
Jason Kessler claims Deandre Harris to be arrested this week, says he's going to "sue the shit out of the city of Charlottesville, and all of the people who conspired against us..."

Jason Kessler has recorded another one of his podcasts with Christopher Cantwell, live and direct from jail in which the two discuss the alleged impending arrest of Deandre Harris and Jason's efforts to sue the city of Charlottesville, amongst other things. Note: This is a rush transcript. Please snd any corrections to

(Skip to 3:58)Jason Kessler: “The news I heard reporting was just that they put you guys together, people who were arrested from the protest, but I’m assuming it’s only people from our side that are together, right? They’re not putting any Leftists in there with you guys, right?”Christopher Cantwell: “I don’t think they got… Do you know if they have any Leftists in custody? I mean I know they arrested the people who assaulted you, but I’m figuring that they made bail already. No?”Jason Kessler: “I haven’t heard anything about that but I think this, uhh, what’s his name? Ahh, Deandre Harris is probably going to be in the clink within a week, and…

Jason Kessler's got the straight edge!

Have fun with this one!

Minor Threat - Straight Edge

Misfits - Halloween

Restoring the honor!

Citizen Review Board: Jason Kessler was never formally issued a permit by Charlottesville for the Unite The Right rally...

According to a letter posted in response to a FOIA request dated August 29, 2017, Charlottesville Communications Director Miriam Dickler confirms that Jason Kessler was never formally issued a permit for the Unite The Right rally. The city of Charlottesville considered the Federal judge’s order to serve as “the permit”. Kessler never had an issued permit, he had a “deemed granted permit”. It’s unclear at this time what the legal ramifications might be because of this arrangement, if any.

Restoring the honor!

Citizen Review Board: Buzzfeed News livestream of Unite The Right shows Officer guarding Market & 4th still in place immediately after beating of Deandre Harris...

A video shot by Buzzfeed News on August 12, 2017 appears to show the same CPD Police Officer who made their way to the front porch of NBC 29's office still guarding the intersection of Market Street and 4th Street in the moments right after Deandre Harris was beaten in the Market Street Parking Garage. This raises a question of timing. This Officer would have to have left their post shortly after this video was captured in order to be on the front porch minutes later. 

Skip to 1:10:40

The Buzzfeed video appears to be an earlier video than the video showing the CPD Officer at the NBC 29 office. The Buzzfeed video also shows that the CPD Police cruiser is still in place. Due to the angle of the video and a parked car on Market Street, we are not able to see if the plastic sawhorse style barricade is still in place.
Anyone with video or photo evidence of the events in the the vicinity of Market Street and 4th Street on August 12, 2017 is encouraged to email me at

Citizen Review Board: Jason Kessler says that the security plan that was worked out with police was "very complicated"...

Jason Kessler, the organizer of the disastrous Unite The Right Nazi rally, and all around piece of shit,  has published Part 1, of a 3-part interview with journalist Robyn Semien. Kessler tries to tell Semien that the rally had nothing to do with Neo-Nazis and white supremacy which is total and utter bullshit. Pretty much every, if not every single participant in the rally was involved with the white power movement, if you can call it a "movement". Kessler also trashes Nazi LARPers like The Daily Stormer, Traditionalist Worker Party and Vanguard America (although he doesn't call them out by name), who he says were not supposed to be allowed to participate in the event due to their Third Reich fetishism, aka "muh Nazi bad optics".

Skip to 12:20 
Robyn Semien: “Ok. So you mostly wanted to talk about what you saw as a misrepresentation by the media. Umm, as if, I’m actually not sure what the misrepresentation was still. What was the misrepresentation?”Jason Kessler…

Citizen Review Board: Eyewitnesses to car attack, Brennan Gilmore and Chris Mahoney, interviewed by CNN at 4:35 pm on August 12, 2017

On August 12, 2017, CNN interviewed two eyewitnesses to the car attack in Charlottesville, Virginia. Brennan Gilmore and Chris Mahoney gave personal accounts of what they saw that afternoon to a CNN reporter from the scene of the crime. The revelation here is that their account of events matches what John Zeigler told Good Morning America.

Brennan Gilmore: “The car reversed, ah, very fast, back up the street, as you can see in the video. Ah, so we were still, umm, you know, sorta in the scene, so we jumped out to get around the corner of this barrier, of this building, and a car flew by, and immediately, you know, victims started coming out. My friend ran after the car. I gave first aid to a lady that had come out from the scene, and ah, and yeah, that’s ah basically what happened. The car disappeared after that.”CNN Reporter: “Were you able to get a look at the driver as he sped by you?Chris Mahoney: “Umm no, the car had tinted windows, so it was difficult to see in. Umm, so I was, I…

Citizen Review Board: Eyewitness quotes another eyewitness who claimed they saw James Alex Fields waiting for a few minutes up the street before the car attack on 4th Street...

Folks, I want to be clear, I cannot vouch for these claims, I'm just putting it out there. Time will tell what happened. That being said, John Zeigler, a citizen journalist who livestreams events for outlets such as Unicorn Riot under the name "Rebelutionary Z" witnessed the car attack on 4th Street. Zeigler was interviewed by a Good Morning America host about the attack. According to Zeigler, Fields was allowed to pass because people at the end of the street where Fields entered let him through thinking he was a Police Officer. Zeigler also claims that he heard another eyewitness interview in which the witness stated that Fields waited for several minutes before the attack.

(Skip to 1:20)

Good Morning America Host: “People let the car in because they thought it was a cop car?”John Zeigler: “Umm, there were some witnesses, because after it happened we did have a time, we were talking to each other, looking at other people’s video footage trying to get the whole story of w…