Category Archives: Concentración

Freiburg (Germany): photos, solidarity, updates over Indymedia Linksunten shut down

Germany: Government Bans Linksunten Indymedia from: The German government banned the linksunten.indymedia website today. According to German mainstream media the decision was given to 3 alleged “operators” of the indymedia platform. German Government Bans Linksunten Indymedia The German government … Continue reading

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Police Spies Out of Lives: We need your support around an Inquiry hearing [ENG]

Dear Police Spies Out of Lives Supporter, Undercover Policing Inquiry hearing 5th April 2017 Public outrage at the undercover policing scandal has won us the Inquiry into Undercover Policing. The police are trying to reduce its scope and delay it. … Continue reading

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Poland: Ameer deported today, miserable polish Internal Security Agency in action [ENG-PL-CAS-ITA-FRA]

Do you remember Ameer ? We were writing about him and his situation several times, following his situation from the very beginning. Here you can find more information. Yesterday (05-04-2017) provincial court in Przemyśl released Ameer from arrest. The court … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Concentración, English, Français, Italiano, Migraciónes, Polski | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Poland: Ameer deported today, miserable polish Internal Security Agency in action [ENG-PL-CAS-ITA-FRA]

Poland, Warszawa: Update on Free The Warsaw Anarchist Three! [ENG]

( we are all terrorists, free the 3 from wawa!) 04.07.16: Today we received information that the three detainees were transferred to the detention center in Radom. We suspect that it may have something to do with Saturday’s picket. (Note from … Continue reading

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Poznan (Poland): Demonstration in solidarity with Lukasz Bukowski ends with arrests [ENG]

On 7 May, a picket in solidarity with poet Łukasz Bukowski was held in Poznań. Bukowski was imprisoned because he tried to stop the eviction of Katarzyna Jencz, an older lady in a wheelchair, from her flat. The activist was … Continue reading

Posted in Concentración, English, Manifestación, Noticia, Repressión, Solidaridad | Tagged , | Comments Off on Poznan (Poland): Demonstration in solidarity with Lukasz Bukowski ends with arrests [ENG]

Barcelona: La CNT-AIT investigada per grup criminal [CAT-CAS]

La passada setmana rebíem la informació de la reobertura d’un procés penal contra militants anarcosindicalistas arran d’un conflicte sindical dut a terme pel nostre sindicat contra el restaurant Zaatar Vegetarià. Aquest procés, iniciat en el seu moment per l’empresari, ha … Continue reading

Posted in Campaña, Castellano, Catalá, Comunicado, Concentración, Repressión, Solidaridad | Comments Off on Barcelona: La CNT-AIT investigada per grup criminal [CAT-CAS]

Roma: Non é con nuovo cemento e nuovo inquinamento che si combatte il degrado

received by email NON E’ CON NUOVO CEMENTO E NUOVO INQUINAMENTO CHE SI COMBATTE IL DEGRADO: SABATO 14 DALLE ORE 10 VIA ACQUA BULLICANTE 248 Regione e Comune hanno deliberato e finanziato altri 13.000 metri cubi di cemento nel nostro … Continue reading

Posted in Campaña, Concentración, Italiano | Tagged | Comments Off on Roma: Non é con nuovo cemento e nuovo inquinamento che si combatte il degrado

21-05 Aturem el desallotjament de “Les Torres de la Salut”

Aturem el desallotjament de “Les Torres de la Salut” (Marichiweu, la Gruta, Equipo-B y Vila Vicenta) Esmorzar-concentració Dilluns 21 de maig, 08h00 C/ Mare de Deu de la Salut, cantonada Escorial <m> Lesseps (L3) // Joanic o Alfons X (L4) … Continue reading

Posted in Campaña, Catalá, Concentración, Resiste!, Squatting | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on 21-05 Aturem el desallotjament de “Les Torres de la Salut”

Comunicado sobre el desalojo del CSO LA PAPA [CAS-ENG]

Perante una acción de desalojo totalmente ilegal y ilegitima, en que de forma corporativista en una farsa judicial solamente integrada por las entidades imobiliario-especuladoras y el estado corrupto nunca fueron incluidxs lxs habitantes de la casa, ni tampoco existio algun … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Comunicado, Concentración, Desalojo, English, Manifestación | Comments Off on Comunicado sobre el desalojo del CSO LA PAPA [CAS-ENG]

04-10-2011 – Aturem un nou desnonament a St. Andreu

Aturem un nou desnonament a St. Andreu per Assemblea St. Andreu de Palomar Email: assembleasantandreu (nospam) (verificat) 29 set 2011 DIMARTS 4 D’OCTUBRE. A LES 08:00 DEL MATI. C/GRAN DE SANT ANDREU 470. Clica la imatge per una versió … Continue reading

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La Seka tiene fecha de desalojo

LA SEKA CON FECHA DE DESALOJO La “SEKA” como espacio okupado comienza en octubre de 2009, dándole vida a una casa abandonada propiedad de la inmobiliaria INVERSIONS I PROMOCIONS EN RENDA ANTIGA, SL. En estos casi dos años de existencia … Continue reading

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