Activists +
AR Literature and Authors

Novels -- Fictional novels that support animal rights
Poetry -- Inspirational poems
Essays -- Opinions and rants
Stories -- Fiction and non-fiction
Quotes -- For AR activists and philosophers. Link to Excel spreadsheet with 709 quotes
Interviews -- Interviews with authors

AR Literature -- Links to Non-fictional AR Literature in a sortable database
AR Bibliog -- AR bibliography, non-fictional
Animal Rights Encyclopedia - Free to Reproduce -- The Tom Regan AR Archive [pdf]

Tom Regan has taught at North Carolina State University since 1967, and he is well-known for his work in the field of animal rights within the discipline of philosophy. In 2000, the North Carolina State University Libraries received a large gift to establish an archive of his personal papers and books, and since then, they have also created this online collection for the general public. First-time visitors can perform an advanced search on the documents contained here, or they may also want to browse through categories that include animal rights legislation, animals in the news, diet ethics, and farmed animals. Within each section, visitors can view a list of related web sites and also learn about other external resources. Additionally, visitors can also learn about research opportunities at the Center.

International Critical Animal Studies (website), What Is Critical Animal Studies?
Watch "Animals as Property" -
Watch "All life forms do not hang on the judgment of one species" -
blog worth reading

Click on the links below to discover how The Transformative Studies Institute, The Institute for Critical Animal Studies, and Thomas Paine's Corner are collaborating to create, invent, propose, and construct a culture of resistance!


Cleveland Amory/Kim Sturla, The Fund for Animals
Pete Singer director of Centre of Human Bioethics, Australia; Author; Animal Liberation
Alice Walker; author of The Color Purple -- "The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men."

Vegetarians and vegans

Scott Adams (writer/artist of comic strip "Dilbert")
Berke Breathed (US Cartoonist -- writes and draws Bloom County and Outland comic strips)
Franz Kafka (Writer)
Alan Moore (Comics writer, Watchmen, V For Vendetta, Marvelman, etc.)
George Bernard Shaw (writer)
Percy Shelley (poet)
Mark Twain
H.G. Wells


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