Tag Archives: czech republik

Czech Republik : A statement of anarchist Lukáš Borl captured and imprisoned [ENG]

Receive on 17.10.16 Statement to my arrest On Sunday, September 4th, 2016, I was arrested by the police in Most and then taken to the remand prison in Litomerice. Unfortunately it happened what I did not want to, but knew … Continue reading

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Czech Republik: A-Radio: Interview on the repression against anarchists – Operation Fenix [ENG]

Interesting interview about the Operation Fenix which gives a round-up and highlights civil anarchist positions within the anarchist movement in Czech Republic. In the context of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23.-30th of August 2016), we had … Continue reading

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Czech Republic: Fugitive anarchist comrade Lukáš Borl captured [ENG]

On Sunday, September 4th, police captured our comrade Lukáš Borl. Lukáš is an anarchist who has lived underground for about a year, due to previous intense surveillance. On Monday September 5th the court sent him to custody jail. State attorney, … Continue reading

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Czech Republik: Operación Fenix [ES] [ENG]

Represión policial, anarquistas acusados de preparación de actos terroristas“¡Ninguna represión puede parar el anhelo por la libertad!”Con la ‘Operación Fénix’ tuvo lugar la mayor oleada represiva policial contra anarquistas y el movimiento radical de izquierdas de la historia reciente checa. … Continue reading

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Czech Republik: Communiqué from Martin Ignačák [ENG]

Czech Republik, Pragua: El anarquista encarcelado Martin Ignacak se ha puesto en huelga de hambre [ES,ENG,CZE,SWE,PL] continuation : START OF HUNGER STRIKE The hunger strike is my free reaction to the circumstances that concern the approach of the police in … Continue reading

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Czech Republik, Pragua: El anarquista encarcelado Martin Ignacak se ha puesto en huelga de hambre [ES,ENG,CZE,SWE,PL]

El viernes 27 de mayo de 2016, en Pankrác (barrio de Praga, República checa), el anarquista Martin Ignačak, en cárcel preventiva acusado de terrorismo, se declaró en huelga de hambre. Lo hizo porque el 29 de abril de 2016 el … Continue reading

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