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Om Malik
Partner, True Ventures. Founder, Gigaom. I love possibilities, I believe in people & imagineering.
Om Malik retweeted
Bijan Sabet 10h
Fantastic interview, highly highly recommend. interviews my amazing partner
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Om Malik 6h
What is great about is that they were bootstrapped & were very early to the cloud before it was fashionable. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Om Malik 6h
. joining . CongratsJason Stowe & team. Truly a great, humble guy & great outcome!
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Om Malik 7h
Sometimes I wonder why Silicon Valley needs to go to Burning Man to be weird? I mean real life here redefines strangeness!
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Om Malik 21h
Replying to @chrismichel
I feel the same about you dear friend
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Om Malik 23h
The Cash app hands down beats on user experience & usability. Damn shame not enough people use what is a simple P2P tool.
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Om Malik 24h
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Om Malik Aug 14
Replying to @rickplayswarr
Heard about that 👍🏼Thanks for sharing
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Om Malik Aug 14
So wrote about "Founder Friendly" in response to tweet. I added my 2c to the conversation
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Om Malik Aug 14
A random ICO offer for a platform to do commerce with crypto currency dropped into my inbox. I was taken back to the crazy/fun days of 1999!
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Om Malik Aug 13
Dear please don't include Salon links in your newsletter- they are so difficult to use on mobile & iPad
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Om Malik retweeted
Marcel Dirsus Aug 12
In Germany we call people who wave swastika flags & do Hitler salutes Nazis. But what do we know, right?
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Om Malik retweeted
FE International Aug 13
Our article, How to Value a SaaS Business in 2017, made it on 's list of the best SaaS articles
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Om Malik Aug 13
Replying to @BWJones
New toys and tricks to keep. Mind engaged
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Om Malik Aug 13
Stressful events means we all need a moment of zen.
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Om Malik Aug 13
Replying to @jason_kint @mashable
Wait did they mean Facebook
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Om Malik Aug 12
🔥 A blend of culture, sports and living off the grind in my latest "7 stories to read this weekend" newsletter
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Om Malik Aug 12
Ships fooled in GPS spoofing attack suggest Russian cyberweapon | New Scientist
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Om Malik Aug 11
You ought to be 😂
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Om Malik Aug 11
Replying to @chrismichel @netflix
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