Category Archives: Rural

Poland: Come to ROD gardens in Warsaw! [ENG]

How is it possible that so few people find the way to us? Is it because our green paradise is too well hidden in the middle of the city, and you wouldn’t expect to find us among the jungle of … Continue reading

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La ONU arremete contra la industria de los pesticidas [CAS] La ONU desmonta el “mito” de que los plaguicidas son necesarios para nuestra alimentación. Denuncian la “extraordinaria influencia” de las multinacionales sobre los gobiernos. Las Naciones Unidas publican un informe que advierte del gran peligro que representan los plaguicidas … Continue reading

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Galliners (Cataluña): Kan Bici Resisteix ! [CAT-CAS-ENG]

[CAT] [CAS] más abajo [ENG] below GALLINERS: KAN BICI RESISTEIX! (Pla de l’Estany) Després de 50 mesos d’okupació aquests dias van arribar notícies des del palau de la injustícia: La data del jucio civil (desnonament precari) van fixar pel proper … Continue reading

Posted in Campaña, Castellano, Catalá, Comunicado, Desalojo, English, Juicio, Noticia, Rural, Solidaridad, Squatting | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Galliners (Cataluña): Kan Bici Resisteix ! [CAT-CAS-ENG]

Reclaim the Fields: Program for European Assembly 2017 [EN-FR-DE-SP-PL-PT-RO]

This post is also available in: French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian Update 06.01.2016 In two weeks we will see each other in Freiburg! We have for you some informations about content proposals and logistics. Please read this mail … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Deutsch, English, Français, Noticia, Polski, Portugues, Reclaim The Fields, Romanian, Rural, Taller | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Reclaim the Fields: Program for European Assembly 2017 [EN-FR-DE-SP-PL-PT-RO]

fanzine : how to cultivate EM ? [ENG] [PL]

WHAT ARE Effective Microorganisms (EM)? Effective microorganisms (EM) were developed in the early 1980s at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan by Professor Teruo Higa. He reported that a combination of approximately eighty different species of microorganisms are … Continue reading

Posted in English, Fanzines, Polski, Rural | Comments Off on fanzine : how to cultivate EM ? [ENG] [PL]

Poland, Warszawa: Policja nie odpuszcza ROD [PL,ENG,DEU]

Dzisiaj, 2. czerwca po raz kolejny spotkaliśmy na terenie ROD umundurowanego policjanta. Twierdził, że jest dzielnicowym. Miał przy sobię listę z nazwiskami osób spisanych poprzednim razem. Jak widać miał na celu dodanie do niej kolejnych. Zadawał te same pytania co … Continue reading

Posted in Deutsch, English, Polski, Reclaim The Fields, Solidaridad | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warszawa: Policja nie odpuszcza ROD [PL,ENG,DEU]

Poland, Warszawa: Open letter in connection with the arrest of three anarchists [ENG-CAS-PL-DEU-ITA-FRA]

On the night of May 23rd, the police in Warsaw arrested three anarchists on charges of an alleged arson attempt of a police vehicle. The three were transferred to a remand prison where they are to be held in custody … Continue reading

Posted in Comunicado, Detención, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Polski, Reclaim The Fields, Reflexión, Repressión, Solidaridad | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warszawa: Open letter in connection with the arrest of three anarchists [ENG-CAS-PL-DEU-ITA-FRA]

Poland, Warsaw: Report from the gardeners of ROD about the events on 23rd May 2016 (ENG,PL)

(polska wersja niżej) Police arrived between 4:00 and 4:20 AM. They entered the ROD area about 4:30 AM. They cut the chain locking the gate using bolt-cutters (they later claimed that they had no such tool with them). Six plain … Continue reading

Posted in Comunicado, English, Polski, Reclaim The Fields, Repressión, Solidaridad, Squatting | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Poland, Warsaw: Report from the gardeners of ROD about the events on 23rd May 2016 (ENG,PL)

Reclaim the Fields Poland : ROD Kolektiv [ENG]

Radical Allotment Gardens (ROD) Collective is a young group of people has been created in Warsaw, Poland in March 2015. The basis for our collective is an initiative which is autonomous, voluntary and self-organized, free from any kind of hierarchy … Continue reading

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Reclaim the Fields East: Join regional branch of RTF ! [PL-ENG]

(english below) Dołącz do regionalnej sieci Reclaim The Fields ! Czym jest RTF ? RTF to sieć ludzi, grup oraz kolektywów, dążących do przejęcia kontroli nad produkcją żywności i odzyskania ziemi z obiegu kapitalistycznego. Organizujemy akcje bezpośrednie,wspieramy lokalne protesty, współtworzymy … Continue reading

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Mali: Field occupation in Sanamadougou and Sahou [ENG-DEU-FRA]

from: reclaim the fields [ENG] Land struggle in Mali: support the field occupation in Sanamadougou and Sahou! Since Monday, 18th of April 2016, the people of the two villages Sanamadougou and Sahou in Mali / region Office du Niger are … Continue reading

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Warszawa (Polska): ROD Manifest ! [ENG]

ROD is the name of a piece of land occupied in protest against the escalating phenomenon of land-grabbing in Warsaw and the world. The group is linked to the European network of Reclaim the Fields (RTF). The area which we … Continue reading

Posted in English, Reclaim The Fields, Resiste!, Rural, Squatting | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Warszawa (Polska): ROD Manifest ! [ENG]

AgroCrust – CSO Mas Ciurana, Hostalric – 17-18-19 Julio 2015

Ya ésta confirmado el espacio donde se va celebrar la VIª edición del AGRO-CRUST: CSO MAS CIURANA en HOSTALRIC (50km de Barcelona). Se puede llegar facilmente en Cercanías o Regional R11 (Renfe), la kasa se encuentra justo al lado de … Continue reading

Posted in AgroCrust, Castellano, Eventos, Hardcore, Rural, Squatting | Comments Off on AgroCrust – CSO Mas Ciurana, Hostalric – 17-18-19 Julio 2015

AgroCrust V – Programa y mapa

Programa: Dijous 17 15:00 Menja Vegá 17:00 Xerrada: Project autoconstrucció de un centro social a Mexico DF 21:00 Koncert amb: – Under Bad Eyes (HC Brazil) – Jabali (Crust L’H/BCN) – Ansïa (Screamo BCN) Divendres 18 15:00 Menja Vegá 17:00 … Continue reading

Posted in AgroCrust, Castellano, Eventos, Hardcore, Noticia, Rural, Squatting | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on AgroCrust V – Programa y mapa

Jornadas de Okupación y Agitación Rural 2014 [cas] [eng] [fr]

[english bellow] [français en bas] —castellano— Este verano Casa Selva acogerá las Jornadas de Okupación y Agitación Rural. Es un encuentro abierto a la participación de todas las personas interesadas. Las fechas serán del 14 de junio (llegada y presentación) … Continue reading

Posted in Castellano, Eventos, Noticia, Rural | Tagged | Comments Off on Jornadas de Okupación y Agitación Rural 2014 [cas] [eng] [fr]

[RTF][Fanzine][CAS] – Todos los buletines de la red internacional Reclaim the Fields

Reclaim the Fields Reclaim the Fields es una constelación a nivel europeo de campesinxs, gente sin tierra, futuros campesinxs y gente que está retomando un control para la producción de alimentos.Queremos apoyar y favorecer las personas que se quedan o … Continue reading

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