Tag Archives: no border

Italy, Ventimiglia: hundreds overrun cops and breach the border [ENG]

Update from No Borders Ventimiglia on the events of 4-5th August, translated by Rabble. Note from Rabble: Hundreds of refugees at any one time have been stuck near the Italian coastal town of Ventimiglia since France introduced border controls with … Continue reading

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Greece, Thessaloniki : Actions against borders at No Borders Camp [ENG]

Today, the 21st of July 200 comrades from the No Border Camp (NBC) Thessaloniki decided to mark the IOM-office. IOM, the “International Organization for Migration” is one of the dirty players, that among other things assists in the execution of … Continue reading

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Free the Röszke 11 | Solidarity Campaign [ENG,AR,SRB-HRV,HUN,ITA]

There are 11 people on trial , accused by the Hungarian government for participation in “mass-riot”. They were brutally beaten up and arrested in a riot police attack last year on 16th of September, at the serbian-hungarian border Röszke/Horgoš 2 … Continue reading

Posted in Arabic, Croatian, English, Hungarian, Italiano, NoBorder, Repressión, serbian, Solidaridad | Tagged , | Comments Off on Free the Röszke 11 | Solidarity Campaign [ENG,AR,SRB-HRV,HUN,ITA]

[NoBorder] Beyond Europe comunique for No Border Camp (July 15-24 2016) [ENG]

This camp is being organized by various collectives in a common assembly in Thessaloniki. Our BE* comrades from Antiauthoritarian Movement (AK) in Greece are participating at the No Border Camp assembly and will deliver us regular updates about the process … Continue reading

Posted in Campada, Comunicado, English, Llamamiento, Migraciónes, Solidaridad | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on [NoBorder] Beyond Europe comunique for No Border Camp (July 15-24 2016) [ENG]

Lesvos (Grecia): La campada NoBorder Kitchen @ Tsamakia desalojada, 365 personas detenidas [CAS-ENG-GR]

[CAS] 19 activistas y 346 refugiadxs detenidxs en el campo NoBorder Kitchen en Tsamakia, Lesvos el 20 de abril 2016. El campo fue destruido. Fotógrafos, periodistas y personas solidarias no pudieron ni acercarse y fueron amenazadas con ser detenidas también. … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, English, Migraciónes, Noticia, Solidaridad, Squatting | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Lesvos (Grecia): La campada NoBorder Kitchen @ Tsamakia desalojada, 365 personas detenidas [CAS-ENG-GR]