Insights to Go

Filter, find and download stats.

Facebook IQ delivers insights that help make marketing campaigns more effective. Insights to Go makes data more accessible and actionable, by letting you sort the stats you care about and then download or share them instantly.

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Insights to Go Video

Step 1

Apply filters or use the search bar to sort insights by region, industry, audience, cultural moment and campaign planning tactics like platform, channel, creative format and measurement.

Filter and Search Insights to Go to find relative statistics

Step 2

Find Facebook IQ stats that can help...

Insights to Go provides supportive data

Fuel your strategy

Find the supporting data you need to form actionable insights about a consumer segment or behavior, and bolster research for a presentation.

Use Insights to Go to inspire your next strategic brief

Spark creativity

Feed strategic briefs and creative ideas with stats by cultural moment, creative format or media channel. Get inspiration with stats from Facebook and Instagram advertiser success stories.

Search Insights to Go stats to create an effective case

Inform media decision-making

Find proof points to make a case for budget allocation, strategy recommendations, messaging and channel plans.

Step 3

Click on a data card to download a slide version, share with a client, colleague or to Facebook or to explore relevant articles.

Click an Insights to Go card to download or share across facebook

Start using Insights to Go

Strategize with statistics from Facebook and InstagramFuel your strategy

Use to Insights to Go to inspire your next briefSpark creativity

Amp your strategy with Insights to Go statisticsFInform media decision-making

Improve your campaign with Insights to Go statisticsDeliver a more effective campaign

Filter, find and download Facebook IQ stats with Insights to Go.