Athens – Solidarity from Rosa de Foc Squat to hungerstrikers Semih Özakça and Nuriye Gülmen (Greece, Turkey)

Hello everybody, friends and comrades. Everybody knows the politics in Turkey some more than others. I want to try to tell you, to help you understand about the situation in Turkey and I would like to ask for your attention and international solidarity in this matter. Turkey became a nation in 1923. Since this historical moment Turkey was caught in a history of facist military coups. In general they have been 8 fascist coups and related to that ten thousands of revolutionary communists and anarchists were killed. In the last military coup ın 1980 almost one million people were tortured and detaıned ın prısons.Now, after 22 years Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who describes himself as a Muslim, won the elections through manipulation and became the prime minister of Turkey. He has influenced the mind of most people in Turkey through elaborate promises and community schemes to ınfluence the mınds of the people. In the following elections he was elected again through further manipulation (different practices). He has begun to fight against the democratic powers in the society and put every critical voice in prison.

Through using military and police forces he killed thousands of Kurdish people in the geographic area Kürdistan around Cizre and Amed (tür.: Diyarbakır – southeast). The outcome was destroyed cities and countless Kurdish people and children kılled. Last but not least Erdoğan now as the president of Turkey planned secretly a military coup that was perpetrated last year. Thıs was a cover to put leftist and alternative people from different groups and structures in prison. In the wake of the fake coup the governmental structures of law and constitution were changed. This gave him the opportunıty to reorganize the academic structures, intellectuals with critical perspectıves were persecuted and removed from public schools and universities, provıdıng fabrıcated charges to explaın theır removal. After these political events he was able to fıll important government positions with members of hıs rulıng Party AKP.

Our issue is about exactly two people who lost theır work in these troubles. To return to theır jobs Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça firstly did sitins in Ankara (Yüksel Caddesi). The fascist police attacked and tortured them. After the attacks they started with hunger strike and were again confronted with state violence and ımprısoned.

Imprisoned, they still continue struggling. For 171 days Nuriye and Semih are hunger striking and resisting against the injustice of the Turkish government. We as enlightened people have to support this fight in an international solidarity action.

We want to support them in this struggle. That’s why I want to ask for support and make several banners for the square in Exarchia. (f.e.: Give a voice to the strike of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça) We will have them in different languages so we can reach more people. You can make pictures or videos to show solidarity with them and send it to me: rosadefoc@krutt.org

Our goal is to get attention wıthın the whole Turkish media and give our two frıends an international voice ın their struggle. For international solidarity! Give a voice to the strike of Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça)

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This entry was posted on Monday, September 18th, 2017 at 11:27 pm and is filed under Prison Struggle.