Tag Archives: Belarus

Belarus : Hundreds protesters detained after massive wave of repressions [ENG]

March 25 was planned by some liberal opposition leaders as the day of the biggest protest against Lukashenko’s policies this year. The biggest one on the wave of the recent anti-governmental demonstrations that started in February this year. It ended … Continue reading

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Belarus: 51 people jailed after protest [ENG]

The 16 march was a marathon of trials in Belarus. Over 50 court hearings took place indifferent cities and 52 protesters are jailed. After the violent detention of the anarchist block, its supporters and bystanders after the demonstration on 15 … Continue reading

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Belarus: Dozens of anarchists arrested after anti-government protests [ENG] [ES]

published on 15th of MArch 2017 : Today in three major cities of Belarus – Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno – people took the streets protesting against government attempts to collect tax off the unemployed (details of the story HERE). In … Continue reading

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Biggest protests in Belarus in the last 10 years [ENG]

In Belarus last weeks people took to the streets to fight the law against social parasitism – law that was signed by dictator Lukashenko in 2015, but started troubling population only at the beginning of the 2017. Thousands took to … Continue reading

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Ethnic anarchists in Belarus: Myth Debunking [ENG]

Groups that combine anti-authoritarian and nationalist ideas are nothing new. Though they are new for Belarus, where anarchists have always been anti-nationalist and viewed themselves as part of a global movement for freedom. These groups would not deserve your attention … Continue reading

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Belarus: Anarchist report about prison hierarchy and conditions by comrade Mikalay Dziadok [ENG]

Belarusian prison – Untouchables in the prison hierarchy The topic of prison caste system is often raised in the media in recent times, it is often discussed in connection with the political prisoners. However, almost all who write on the … Continue reading

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