Tag Archives: Syria

Call for an International Action Day against Feminicide of Yazidi Women [ENG]

3 August 2016 marks the 2nd anniversary of the Feminicide and Genocide by Islamic State (IS) against Yazidi people in Sinjar/Shengal. On 3 August 2014 IS attacked and captured Sinjar, which is the historical homeland of Yazidis, a Kurdish religious … Continue reading

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Syria, Kurdistan: Urgent call about the situation of civilians in the area of Minbij [ENG]

An urgent call for the United Nations, the government of the United States and the public opinion. A call for attention and support of the people’s council of Minbiç to the United Nations (27 June 2016). The objective of this … Continue reading

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Kurdistan, Syria : YPG International – Official information portal for the Rojava Revolution [ENG]

July 8th, 2016 Hello friends, comrades, supporters, revolutionaries, we are glad to present you our new homepage https://ypginternational.blackblogs.org YPG International is an official information portal for the Rojava Revolution and People’s Defense Units (YPG) made by YPG. We provide first … Continue reading

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Syria, Rojava : Revolution tore down all the taboos identified with women [ENG]

June 14, 2016 Before the beginning of the civil war, life in Syria was relatively different in comparison to other Arab countries. People of Manbij would freely spend time outside, visit parks and cafes, enjoy dinners in restaurants till the … Continue reading

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International Call for Women’s Solidarity on World Refugee Day [ENG]

International Call for Women’s Solidarity on World Refugee Day, from the Platform for Struggle for Women Held Captive by Force (Middle East) Call for the Advancing and Increasing of the Visibility of Women’s Solidarity on 20th of June for World … Continue reading

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Syria (Rojava): Feed The Revolution [ENG-DEU]

via Rojava Plan As you already know, Rojava is the only effective force fighting the war against ISIS. It is also hosting over half a million refugees from other parts of Syria, and it’s the heart of a revolution that … Continue reading

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