Tag Archives: warszawa

Poland, Warsaw: third anti prison days ! [ENG]

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Warsaw, Poland: The first person is already released! We are still collecting funds [ENG] [ESP] [ITA] [PL]

[ENG] We are happy to inform you that the first of the 3 arrested was released! The other two are to leave jail the beginning of the next week. Together we’ve managed to collect all the bail (60 thousands PLN)  … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, English, Italiano, Noticia, Polski | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Warsaw, Poland: The first person is already released! We are still collecting funds [ENG] [ESP] [ITA] [PL]

Poland, Warszawa: Judge accepted bail release. Collecting funds NOW [EN] [ES] [DEU] [ITA] [PL]

PUBLISHED : 14.09.2016 Today during a court sitting concerning the complaint for prolonging the arrest of the 3 anarchists, a decision was made to release them on bail. A fee of 20 thousand PLN (4600 euro) was set for each … Continue reading

Posted in Carcel, Castellano, Deutsch, English, Italiano, Polski, Solidaridad | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warszawa: Judge accepted bail release. Collecting funds NOW [EN] [ES] [DEU] [ITA] [PL]

Poland, Warszawa: Update on Free The Warsaw Anarchist Three! [ENG]

( we are all terrorists, free the 3 from wawa!) 04.07.16: Today we received information that the three detainees were transferred to the detention center in Radom. We suspect that it may have something to do with Saturday’s picket. (Note from … Continue reading

Posted in Concentración, English, Solidaridad | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warszawa: Update on Free The Warsaw Anarchist Three! [ENG]

Poland: Komentarz kilkorga anarchistów do ostatnich wydarzeń w Warszawie [PL]

  Policja bezkarnie zabija odkąd istnieje. Państwowy monopol na przemoc nie jest dla nas niczym ani nowym ani szokującym. W nieskończoność możemy przywoływać statystyki i cytować kolejne nazwiska ofiar oprawców w mundurach, każdy/a z nas ma swoje własne z nimi … Continue reading

Posted in Comunicado, Polski, Solidaridad | Tagged , | Comments Off on Poland: Komentarz kilkorga anarchistów do ostatnich wydarzeń w Warszawie [PL]

Poland, Warszawa: Policja nie odpuszcza ROD [PL,ENG,DEU]

Dzisiaj, 2. czerwca po raz kolejny spotkaliśmy na terenie ROD umundurowanego policjanta. Twierdził, że jest dzielnicowym. Miał przy sobię listę z nazwiskami osób spisanych poprzednim razem. Jak widać miał na celu dodanie do niej kolejnych. Zadawał te same pytania co … Continue reading

Posted in Deutsch, English, Polski, Reclaim The Fields, Solidaridad | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warszawa: Policja nie odpuszcza ROD [PL,ENG,DEU]

Warszawa (Polska): ROD Manifest ! [ENG]

ROD is the name of a piece of land occupied in protest against the escalating phenomenon of land-grabbing in Warsaw and the world. The group is linked to the European network of Reclaim the Fields (RTF). The area which we … Continue reading

Posted in English, Reclaim The Fields, Resiste!, Rural, Squatting | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Warszawa (Polska): ROD Manifest ! [ENG]