Rad Ref online reference on hiatus

Since 2006, Radical Reference has been providing online reference services to activists, journalists and researchers who requested help looking for information and resources. Over the years, we've answered questions that have ranged in scope from mail tampering in prison to the history of radical education to the future of librarianship. Yet as we’ve evaluated the quality and efficacy of this service, we’ve been confronted with difficulties of providing in-depth answers in a timely way. As a result, we've decided collectively to suspend this service indefinitely.

This decision was not reached easily, as for many of us, answering reference questions has been a vital part of fulfilling the Radical Reference mission statement of supporting activist communities, progressive organizations, and independent journalists by providing professional research support, education, and access to information. Nevertheless, we've decided to suspend reference services in order to concentrate on other areas of activism, including connecting activists to librarians on a local level, maintaining and developing information resources on the website, and using social media to connect people interested in information activism.
For general online reference support, we can point you to ASK NYPL, your local public library, the Internet Public Library, or Ask MetaFilter.

Next NYC RadRef meeting, September 12 @ 7:30pm

The next NYC radical reference meeting will take place on:

Tuesday, September 12, 2017, 7:30-9:30 PM
Center for Jewish History (15 W 16th St, New York, NY 10011)

The meeting will be held in the Chapel Room, which is on the second floor. It is wheelchair accessible via an elevator. Just a reminder, there is airport style security upon entering the building.

Next NYC RadRef Meeting: August 3, 2017 **Special Know Your Rights Training Meeting**

The next NYC Radical Reference meeting will be held at The Center for Jewish History (Kovno Room) at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 3. The address is 15 W 16th St, New York, NY 10011.

Please note that the building is wheelchair accessible via an elevator. There is airport-style security everyone must pass through when entering the building.

This is a very special meeting where Make The Road New York will be giving a know-your-rights training re: immigrant rights. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend.

NEXT NYC MEETING: June 13, 2017

The next NYC radical reference meeting will take place on:

Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 6:30-8:30 PM
Center for Jewish History (15 W 16th St, New York, NY 10011)

The meeting will be held in the Kovno Room, which is on the second floor. It is wheelchair accessible via an elevator. Just a reminder, there is airport style security upon entering the building.


The next NYC radical reference meeting will take place on:

May 4, 2017, 6:30-8:30 PM
Center for Jewish History (15 W 16th St, New York, NY 10011)

The meeting will be held in the Kovno Room, which is on the second floor. It is wheelchair accessible via an elevator. Just a reminder, there is airport style security upon entering the building.

NEXT NYC MEETING: March 21, 2017

The next radical reference meeting will take place on:

March 21, 2017, 6:30-8:30 PM
Center for Jewish History (15 W 16th St, New York, NY 10011)

The meeting will be held in the Chapel, which is on the second floor (it is not a religious space, that is just the name of the room). It is wheelchair accessible via an elevator. Please note that people coming into CJH will have to go through a metal detector and x-ray scanner.


A page to link to Radical Reference activities

NYC Calendar


The next NYC info workers meeting will be on Thursday, February 23, from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm in LeFrak Center Room 113 (Library Instruction Lab), Barnard Library.


Second NYC Info Worker Post-Election Strategy Session

Come to the second informal gathering of NYC area librarians, archivists and information workers interested in organizing against the coming Trump era. We will continue to discuss potential impacts, identify skills and organizing strategies, and start brainstorming next steps.

Sunday, January 8

Printed Matter
231 11th Ave (near 26th St), NYC

Announcement for the first meeting, held at Interference Archive

Notes from the first meeting.

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