Category Archives: Deutsch

RTF: meeting in Spain, La Selba Resiste! [CAS-DEU-FRA]

Hola a todxs! Aquí estamos con la preparación de las jornadas de okupacion y resistencias rurales que seran del 8 al 17 de septiembre, en Casa Selba, Huesca. Empiezan las inscripciones para organizar todos los días y facilitar la preparación. … Continue reading

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Reclaim the Fields: Program for European Assembly 2017 [EN-FR-DE-SP-PL-PT-RO]

This post is also available in: French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian Update 06.01.2016 In two weeks we will see each other in Freiburg! We have for you some informations about content proposals and logistics. Please read this mail … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Deutsch, English, Français, Noticia, Polski, Portugues, Reclaim The Fields, Romanian, Rural, Taller | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Reclaim the Fields: Program for European Assembly 2017 [EN-FR-DE-SP-PL-PT-RO]

Reclaim The Fields: Invitation to the European Assembly 2017 [EN-FR-DE-CAS-PL-IT-PT-RO]

via : (The post is available in: French, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian ) Dear Stars, You are invited to join the European assembly of Reclaim the Fields 2017, which will take place in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany, between … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Polski, Portugues, Romanian | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Reclaim The Fields: Invitation to the European Assembly 2017 [EN-FR-DE-CAS-PL-IT-PT-RO]

ANTIFENIX poster [ENG] [FR] [DEU] [CZ] [RU]

Here is the newly updated poster. In this poster we bring news about appeal/higher court with Igor Shevcov and the first two days of the court hearing with the “Fenix five”. Besides that you can find information about the case, … Continue reading

Posted in Deutsch, English, Fanzines, Français | Tagged | Comments Off on ANTIFENIX poster [ENG] [FR] [DEU] [CZ] [RU]

Poland, Warszawa: Judge accepted bail release. Collecting funds NOW [EN] [ES] [DEU] [ITA] [PL]

PUBLISHED : 14.09.2016 Today during a court sitting concerning the complaint for prolonging the arrest of the 3 anarchists, a decision was made to release them on bail. A fee of 20 thousand PLN (4600 euro) was set for each … Continue reading

Posted in Carcel, Castellano, Deutsch, English, Italiano, Polski, Solidaridad | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warszawa: Judge accepted bail release. Collecting funds NOW [EN] [ES] [DEU] [ITA] [PL]

Poland: CALL OUT FOR SOLIDARITY with ROD gardens (Reclaim The Fields PL) in Warsaw! [ENG] [FR] [DEU] [PL]

CALL OUT FOR SOLIDARITY with ROD (Radical Allotment Gardens), open letter from gardeners: We do not agree with the destruction of the ROD gardens! Warsaw, August 10th 2016 ROD is the name of a community garden project located in Warsaw … Continue reading

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Switzerland: House searches in Zürich and St. Gallen, july 2016 [ENG] [DEU] [IT]

Received August 4th 2016: Ding Dong – It’s the State On Sunday July 10th 2016, it came for another time to house searches in Zürich and St. Gallen. This time it was 3 of these raids. The reason stated on … Continue reading

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Poland, Warsaw: Reclaim the Fields and news from the ROD GARDENS (in connection with new anti-terrorism law) [ENG] [DEU] [FR] [PL]

A LITTLE NEWS FORM THE ROD GARDENS, WARSAW Thank you to all who wrote in the last months in support of the gardens, sorry we were not able to respond quicker with an update! The work is continuing in the … Continue reading

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Germany: Invitation to the Rebellious Encounter from 27th July to 3rd August in Gasthof Meuchefitz (Free Republic of Wendland) [ENG] [DE] [ES] [IT] [KU] [TR]

20 years ago, in 1996, the Zapatistas issued an invitation to the “First Intergalactic Encounter for Humanity and against Neoliberalism” in the liberated, rebellious areas of Chiapas, Mexico. And for the first time ever, the invitation did not include organizations … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Deutsch, English, Italiano, Kurdî | Tagged | Comments Off on Germany: Invitation to the Rebellious Encounter from 27th July to 3rd August in Gasthof Meuchefitz (Free Republic of Wendland) [ENG] [DE] [ES] [IT] [KU] [TR]

France: new forest occupation ! [ENG, DEU]

The forest walk against the atomic deforestation in Mandres-en-Barrois near Bure (Lorraine, department Meuse) on June 19, 2016 ended with the reoccupation of the forest. Although until now the repository project does not have a building permit, the ANDRA, National … Continue reading

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Estado Español: Carta de la compañera detenida el 13 Abril en relación a un robo de banco en Alemania [CAS-CAT-DEU-ITA]

[CAS] Hace muy pocos días, cuando ya dábamos por hecha la extradición de la compañera detenida el pasado 13 de Abril acusada de una expropiación a una entidad bancaria en Alemania, nos llegó la noticia de la decisión de la … Continue reading

Posted in Carcel, Castellano, Catalá, Comunicado, Detención, Deutsch, Italiano | Tagged , | Comments Off on Estado Español: Carta de la compañera detenida el 13 Abril en relación a un robo de banco en Alemania [CAS-CAT-DEU-ITA]

Poland, Warszawa: Policja nie odpuszcza ROD [PL,ENG,DEU]

Dzisiaj, 2. czerwca po raz kolejny spotkaliśmy na terenie ROD umundurowanego policjanta. Twierdził, że jest dzielnicowym. Miał przy sobię listę z nazwiskami osób spisanych poprzednim razem. Jak widać miał na celu dodanie do niej kolejnych. Zadawał te same pytania co … Continue reading

Posted in Deutsch, English, Polski, Reclaim The Fields, Solidaridad | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warszawa: Policja nie odpuszcza ROD [PL,ENG,DEU]

Join international days of solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifascist prisoners 1st to 10th July, 2016 [ENG,ES,DEU]

When mass civil protests in Russia were defeated in 2011-12 the Putinist police regime started open political repressions against militants of social and political movements, including anarchists and antifascists. Many activists have been sentenced to prison terms in the course … Continue reading

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Poland, Warszawa: Open letter in connection with the arrest of three anarchists [ENG-CAS-PL-DEU-ITA-FRA]

On the night of May 23rd, the police in Warsaw arrested three anarchists on charges of an alleged arson attempt of a police vehicle. The three were transferred to a remand prison where they are to be held in custody … Continue reading

Posted in Comunicado, Detención, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Polski, Reclaim The Fields, Reflexión, Repressión, Solidaridad | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warszawa: Open letter in connection with the arrest of three anarchists [ENG-CAS-PL-DEU-ITA-FRA]

Germany: LAUtonomia Forest Occupation Being Evicted (ENG,ES,DEU,FR)

(ES,DEU,FR below) 18th May, at 8am cops entered the forest and began an eviction of Lautonomia, a forest occupation and treesit on theedgeof forest being destroyed by the encroaching Prosim Wezlow open cast lignite mine and the site of the … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Desalojo, Deutsch, English, Français, Repressión, Solidaridad, Squatting | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Germany: LAUtonomia Forest Occupation Being Evicted (ENG,ES,DEU,FR)

Syria (Rojava): Feed The Revolution [ENG-DEU]

via Rojava Plan As you already know, Rojava is the only effective force fighting the war against ISIS. It is also hosting over half a million refugees from other parts of Syria, and it’s the heart of a revolution that … Continue reading

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Germany: Call for the Lausitzcamp, Aktion Camp 9-16.05.2016 [ENG-PL-GR-FR]

Stop coal mining 6. Lausitzer climate & energy camp 2016 Climate protection needs abandoning coal mining Globally the year 2015 was once again – after 2014 – the warmest on record. Temperatures already lie 0,9 degrees above the preindustriell level. … Continue reading

Posted in Campada, Deutsch, English, Français, Llamamiento, Polski | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Germany: Call for the Lausitzcamp, Aktion Camp 9-16.05.2016 [ENG-PL-GR-FR]

Llamada a una jornada internacional de movilización por la libertad de circulación – Sábado 21 de Mayo 2016 [CAS-ENG-FRA-DEU-ITA]


Posted in Campaña, Castellano, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Llamamiento, Migraciónes, NoBorder | Tagged | Comments Off on Llamada a una jornada internacional de movilización por la libertad de circulación – Sábado 21 de Mayo 2016 [CAS-ENG-FRA-DEU-ITA]

[NoBorder] Thessaloniki (Greece): No Border Camp (15-24 July 2016) [ENG-CAS-FRA-DEU]

[ENG] Today, with neoliberalism established across the planet, it is clear that capitalist relations are being intensified, together with nationalism and patriarchy. Fences and borders are being built not only in the physical space, but also across social relationships. However, … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Comunicado, Deutsch, English, Français, Llamamiento, Migraciónes, NoBorder | Tagged , , | Comments Off on [NoBorder] Thessaloniki (Greece): No Border Camp (15-24 July 2016) [ENG-CAS-FRA-DEU]

Mali: Field occupation in Sanamadougou and Sahou [ENG-DEU-FRA]

from: reclaim the fields [ENG] Land struggle in Mali: support the field occupation in Sanamadougou and Sahou! Since Monday, 18th of April 2016, the people of the two villages Sanamadougou and Sahou in Mali / region Office du Niger are … Continue reading

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