Get ready! The 3rd Annual July 25th International Day of Solidarity With Antifascist Prisoners Is Upon Us!

Tuesday, July 25th, marks the 3rd Annual International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners. In the aftermath of the fiery protests against the G20—and the arrests of hundreds of comrades—we are again reminded that the embers of direct action need long-term prisoner support in order to keep the flame of resistance strong. Some forty G20 protesters remain in prison in Hamburg and need our solidarity.

Since the beginning of 2017, scores of antifascists and other revolutionaries have been arrested, and the numbers keep growing. In the Belarus and the United States alone, several hundred antifascists and anarchists have been arrested for taking part in anti-government and antifascist demonstrations. Just this month, in Belarus, Vadim Boyko, was arrested and transferred to a penal colony for a 2014 fight against right-wing hooligans, while in the US, over twenty people were arrested in Charlottesville, Virginia for defending the city against the KKK, and three people were arrested for participating in the violent demonstrations against fascists in Sacramento last year. One person, Mike Williams, a Native American organizer with the Brown Berets, is currently being held in jail on $500,000 bail.

There is something powerful in a worldwide day of solidarity, and there is still time to do something for July 25th to show support for comrades who are behind prison walls, as well as those tangled in a legal process which seeks to separate them from us in the same way. Any action—no matter how small—such as a solidarity photo, or a letter, is meaningful and appreciated. We have heard from many antifa prisoners that the letters and postcards they have received from around the world has made them feel less alone and helped them through the darkness of prison. Please see the Global Antifa Prisoner List for a list of names and current addresses.

Another way to show solidarity is to donate money. A group we recommend is the Bulgarian Prisoners Association, started by antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, an Australian man serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans. Jock has specifically asked supporters to donate to the association—which helps Bulgarian prisoners fight against the corrupt Bulgarian prison system and the violations and abuses they endure—for July 25th. Another good place to donate is Antifa International’s International Anti-Fascist Defense Fund, which raises funds for prisoners, as well as money for legal defense, medical costs, and family expenses for antifascists. However, there are many prisoners and defendants—local and international—who need support, and we encourage you to donate to those of your choosing.

We also encourage solidarity actions. You can show support through banner drops, literature distribution on the streets, statements of solidarity, benefit concerts, letter-writings, solidarity photos, and other more creative ways! There is also currently a week of solidarity with the hundreds of antifascist protesters arrested during anti-Trump protests at the US presidential inauguration on January 20th—who are each facing 75+ years in prison—and we encourage people to get involved.

Tweet your solidarity with the #J25antifa hashtag and remember:
Until all are free!

Free Roman Bogdan! Free Vlad Lenko! Free Vadim Boyko! Free Dzmitry Stsyashenka! Free Jock Palfreeman! Free Aleksandr Kolchenko! Free Joel Almgren! Free Mike Williams! Drop the charges!

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1 Response to Get ready! The 3rd Annual July 25th International Day of Solidarity With Antifascist Prisoners Is Upon Us!

  1. Pingback: Get ready! The 3rd Annual July 25th International Day of Solidarity With Antifascist Prisoners Is Upon Us! | Indiĝenaj Inteligenteco

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