Pages recently added (or significantly modified)

July 23, 2017
Okja - movie (updated July 23)
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Actions Reported to Biteback - Russia - NAALPO newsletter, July 2017
June 24, 2017
Okja - movie (updated July 6)
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May 11, 2017 
Trailer for "The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea": - Animals in labs in Canada - RCMP investigating cruelty to animals
May 7, 2017
Animal Protection Actions in Latvia
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April 26, 2017
Actuality - 4 poems by Heidy Coon
Hot Death
Living Carousel
April 16, 2017
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March 7, 2017
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March 5, 2017
Feeling For Aniamals and Animal Liberation - Dr. Michael W. Fox
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Informant Alert. March 3, 2017 - USA
March 4, 2017
If You Must Shoot Animals Use a Camera - song
February 22, 2017
Tom Regan: A Celebration - In Memory of Tom Regan
The Way of Purity - new song
February 18, 2017
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February 2, 2017
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January 28, 2017
Bloodhound & Pitbull Rescue
Body Art 2
January 26, 2017
Freedom by Starlit
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January 21, 2017
Well known animal activist Snehal Bhatt died
Nicole Kissane Sentenced for Freeing Mink
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January 20, 2017
Supermeat: Cultured Cloned Meat
Eating Insects
January 14, 2017
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January 4, 2017
Batterix - exceptional vegan band
January 3, 2017
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December 25, 2016
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December 16, 2016
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December 10, 2016
China - Index - updated
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December 3, 2016
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November 24, 2016
Another Cardiology Chief Goes Vegan. Convinced Yet?
Hippopotamus Rescues Helpless Animals from River - Animal Protection Party (Canada)
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November 11, 2016
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November 6, 2016
I Am An Animal Rescuer
Introducing.... Rose!
Dozen Carnivore Questions & Vegan Answers
The Meat Paradox
They All Had Eyes: Confessions of a Vivisectionist
Do We Treat Farm Animals Humanely?
Chickens are conscious when slaughtered
"Sanctuary" - movie
A.L.F. Behind the Mask: The Story Of The People Who Risk Everything - YouTube
Taiwan votes to stop costmetic testing
Smart lab rats filmed using hooked tools
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Chains of Silence - song by Stephanie Braganza
ALF Targets Urban Farm Teaching Murder - USA
Animal Cruelty in Khabarovsk Russia
October 20, 2016
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25 Life Lessons from a Wild Squirrel
Endangered European Eels - Turkey
Portugal AR Facebook
October 8, 2016
Scholar-Activist Spotlight with Press Office Advisor Yesim Nurova
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September 25, 2016
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September 17, 2016
Canada Declares Animals are Now "Sentient Beings"
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September 5, 2016
The Lie That Meat Eaters Tell Themselves
Humans Are Wiping Out Their Closest Relatives - link
NAALPO E-Newsletter - September 2016
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August 28, 2016
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Flashback: May 1984 Raid on the University of PA Head Injury Lab
When pigs fly (support kevin and tyler) - song
August 21, 2016
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Animal-rights revolution catches hearts in Fresno, nationwide
The New Scum - song by TimeRaps
August 2, 2016
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Plant protein associated with lower mortality rate
Too many mice are sacrificed for seriously flawed studies
New video on shelter killing and the No-Kill movement
July 28, 2016
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Dog Breeder Beaten for mistreatment of Pit Bulls
July 24, 2016
Meat is horrible
Big Beef is Hiring Hitmen to Murder Activists - 185 Murders Last Year Alone
Chimps filmed grieving for dead friend
July 22, 2016
Lynda Stoner overjoyed at shutting down greyhound racing - Australia
July 13, 2016
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June 23, 2016
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Actions Reported to Biteback - Turkey
June 13, 2016
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June 1, 2016
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May 29, 2016
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South Korean Dog Meat Supplier
May 22, 2016
Birds' intelligence - National Geographic
A Quarter of the UK will be vegetarian within 25 years - external link
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May 15, 2016
Italian Town Switches To Silent Fireworks To Protect Animals
Parrots Are a Lot More Than 'Pretty Bird'
Researchers ask 'Is meat killing us?' and their answer sounds like yes
Luxembourg - Animal Protection Actions - updated
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are joining forces for animals everywhere
May 13, 2016
Complaint Letter to the EC about excessive lynx and wolf killing - Latvia
Dog kept in poor conditions in Sentido Lykia resort spa - Turkey
ALFの理念 - ALF credo translated into Japanese
May 7, 2016
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April 28, 2016
Animal Liberation Now in the Barcelona Metro
SHARK and LCA Fight Taxpayer-Funded Mass Slaughter of Cormorants
Help Animals in Krusevac, Serbia
April 24, 2016
It's All the Same - poem
Plight of Animals in Turkey - Help Needed
April 23, 2016
"Behind the Mask" - Fictional Novel Based on AR Movement
Last Moment of Grace - Baby Cow Searches for Mom
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April 17, 2016
Service Dogs: Animal Abuse in New York
April 10, 2016
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April 8, 2016
14 Weeks - poem
McDoomed -poem
March 25, 2016
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Problem in Papikondalu India
March 24, 2016
Why Justice for Animals Is the Social Movement of Our Time (VIDEO)
Lily Collins joins Jake Gyllenhaal in Okja
Cruelty at Joe Beard and Sons
March 3, 2016
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February 27, 2016
AR action group in UK called ManchesterPigsave
February 22, 2016
Documentary Exposes U.S. Government's War on Animal Rights "Terrorists"
February 13, 2016
Nami Kim Team Rescues from Bucheon Dog Farm
Non-human Rights Project
Actions Reported to Biteback - England
February 11, 2016
Activists Stage "Die-in" at Home of New York Blood Center's Michael Hodin
3 Japanese hacked in whaling protest
February 6, 2016
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Bird Whisperer - Michael Cox
Cove of Ghosts - song
February 3, 2016
Unforgotten: Animals Rescued from Research - YouTube
Dog cruelty in Iran - stray dogs are shot
January 29, 2016
ARAs Nationwide Protest CEO of Company Building Underground Animal Lab
Needed Evil Returned in Extreme - poem
January 27, 2016
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ALF - Multiple International Direct Actions
Anonymous Shuts Down Japanese Airport Website After "The Cove" Actor Is Arrested
January 13, 2016
Nissan shuts down websites after anti-whaling cyberattacks
A Light in the Shadows - 5 stories by Shenita Etwaroo
Cries behind the Walls
Powers Pet Rescue Team
These Eyes Tell the Story
The Voices that Cannot Speak
January 12, 2016
NAALPO Newsletter January 2016
I Am Human - Film
January 11, 2016
TEDx Talk on Ditching Meat
January 10, 2016
Animals Think, Therefore...
Defining "No Kill"
Hack Crusade Vs Whaling
Argentina Action Dec 2014
Possum Drop
Turkey 2015 Crimes
Chris Dietrich: Animal Rights Disruptor
January 9, 2016
I Saw--
She - 3 poems by Shenita Etwaroo
Colombia's Senate Declares Animals are Sentient Beings, Not Property
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December 31, 2015
Penelope the Wonder Chicken
The Wonderful World of Rats
Cyprus Animal Defenders/CALF (Cyprus Animal Liberation Front)
December 12, 2015
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Iceland - Reported to Biteback - Iceland
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November 21, 2015
2016 begin tracking of animal abusers
Open Rescues: How UPC Introduced This Strategy to U.S. Activists
Killing them softly with your face
Government Slams Door on Invasive Experiments on Chimps
Last Week's Legal Milestones for Animals
France bans imports of lion hunt trophies
Quebec bill changes animals from "property" to sentient being
November 16, 2015
We Won't Stand Down - poem by Charlie Finch
Netherlands-Index - Court Confirms Ban on Mink Farms
Killer Whale Show Scrapped
Crabs Do Feel Pain
Jim Harris - song "A Force of Nature"
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November 2, 2015
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October 29, 2015
Science Does Not Support Theory That Earth is Round
VIDEO: Over 125 Activists Protest New York Blood Center Over Abandoned Chimps
Jon Stewart Quits Comedy, Starts Animal Sanctuary to Rescue Abused Factory Farm Animals
October 19, 2015
Animal rights activists protest new lab at UW
Spain: Activist Jumps Into Bullring To Comfort Dying Bull
Bianca - Austria's Next top model? - drops fur
October 12, 2015
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Letter to Editor, NY Times: Morality and Animals
17 Ways That Pigeons Are Cooler Than Humans
Ultrarunning Legend Scott Jurek Sets New Appalachian Trail Speed Record
Vegethletics: Are You Running on Plants?
Song - Trophy Hunter by Nitroville
French Police Violently Attack ARAs Protesting Bullfighting
RSPCA faces grilling by MPs
Animal Sacrifice Banned at Nepal's Gadhimai Festival, Half a Million Animals Saved
Activists free mink from three southern Ontario fur farms
Animal Liberation Front Visits Ontario Fur Farms
Eating Happiness Official Trailer
The Last Pig - Documentary
Video: Thousands Converge in Upstate New York to Support Farm Animals
Industrial farming is one of the worst crimes in history
Terrified Dolphin Throws Himself At Man's Feet To Escape Hunters
Cruelty of Commercial Fishing
Fish Care about Each Other
N Y Times: A Pope for All Species
Stop Dropping Turkeys from Airplanes
Ex-NRA President Assaults SHARK Investigator
SHARK's 2015 Mid-Year in Review
Protests at Home of NY Blood Center Chairman Howard Milstein (Video)
Activists Score Victory in Effort to Stop the Government Killing of Millions of Animals
VIDEO: Activists Disrupt Kaporos Chicken Massacre
Sept 25, 2015
Daily News Roundup
Sept 6, 2015
Sept 5, 2015
Chickens Under the Bridge
Daily News Roundup
August 31, 2015
Daily News Roundup
August 29, 2015
Animal Activists Disrupt Chris Christie Speech In Iowa
Eating Happiness - documentary
Daily News Roundup
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Idaho AgGag Law Struck Down as Unconstitutional - USA
August 28, 2015
We all need to stop eating meat now, and this is why
Spanish Town Votes to Give Rights to Pets
Two California animal rights activists arrested after vandalism spree (July)
Cancer Research - The Failure is Deliberate
Daily News Roundup
August 22, 2015
Activists Worldwide to Shine a Light on the Path to Animal Liberation
Protests at Home of NY Blood Center Chairman Howard Milstein (Video)
Jews and Arabs March Together for Veganism and Animal Rights
Listen to the pope
Pope Declares Animals Will go to Heaven
Daily News Roundup
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August 12, 2015
WildlifeSOS India
Daily News Roundup
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August 9, 2015
Inside Primate Research
Boy Stands Up to Adults to Save Goat's Life
Turkey Ends Cosmetic Testing
3rd Ontario Mink Release
Do Animals Feel Pain As Humans Do?
Stop Young Research
Daily News
Sweden Biteback Reports
August 6, 2015
Canada Biteback Reports
USA Biteback Reports
Argentina Biteback Reports
Turkey Biteback Reports
UK Biteback Reports
Daily News Aug
Daily News July
July 28, 2015
Pet Safety
July 27, 2015
Daily News
Biteback Reports - Canada
July 21, 2015
2nd Ontario Mink Release - Canada
Bear Cubs Rescued - Canada
Good Samaritan Or Terrorist?
Arbys Gives the Finger to Vegetarians
Op-Ed On Vegetarianism
The End Of Chicken
Lawsuit Vs Kaporos - USA
ARAs Assaulted At Dog Meat Restaurant - Korea
Broiler Chickens
Activists Block Slaughterhouse - Israel
2nd Slaughterhouse Closed
July 20, 2015
Daily News
July 19, 2015
One Big Happy Family
Why I Will Always Be Vegan
July 15, 2015
Daily News
Actions-Argentina/Biteback Reports
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Actions-Finland/Biteback Reports
July 9, 2015
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July 7, 2015
Daily News Roundup
M�dchen erkl�rt, dass sie kein Fleisch mehr essen will [ber�hrendes Video]
July 5, 2015
Daily News Roundup
ARA Accused of Supporting Rape & Murder & Mayhem
Barbi Twins' Activism
A Few Things Animal Advocates Should Know About Pigs
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July 3, 2015
VIDEO inside BPRC in The Netherlands
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July 2, 2015
Daily News Roundup
June 30, 2015
ARA Protestor Pleads Guilty in Mink Release - USA
Monkeys Escape from Research Facility - Puerto Rico
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Daily News Roundup
June 26, 2015
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Actions Reported to Biteback - England
Daily News Roundup
June 25, 2015
FBI Accusers Hunting Animal Abusers
About "Cowspiracy", on Youtube
Who you callin' bird brain?
Rats Have Empathy, But What About the Scientists
At L'Abattoir - film
Why Animal Protection Advocates Are Lauding Pope Francis's Encyclical, 'Laudato Si', plus opposing views
Daily News Roundup
June 23, 2015
Why I'm An Animal Rights Activist When There Is So Much Human Suffering In The World
Daily News Roundup
June 22, 2015
Activists Occupy New York Blood Center
June 21, 2015
Veganman: the Man Who Started a War for the Liberation of the World's Animals - novel
Eat Meat? You're Probably Socially Intolerant Too, Say Researchers
Still Meat ... Video Unleashed
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Daily News Roundup
Elderly Woman Spends Her Savings To Rescue Dogs From Butcher - China
Satiric "non-profit" promoting shower saving for beef eating for CA drought - USA
Atrocities Exposed in Secret Investigations Trigger Parliament Members To Condemn Live Exports - Australia
Israel shutters slaughterhouse following animal-cruelty allegations
Exterminator enrages animal rights activists - Netherlands
Mumbai Bans Horse-Drawn Carriages - India
June 13, 2015
Daily News Roundup
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Actions Reported to Biteback - Argentina
June 10, 2015
Death metal guitarist, Jeremy Wagner, donates his farm to no-kill animal rescue
ARA Being Sent to Jail: "The Animals Have it Far Worse."
Daily News Roundup
Humble Pie at Cavaliers Theatre - UK
June 8, 2015
Elephants Rescue Baby Who Lies Down on a Busy Highway
ARAs Stage Disruption at New York Blood Center
ALF Destroys Two Trucks In Ontario, Canada
By Life We Abide - poem
Daily News Roundup
June 5, 2015
Daily News Roundup
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Actions Reported to Biteback - Brazil
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Daily News Roundup
May 29, 2015
New York Blood Center Abandons Over 60 Chimps, Leaving Them To Die of Starvation
"Toro de la Vega" Tournament (Cruel tradition in Spain) - song
New Zealand Government Rules That Animals Have Feelings
Hunters put themselves first
Truth Or Drought?
Daily News Roundup
May 21, 2015
Advocates Demand that USDA Enforces Animal Welfare Act
Meat Industry has a Cow over US Dietary Guidelines
Daily News Roundup
May 18, 2015
Ahimsa for Birds - India
Tiny Pig Is Star Pupil At This School For Dogs
Daily News Roundup
May 16, 2015
Stop Tournament of Toro de la Vega
Daily News Roundup
May 14, 2015
Just like humans, dolphins have complex social networks
ARAs Liberate Innocent Death Row Prisoners - Ireland
USA Activists Disrupt Economic Development Conference on Behalf of Lab Monkeys
Undercover Investigator: Pigs Are Just Like Dogs
New Zealand Bans Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Daily News Roundup
FILM - Wild Dog & Mrs Heart
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Actions Reported to Biteback - France
May 11, 2015
Dirty Politics Holding Up a Bill to Ban the Sale of Fur in Israel
Circus Monkeys So Overjoyed To Return To Jungle It Leaves Rescuers In Tears
Frontline to air documentary "The Trouble With Chicken"
Daily News Roundup
May 9, 2015
Daily News Roundup
May 6, 2015
Outraged Community Holds Elected Officials Accountable For Secret Monkey Breeding Facilities
Humane Hoax Video
A Dolphin Asks A Human for Help 01-11-2013 Manta Ray Night Dive - Kona, Hawaii
Daily News Roundup
April 30, 2015
Actions Reported to Biteback - Mexico
April 29, 2015
Elephants are people too (or soon could be)
Could this 2-minute movie end Vietnam's dog meat industry?
Fukushima: Naoto Matsumura is the man who stayed behind
Daily News Roundup
April 28, 2015
Having pets teaches more than just responsibility
Jane Goodall Says SeaWorld 'Should Be Closed Down'
Daily News Roundup
April 25, 2015
WAZA Finally Kicks JAZA Out - Japan
Korean Beagle Rescue
Apocalypse Cow
Historic victory for chimpanzees - updated
April 24, 2015
Animal Rights campaigner Mark Pearson beats No Land Tax Party's Peter Jones to seat in the Upper House - Australia
Story of United Poultry Concerns Wins Virginia Press Association Awards
Daily News Roundup
April 21, 2015
Everything you think you know about animals is wrong
Historic victory for chimpanzees
Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico Bans Horse-Drawn Carriages
Actions Reported to Biteback - England
Actions Reported to Biteback - Greece
Actions Reported to Biteback - Italy
Daily News Roundup
April 19, 2015
Coldstream chicken farm accuses Animal Liberation Victoria of trespass after bird photos are shared around the world - Australia
7 Fascinating Things You Never Knew About Cows
March of Dimes Walkathon
Daily News Roundup
April 14, 2015
Germany Set to End Brutal Killing of Male Chicks in Egg Industry
Actions Reported to Biteback - Italy
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Actions Reported to Biteback - France
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Actions Reported to Biteback - Canada
Daily News Roundup
April 13, 2015
Captive Orangutan Sneaks Food To His Friends In Never-Before-Seen Act Of Kindness
NYPD officer shot my pit-bull
Daily News Roundup
Toronto March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses
April 10, 2015
SHARK Exposes the Truth About "Starving Deer" in Will County
Eating less meat is better for the planet
Daily News Roundup
April 8, 2015
Poultry Industry Misleads the Public About the Humaneness of Slaughter
Film Links Meat Industry to Water Scarcity
Actions Reported to Biteback - Sweden
April 7, 2015
Daily News Roundup
April 6, 2015
Rats see the pain in other rats' faces
Federal judge rules U.S. Navy Pacific training harms too many marine mammals
Daily News Roundup
The meat industry is furious with a panel that helps formulate dietary guidelines.
Actions Reported to Biteback - Israel
Actions Reported to Biteback - Finland
April 1, 2015
Why I am still sabotaging fox hunts 10 years after they were banned - UK
Actions Reported to Biteback - Czech Republic
Actions Reported to Biteback - France
March 30, 2015
Defending the Defenceless: Speciesism, Animal Liberation, and Consistency in Applied Ethics
Daily News Roundup
March 28, 2015
Daily News Roundup
March 27, 2015
Nobel Laureate J. M. Coetzee backs a new report which describes animal experiments as morally 'unthinkable'
Cruelty at Miami Dade County Animal Services
Daily News Roundup
March 26, 2015
Inefficiency of Meat Consumption
Daily News Roundup
Actions Reported to Biteback - Netherlands
March 24, 2015
Homeless Shelters that allow pets or provide for pets - USA
Daily News Roundup
The Myth of High-Protein Diets
Shelter dogs being euthanized despite having owners lined up - USA
Victim Uses Media Interest in His Assault to Generate Attention for Abused Animals - USA
The heart-breaking dog photo changing Vietnam
Actions Reported to Biteback - Germany
March 21, 2015
Daily News Roundup
Monkeygate: Bewildered Florida Residents Discover Another Secret Monkey Breeding Facility
March 20, 2015
Daily News Roundup
March 19, 2015
Actions Reported to Biteback - USA
Actions Reported to Biteback - Spain
Daily News Roundup
March 18, 2015
Unlikely Friendship Of A Dog And An Owl
Puppy with Boar Piglets
Stray pit bull found nursing two-day-old kitten on side of Dallas road
Ringling: From Exploiter to Caretaker?
Why did the Busan Bukbu Office of Education change their position regarding the Gupo Dog Meat Market? - Korea
new 2015 forum Italian:

Daily News Roundup
Letter to President Obama Regarding Vivisection
March 16, 2015
Vegan Activist Wins Big Brother! | Tal Gilboa
Daily News Roundup
March 15, 2015
Actions Reported to Biteback - Germany
Actions Reported to Biteback - USA
Patrolling the countryside with Scotland's hunt sabs
Daily News Roundup
March 13, 2015
Hunt saboteur comes to the aid of injured hunt master
One life: why animals require legal personhood
Actions Reported to Biteback - France
Actions Reported to Biteback - Germany
Actions Reported to Biteback - Brazil
Actions Reported to Biteback - Bolivia
Daily News Roundup
March 11, 2015
FBI Investigating Attempted Firebombing Of KFC; Animal Rights Group Suspected
Daily News Roundup
March 9, 2015
A Musing All-Vegan School Cafeteria
Beagles bred at two Dane County facilities go to labs around the country
Daily News Roundup
March 5, 2015
Rescued Dairy Cow Hides Newborn Because She Thinks All Humans Steal Calves
Daily News Roundup
March 4, 2015
Jamie-Lee Smit - Belgian vegan singer
Secretive research monkey facilities come under scrutiny in Florida
Daily News Roundup
Actions Reported to Biteback - Germany
March 1, 2015
Are Animal Rights Activists Really Terrorists? // Invasion of the Movement Snatchers
Wetland Destruction in Urbana New York
Daily News Roundup
February 28, 2015
Daily News Roundup
February 26, 2015
From Cattle Rancher's Wife to Vegan Animal Sanctuary Owner
"Respect Life" - Worldwide Event
Rats Remember Who's Nice to Them--and Return the Favor
Crows bring gifts to girl who feeds them
Daily News Roundup
February 25, 2015
UN Says Veganism Can Save the World From Destruction
Activists Brave Frigid Temps and Angry Parents While Protesting Ringling Abuse - USA
Luxembourg - Animal Protection Actions, Index - updated
Daily News Roundup
February 24, 2015
Vegan Slam Poetry
Virunga - Movie
Chickens in cages: Prop 2 working "as planned" - USA
Barnaby Joyce - The Monster Minister - Australia
Stop eating so much meat, top U.S. nutritional panel says
Fire Department to Host "Squirrel Slam" - USA
Daily News Roundup
Livni commits to animal rights advocacy during shelter visit - Israel
White People Aren't Called Terrorists Unless They Liberate Animals, Apparently
Businesses don't live in fear of animal rights activists. Why charge them as terrorists?
Countering the hunt propaganda machine - UK
Brian Blessed calls for action on British circus ban
February 22, 2015
Daily News Roundup
February 21, 2015
Daily News Roundup
The German primate laboratory, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (MPI), has been raided by the police
Actions Reported to Biteback - France
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February 18, 2015
ALF POWs: Camille Marino, Prison # 15-00903, Dona Ana County Detention Center, 1850 Copper Loop, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88005
Daily News Roundup
February 13, 2015
Free to Cage: Proposition 2 Exposed
Crows Understand Analogies
Courageous Rescuers Snatch Two Roosters from Imminent Danger
Shark Attack
Daily News Roundup
February 11, 2015
Daily News Roundup
February 10, 2015
10 animal rights victories of 2014
Daily News Roundup
February 9, 2015
Daily News Roundup
Actions Reported to Biteback - Italy
February 8, 2015
A Tribute to Mike Hill
Daily News Roundup
February 7, 2015
Rich Russom - new song
Ontario Announces Groundbreaking Measure To End Orca Captivity
Pigeons are smarter than you think!
Daily News Roundup
February 6, 2015
McConaughey Distances Himself from Canned Hunts
King speaks on the Hill on behalf of baby monkeys
Daily News Roundup
TV Commercial to air in NYC
February 5, 2015
Daily News Roundup
Actions Reported to Biteback - Spain
Actions Reported to Biteback - Brazil
February 4, 2015
Scientists, General Public Have Divergent Views On Science, Report Says
Daily News Roundup
February 2, 2015
Daily News Roundup
February 1, 2015
Pit bull, Cat, and Chicks
Bird Feeds Dog Noodles
Internal training manual for animal experiments
Is animal testing still common?
Actions Reported to Biteback - Spain
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Daily News Roundup
January 30, 2015
Shepherds Of The Seas 

Song for the film DANCE OF DEATH
Daily News Roundup
January 29, 2015
Daily News Roundup
January 28, 2015
Two tales that make foie gras lovers feel better
KARA wants the Moran market closed - Korea
Court convicts lab dog breeders - Italy
Research shows chimps way ahead of humans in complex memory tests -Article in The Guardian - Japan
Learning From Animal Friendships - NY Times Science
Vegan Chef required for Restaurant in Hillcrest, KZN
Daily News Roundup
January 26, 2015
Berlin Protest vs. Factory Farms - Germany
The Birdman of Gadhimai - Nepal
Daily News Roundup
January 24, 2015
Actions Reported to Biteback - Israel
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Daily News Roundup
January 23, 2015
Activist's Harsh Sentence Shines Spotlight on "Medieval" Badger Cull
Daily News Roundup
January 22, 2015
Daily News Roundup
January 21, 2015
U.S. Research Lab Lets Livestock Suffer in Quest for Profit
Daily News Roundup
January 20, 2015
Dogs Need Rescue in Goshen Arkansas
Daily News Roundup
January 19, 2015
Daily News Roundup
Actions Reported to Biteback - Finland
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January 18, 2015�s-halong-bay-bears.html
Daily News Roundup
January 17, 2015
Meet Larry - A Little Chick Finds Love and a Home
Daily News Roundup
January 16, 2015
Chipotle Refuses To Serve Pork From Mistreated Pigs - video
The Future of Meat Is Plant-Based Burgers
Ten Scientific Reasons to Eat Organic
Paul Nahay - Let the Animals Live - song
Daily News Roundup
January 15, 2015
Prime Minister supports animal welfare law! - Lebanon
EVEN interview with John Robbins
Starbucks to Require More Humane AW Standards From Suppliers
Daily News Roundup
Actions Reported to Biteback - Netherlands
January 14, 2015
Lucky the Blind Circus Elephant Rescue
Rampaging elephant smashes up house but then saves crying baby
An Elephant and His Sheep
Gorilla Reunion: Damian Aspinall's Extraordinary Gorilla Encounter
Lioness Adopts a baby antelope
Squirrel Adopted by Cat Learns to Purr
Activism 2.0 - Entering, Agitating and Disrupting
Daily News Roundup
January 13, 2015
Cat and Ducklings
The Caring Owl and Cat
Nick Diener's Cover of "Free Me"
Norm Phelps, Spiritual Mentor to the AR Movement
Daily News Roundup
January 12, 2015
Video Captures Dozens Attacking Injured Bull - Colombia
Charlie Hebdo Cartoons
Daily News Roundup
January 10, 2015
Queer Animal Liberation activists take a stand
Daily News Roundup
January 9, 2015
Christian Terrorism
Unconditional Anti-Oppression: The Rise of Anti-Speciesism in the Anarchist Movement
Eric McDavid Released from Prison after 9 years! FBI withheld information for his defense
Daily News Roundup
January 8, 2015 - Animal Protection in World Constitutions
Actions Reported to Biteback - Argentina
Actions Reported to Biteback - Israel
Actions Reported to Biteback - Netherlands
Philosophical Notes on the Ecocide Act
Daily News Roundup
January 7, 2015
Daily News Roundup
January 6, 2015
Daily News Roundup
All Forms of Life are Sacred
Israeli buys 1,300 monkeys, saving them from harsh fate
Sea Shepherd 2014 Victories
January 5, 2015
"Betty" by Starlit
Daily News Roundup
January 4, 2015
Daily News Roundup
January 3, 2015
Our friend Norm Phelps has left us
Cry of the Innocent - poems
I am More.
The Pincushion
These Eyes Tell the Story
The Voices That Cannot Speak
Your Knife Cuts Deeper
Daily News Roundup
January 2, 2015
Daily News Roundup
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December 31, 2014
Dismantling Of Evil - poem
News Roundup
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December 29, 2014
Direct action from Istanbul to protest slaughter of turkeys
Major animal protest in Israel
News Roundup
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