British teacher Emma Kelty killed by pirates while on 'bucket list' adventure in the Amazon

British teacher Emma Kelty killed by pirates while on 'bucket list' adventure in the Amazon

A British school teacher on a 'bucket list' adventure in the Amazon predicted her own death just days before being murdered by armed pirates in a lawless pocket of the south American jungle.

The British Foreign Office confirmed last night that Emma Kelty, 43, who gave up her job as a headteacher to become a full-time explorer, had died while paddling solo 6500 kilometres down the Amazon.

Brazilian police said Miss Kelty had been shot and killed by robbers - known locally as 'water rats' - who then dumped her body in the river.

A 17-year-old local boy was arrested on suspicion of her murder while police are hunting six other members of the gang. The teenager is alleged to have told police that Miss Kelty, 43, was shot twice with a sawn-off shotgun.

British teacher Emma Kelty has expressed fears of being murdered as she canoed down the Amazon River.

British teacher Emma Kelty has expressed fears of being murdered as she canoed down the Amazon River.Credit:Twitter/@Emt101s

Paying tribute to her yesterday, Ms Kelty's brothers Piers and Giles and her sister Natasha said: "Emma was an active and determined sister who challenged herself, latterly through her adventures on the Pacific Coast Trail, as well as in the South Pole and Amazon River.

"In a world that is today a much smaller place, the explorer in our sister found herself seeking ways to prove that challenges were achievable.

"We are extremely proud of our sister who was dearly loved by us all and her strength will be sorely missed."

The search for Miss Kelty was launched almost a week ago after she triggered a distress signal in a remote area of Brazil between the towns of Coari and Codajas. Her kayak was discovered on a lawless stretch of beach along with some of her belongings.

A canoe belonging to Emma Kelty was found about a week before police located her body.

A canoe belonging to Emma Kelty was found about a week before police located her body.Credit:Brazilian Navy

Three days before she was last heard from, Miss Kelty wrote on Facebook on September 10: "So in or near coari (100km away) i will have my boat stolen and i will be killed too. Nice."

The area is notorious as a drug-trafficking route. A day before she vanished, she described a dramatic encounter with gun-toting pirates.

Emma Kelty became a full-time explorer after the death of her father.

Emma Kelty became a full-time explorer after the death of her father.Credit:Twitter/@Emt101s

"Turned corner and found 50 guys in motor boats with arrows!!!," she posted, "My face must have been a picture!! (Town was uber quiet... too quiet!!)"

She then added: "Ok 30 guys.... but either way... that's a lot of folks in one area in boats with arrow and rifles."

According to local reports there have been several attacks by drugs gangs and pirates in the area, including the disappearance of a police chief who confronted armed gangsters.

A Brazilian police spokesman said they believes Miss Kelty was "shot and killed while she was camping on an island near the village of Lauro Sodré".

Her attackers had then tried to sell her possessions including a phone, tablet computer and GoPro video camera.

Miss Kelty had been a headteacher at two London schools but decided to pursue a 'bucket list' of adventures in 2015 following the death of her father, who lived in Somerset.

On January 1 2015, she wrote on her blog of a difficult year that followed the death of her father from cancer. Her mother also died of cancer in 1991 when she was a teenager.

"Life is too short," Miss Kelty wrote following her father's death. Three months later, she posted: "Ok, time to start on the bucket list!"

Miss Kelty embarked on a 4000-kilometre solo hike in May 2015 from the bottom to the top of the US, beginning at the Mexican border and ending at Canada.

In January this year, she became only the sixth solo woman to reach the South Pole after an epic three month trek, towing a 200lbs sled laden with supplies for up to 12 hours per day. Miss Kelty, who raised money for charity, had put on 30 kilograms in weight to cope in temperatures of minus 50 degrees Celcius.

The Telegraph, London

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