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Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available

category international | anarchist movement | link to pdf author Friday December 11, 2015 16:43author by Tokologo African Anarchist Collective - TAACauthor email tokologo.aac at gmail dot com Report this post to the editors

Welcome to the first double issue of Tokologo, combining issues 5 and 6. This marks our third year of publishing by the Tokologo African Anarchist Collective and its study circles.



No Justice, No Peace: A Year of Struggle

Anarchism and the Continuing Struggle for Women’s Freedom by Bongani Maponyane (TAAC, ZACF)

No Illusions: 2016 Elections no Solution for the Masses by Warren McGregor (ZACF, TAAC)

Attacks on Foreigners: Only the Ruling Class Benefits by Siyabulela Hulu-Hulu (TAAC, ZACF)

Dear Mama: Poetry against the Anti-Foreigner Attacks in Grahamstown, 2015 by Leroy Maisiri (ZACF)

For a New Africa: Special Section

Yini i-Anarcho-Syndicalism?

To Cure Africa’s Heart-Rending Misery, we Need Working Class/Peasant Counter-Power, Anarchism. Contributors: Bongani, Dikeledi, Khayalethu, Lucky, Mzee, Nkululeko, Nonzwakazi, Nonzukiso, Siya, Warren

“Seek Ye First the Political Kingdom”? Learning from Kwame Nkrumah’s Failures in Ghana. Contributors: Lucky, Mthambeki, Nkululeko, Nonzukiso, Pitso, Sixoka, Warren

How Imperialism and Postcolonial Elites have Plundered Africa: And the Class Struggle, Anarchist-Communist Solution by Lucien van der Walt

TAAC Statements

The Struggle of the Working Class Can’t Be Ended Unless We Radically Change Society

Umzabalazo wenqanaba labantu ayina kususwa ngaphandle kokunyanzela endlela yenqcinga zenguquko kompakathi

Bill Andrews and South Africa’s Revolutionary Syndicalists by Lucien van der Walt

Related Link:
author by Wayne Pricepublication date Sun Jan 31, 2016 08:28author email drwdprice at aol dot comReport this post to the editors

For the first time, I looked through the site of your magazine. For whatever my opinion is worth, I want to say how impressive the journal is. Short but well-written articles. Fine illustrations. Excellent spread of topics, including on women's liberation and its relation to class. All very good. Perhaps sometime you will write an article telling us (the international anarchist movement) your experience in putting the journal together, in distributing it, and what response you get from readers. Keep up the good work!

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