Category Archives: Language

Charlottesville (Virginia, US): Fascists killed one person, many injured [ENG]

Dear all, On August 11 and 12th, fascists of different stripes organized a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, they called “Unite the Right”. Counter protesters and antifascists mobilized and managed to practically stop this ugly event. A fascist then drove his … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, English, Manifestación, Muertxs, Noticia | Comments Off on Charlottesville (Virginia, US): Fascists killed one person, many injured [ENG]

Fanzine: Exclusión – Ninguna coincidencia [CAS]

Sobre el ADN utilizado como prueba en juicios. “En los últimos años los avances científicos han tenido un impacto en el ám- bito de la prueba; la dactiloscopia, la balística, la grafística.. Son ejemplos de estos conocimientos y avances científicos … Continue reading

Posted in ADN, Carcel, Castellano, Fanzines, Repressión | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Fanzine: Exclusión – Ninguna coincidencia [CAS]

Bruselas (Belgica): la Cámara del Consejo manda a 12 compañerxs a juicio acusados de “asociación de malhechores” [CAS]

El 1 de agosto 2017, la Cámara del Consejo* de Bruselas hizo pública su decisión sobre el procesamiento en el Tribunal Correccional, así como las acusaciones. Antes de habernos podido enterar de esta decisión judicial, ya estaba circulando un comunicado … Continue reading

Posted in Carcel, Castellano, Detención | Comments Off on Bruselas (Belgica): la Cámara del Consejo manda a 12 compañerxs a juicio acusados de “asociación de malhechores” [CAS]

Sacco y Vanzetti: Resumen del libro de Howard Zinn [CAS]

Hace 90 años, el régimen de EEUU asesinaba a los obreros italianos Sacco y a Vanzetti: “Su crimen máximo era su anarquismo”. Resumen del libro de Howard Zinn “Estoy aquí hoy, en este banco de acusados, por ser de la … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Libro, Muertxs, Publicación | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Sacco y Vanzetti: Resumen del libro de Howard Zinn [CAS]

France: Kokopelli, c’est fini… [FRA]

Le monde associatif n’est pas toujours plus reluisant que celui de l’entreprise. Il même s’avère parfois pire. Illustration avec le cas d’une association reconnue, figure de la défense de la diversité des semences, Kokopelli. Elle entend œuvrer « pour la … Continue reading

Posted in Entrevista, Français | Tagged , | Comments Off on France: Kokopelli, c’est fini… [FRA]

Linksunten: “We Will Be Back Soon” – Greetz from Streisand

Linksunten released a statement on their banned website earlier today, saying: “We will be back soon.” It shows that the media activists still have control over their website and could be the beginning of a huge Streisand effect. More solidarity … Continue reading

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Freiburg (Germany): La scandaleuse interdiction d’Indymedia en Allemagne [FRA]

La scandaleuse interdiction d’Indymedia en Allemagne Le matin du 25 août le ministre de l’Intérieur allemand annonce la criminalisation de la plateforme alternative Une décision répressive qui vise à affaiblir un mouvement antagoniste déterminé. Ouest-France annoncait hier : Le … Continue reading

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Freiburg (Germany): photos, solidarity, updates over Indymedia Linksunten shut down

Germany: Government Bans Linksunten Indymedia from: The German government banned the linksunten.indymedia website today. According to German mainstream media the decision was given to 3 alleged “operators” of the indymedia platform. German Government Bans Linksunten Indymedia The German government … Continue reading

Posted in Concentración, English, Manifestación, Repressión | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Freiburg (Germany): photos, solidarity, updates over Indymedia Linksunten shut down

Torino-Firenze (Italia): Indirizzi dei/delle compagnx arrestatx nelle operazioni repressive, comunicati di solidarietá [ITA]

In attesa di maggiori informazioni apprendiamo che, a due giorni dagli arresti, la custodia cuatelare in carcere è stata convalidata solo per il compagno anarchico Salvatore Vespertino. Non si hanno ancora notizie sull’esito delle udienze di convalida per i due … Continue reading

Posted in Detención, Italiano | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Torino-Firenze (Italia): Indirizzi dei/delle compagnx arrestatx nelle operazioni repressive, comunicati di solidarietá [ITA]

Freiburg (Germany): Linksunten Indymedia shutted down, KTS searched, one arrest [ENG]

from: German Government Shuts Down Indymedia What It Means and What to Do The German government has shut down the German Indymedia site, the most widely used German-language platform for radical politics and organizing. They have also conducted … Continue reading

Posted in Detención, English, Registro | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Freiburg (Germany): Linksunten Indymedia shutted down, KTS searched, one arrest [ENG]

Italy: Torino Ribelle 7 sta arrivando! [ITA]

*Manca un mese* alle proiezioni che, ancora una volta, occuperanno i muri di Torino e siete tutti invitati a partecipare: * *con il vostro video! *Per sapere come, quanto e quante volte leggete il BANDO DI CONCORSO <>; * *alle … Continue reading

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RTF: meeting in Spain, La Selba Resiste! [CAS-DEU-FRA]

Hola a todxs! Aquí estamos con la preparación de las jornadas de okupacion y resistencias rurales que seran del 8 al 17 de septiembre, en Casa Selba, Huesca. Empiezan las inscripciones para organizar todos los días y facilitar la preparación. … Continue reading

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AgroCrust VII: CSOA Mas Ciurana y Mas Bestia Squat II [CAS-ENG]

AGRO-CRUST VIII 14-18 JULIO 2017 CSOA MAS CIURANA / HOSTALRIC (GIRONA) 14-16 JULIO MAS BESTIA SQUAT II / ST. POL DE MAR (BCN) 17+18 JULIO VIERNES 14 a la mañana/tarde: Taller: Bioconstrucción – Horno de pan Pt. I (a las … Continue reading

Posted in AgroCrust, Campada, Castellano, Charla, Concierto, English, Hardcore, Pro-Presxs, Resiste! | Tagged , , | Comments Off on AgroCrust VII: CSOA Mas Ciurana y Mas Bestia Squat II [CAS-ENG]

Poland: Save Białowieża Forest – The International Solidarity Week [ENG]

 3 –9 of July — nie odPUSZCZAmy ! (website about Białowieża Forest in english – ) This week, UNESCO meets in Cracow, Poland, to discuss the future of the Bialowieza Forest as a World Heritage Site. Let them know … Continue reading

Posted in English, Solidaridad | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Poland: Save Białowieża Forest – The International Solidarity Week [ENG]

AgroCrust VIII: Cartel, programa y comunicado [ENG-CAS]

Posted in AgroCrust, Campada, Castellano, Charla, Concierto, English, Hardcore | Tagged | Comments Off on AgroCrust VIII: Cartel, programa y comunicado [ENG-CAS]

Poland, Białowieża : Still blocking you, Szyszko [ENG]

Poland’s environment minister, Jan Szyszko*, whom green activists have criticized for allowing large-scale logging in the ancient Białowieża forest, has called for the woodland to be stripped of Unesco’s natural heritage status, banning human intervention. Białowieża, straddling Poland’s eastern border … Continue reading

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Cataluña: entrevista de La Selba [CAT]

1 – Porqué elegís la repoblación rural como forma de vida y cuales son las principales dificultades que encontrais en vuestro proyecto? Triem la okupació rural com a manera de viure perquè pertanyem a una generació de gent ‘expulsada’ de … Continue reading

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Cataluña: Comunicado de La Selba en resistencia contra el desalojo [CAS]

Salud compañerxs! Os enviamos abajo el manifiesto que desde la Selba hemos redactado para la manifestación en defensa de la okupación rural que tendrá lugar el próximo 16 de junio a las 19h en la plaza Madalena de Zaragoza. Os … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Comunicado, Noticia, Squatting | Comments Off on Cataluña: Comunicado de La Selba en resistencia contra el desalojo [CAS]

Poland: SAVE Białowieża forest ! [ENG]

Activists Step Up Protest Against Logging in Ancient Forest Environmental campaigners chained themselves to logging equipment in Poland’s ancient Bialowieza Forest on Wednesday in protest against the government-backed felling of trees in the UNESCO World Heritage site that straddles the … Continue reading

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Poland: Warsaw 3 trial starts on May, 31st 2017 – Solidarity actions call out!

Dear Friends, We have been waiting for over a year for the trial of the Warsaw 3. Today, we send this call out for solidarity actions on the first court sitting – the 31st of May 2017. The polish state … Continue reading

Posted in Carcel, English, Free the Warsaw 3, Llamamiento, Solidaridad, Squatting | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Poland: Warsaw 3 trial starts on May, 31st 2017 – Solidarity actions call out!