror and Akutt Inleggelse contribute raging hardcore full of anger. This was released by X-Port Plater back in 1984. X-Port Plater is the label behind some great Noerweigian punk records of '80's such as Svart Framtid's legendary eponymous ep (1984), Barn Av Regnbuen's Det E'kje Nåkka Artig Længer (1984), Bannlyst's La Dem Ikke Lure Deg 7"(1985), So Much Hate's st lp (1987), Life But How To Live It's st lp (1989) and others.
The record came in fold out cover and included lyrics (and a translation in English). This a kind contribution of Chris Crustcracker, a big thanks dude!Fold out scans are blatantly stolen from Kjelli's amazing Norwegian's Punk And Hardcore blog
02-Psykisk Terror-Uskyldige barn
03-Kafka Prosess-Hun lever ikke lenger
04-Siste Dagers Helvete-Hvorfor
05-Angor Wat-Bomba eller mat
07-Akutt Inleggelse-Hagen jugend

Summon the Crows-st 7"

Summon the Crows come from Oslo, Norway, they were formed in 2000 and this is their first vinyl release delivering an extreme crust storm with black metal influences. The combination of raw guitar riffs, blast beats and brutal deep low hoarse vocals have nothing to do with the usual crust feeling since black metal brutality brings a dark tone and drums are more ferocious than the usual drumming of dis-crust bands. 9 short tracks for about 9 minutes total running time, the package is nicely done in threefold cover including the lyrics (and translation in English) and the excellent artwork by Mid(Deviated Instinct, etc) completes the dark feeling.
This 7" was released by Nakkeskudd Plater Records (NxSxP-001) in 2003 2004 (thanks Stian) and 666 pieces of black vinyl were pressed. Tracks are available for free in their old site,Heart First still has some copies.Recently the band released the Scavengers Feast lp, there's also a demo. For more infos about their recent activities check their myspace
And here is a story of an old myth describing the name of band, a kind of mythic legend that is related to the front cover artwork and somehow removing the band into the black metal fields (but the lyrics are still in the punk/hardcore area so they can be considered a crust band):
Once upon a time there was two giant nations fighting over who was to run the world, and in both of these nations there was brave men and women fighting against the absurd idea of running the world. In one of the nations, the very young one, there were an ancient people that still had not been put to complete silence, even though the ruling people had tried to do so since the birth of the nation. The problem of the ruling people, of which they were not aware, was that the ancient ones knew their land and the magic of their land. The ruling people, however, had only been there for a few hundred years or so and were ignorant to anything but what they saw as rational and their own greed.

Every fourth year the seven mightiest shamans of the ancient people would gather their tribes in the north of their land to have a meeting where the shamans would find out about the future and decide where they would go next. The powers of the shamans was so great that every meeting seven eagles would come flying in from the different directions of the sky and circle above them from the meeting begun till it's end. Then one year one especially brave man was missing from the meeting. When his shaman became aware of this, he demanded to know where this man was. The answer he got was that the man was being held captured by the ruling people in what they called a "prison", for the ruling people felt very threatened by him. The shaman became very sad when he heard this, and decided that he had to go out to the prison to meet his struggling tribesman.

When he came to the prison he went to speak with the guards and asked for permission to speak to the prisoner. Unsurprisingly the guards were not willing to let him in and the shaman came back outside with unfinished business. But the shaman knew a way… He sat down in front of the prison-gate and began waiting. And as he was sitting there, with his people behind him, crows started gathering in the trees behind him and the air above him, and after a while the sky was black with crows, and the noise was becoming so loud that the guards inside the prison could not hear what they were saying to each other. As the situation inside the prison was becoming more and more unbearable, the guards made a decision. They would let the shaman give them a message that they would bring on to his tribesman. So they told the shaman, and the shaman told them to bring this message on to the brave prisoner: "You will not be held captured here for as long as you have been told. No, you will sit here for three years, three months and three days. No more." And so he left. The guards laughed a little between themselves in their ignorant manner, but the shaman had seemed very certain and it made them feel a slight doubt about their ways, before they went inside and brought on the message.

Three years, three months and three days later the leader of the ruling people of the young nation and the leader of the nation with which they were fighting over the ridiculous cause, were having a meeting. On this meeting the leader of the young nation put forth a demand that the other nation would release some of their political prisoners, for that was the name for the kind of people held captured for their beliefs. The other nation agreed on the demand, on the term that the young nation would do the same. The young nation accepted the terms. On this specific day the brave tribesman happened to be on top of the list over political prisoners in the young nation and so he was released.

And here ends the story, but as far as I know the ancient people is still struggling for their way of life, and the ruling people is still ruling in their ignorant way. But maybe if we summon the crows one more time… If we manage to summon all the crows, all the forces needed to create change, then maybe…

Fra Dypet
So the mindless dance continues
The virus
Vend det andre kinnet 'til
Alone and forgotten
The brutality