Originally published to It’s Going Down 

We lied, one more. 

6:30 PM: People still marching and in the streets, but numbers fading out of the downtown. At this time, we will stop updating this live liveblog for now and begin to focus on Strike, Walk-Out, Mobilize: #DisruptJ2o Across the World.




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Crimethinc reports:

At 13th and K, a barricade has held for the last two hours. The police began indiscriminately firing flash grenades at people–mostly folks who had just left a permitted march. The black bloc created the barricade primarily to hold the intersection so the police could not advance on the permitted rally three blocks away.

People started a trash fire to protect the street, and an hour later moved the fire to a parked limousine–presumed to be secret service, who were also policing the area. About a thousand people were nearby when the engine blew up, but none were hurt.

At the same intersection, there are reports coming in that police threw a concussion grenade at a woman with a baby, but anarchists intervened and stopped its trajectory. Police are now moving in on all sides as two permitted rallies occur in the surrounding blocks, and multiple helicopters hover overhead.

Puppets #disruptj20 #inauguration #notmypresident

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#disruptj20 #Anonymous #IntelGroup

A post shared by Anonymous Intelligence Group (@intelgroup) on



#disruptj20 #notmypresident #inaug2017

A post shared by Alex Cassie MUA (@alexyourface) on

2:56 PM: Crimethinc reports:

Of the 14 security checkpoints around the inaugural parade route, protesters managed to block 6 of them for several hours.

The Future is Feminist blockade at 10th and E seems to have held out the longest, disbanding only minutes ago to join a march. The diverse crowd maintained a soft blockade with linked arms for hours this morning, chanting “Go another way!” and “Not my president!” while denying access to Trump supporters.

Police eventually broke up the blockade from behind, creating a path through which they escorted Bikers for Trump. This may have been intended to prevent clashes between the Bikers and the blockaders, but the feminist crew didn’t seem to need their help. As video shows, they held their own against all kinds of people trying to pass.

2:48 PM: NPR reporting that bricks being thrown at police as they fire more tear-gas.

2:38 PM: Barricades erected in street as stand-off with police continues.

2:27 PM: Street clashes breaking out. Police still trying to push back crowd from supporting those being kettled by them.


A post shared by Kyle Depew (@upsidewalkdown) on

2:20 PM: A large group has gathered to support comrades who are being arrested by the police, one of which was carried away in a stretcher. Police has responded by shooting off peppery spray and tear gas.


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1:07 PM I-395 shut down.

1 PM Police trying to break up a checkpoint of protesters. Bikers on the scene, trying to get through.


12:42 AM: Water protectors blockade Wells Fargo for their role in funding DAPL.


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Gathering in front of Union Station #notmypresident #inauguration #trump #protest #disruptj20

A post shared by Schyler (@anyschyler) on

12:28 AM: Arrests still being made.

#Repost @tallunionguy #disruptj20

A post shared by act.tv (@actdottv) on

11:54 AM: Reports of arrests about to take place at 12th and L Street.

11:33 AM: Reports of police tear-gassing boxed in protesters at 12th and L Streets. People cannot get out!

11:28 AM: Peoples till penned in at 12th and L Street by police.

11:20 AM: Riot police pushing back people from entering into inauguration.

We are holding strong at 10th and have shut down the checkpoint ✊🏼 #DisruptJ20 #InaugurateTheResistance

A post shared by Doc Rocket (@docr0cket) on

#jointheresistance #protest #fucktrump #inauguration #disruptj20 #disrupt #nobordersnonations

A post shared by Arielle (@iloveuninja) on

10:49 AM: Police trying to form street blockades with bikes to stop black bloc. People being hit with pepper spray.

10:47 AM: RT livestream back up. Reports of tear-gas. Still a large block, being followed now by riot cops by still on the march. 300 or more strong still.

10:39 AM: Tear gas reported.

10:37 AM: Police pepper spraying near black bloc. Riot cops on the scene. Blockades continue.

10:36 AM: Black bloc large, around 300-500. Attacks on limos, corporate stores. Police not arriving. Lots of sirens.

10:14 AM: Reports on social media stated that 10 check points have been shut down due to blockades.

10:12 AM Anti-capitalist, anti-fascist bloc gathering at Logan Square.

10:07 AM: Police attempting to break through blockades in some areas. Back and forth. Anti-capitalist, anti-fascist bloc gathering at Logan Circle. Some clashes with Trump supporters.

#protest outside #inauguration #notmypresident #trump #j20 #disrupt #disruptj20 #blacklivesmatter

A post shared by Schyler (@anyschyler) on

9:54 AM: Clash with Alex Jones.

LGBT #DisruptJ20 protesters still at #Inauguration checkpoint at 13th and F Streets, NW

A post shared by Michael K. Lavers (@mklavers) on

9:49 AM: Calls to “Hold the line!”

Feminist bloc! #disruptj20

A post shared by mikkipedia (@realmikkipedia) on

9:39 AM: Blockades continue. Red gate still shut down. More Bikers and Trump supporters showing up.

Volunteering at the base camp ⛺️ #OurInauguration #DisruptJ20

A post shared by Monique LeTourneau (@moniqueavelaine) on

At capacity! #disruptj20

A post shared by J Marie (@elprincipito) on

9:33 AM: Reports that Red Gate inauguration entrance completely shut down.

Still holding. #BLM #disruptj20

A post shared by Christina White (@tinicoolquits) on


9:28 AM: Unicorn Riot livestream shows police arrests.

#DisruptJ20 Climate bloc keeping the entry shut down! Holding strong #Climate #ClimateJ20 @disruptj20

A post shared by david nishizaki (@forget.me.naut) on

9:15 AM: From Climate Blockade: “The Red Gate, one of 12 checkpoints to enter the inauguration, is being blockaded. Although some are able to trickle through, most attendees being forced to spill over to other entry checkpoints. Distributed blockades like ours occurring simultaneously at multiple other gates surrounding the mall presently as well. We are holding position as long as possible.”

@Regrann from @e_soco – We're ready #checkpointprotest #blacklivesmatter #inauguration2017 #disruptj20 – #regrann

A post shared by treaclemine (@a_treaclemine) on

9: 09 AM: Fights break out with Bikers for Trump, a far-Right organization that helps provide support for the inauguration. Alex Jones escorted by police through protest.

9: 06 AM: Bikers arrive on scene, enter inauguration. Black Lives Matter blockade growing.

#blacklivesmatter #riseup #resist #loveisresistance #surj #disruptj20 #thischeckpointisclosed

A post shared by Sadie Leigh (@sadieleigh_danceyoga) on

9 AM: Blockades at checkpoints continue and grow.

8:53 AM: Feminist lock down continues.

Resist! #disruptj20

A post shared by J Marie (@elprincipito) on

8:48 AM: Climate activists blockade inaugural entrance.

#disruptj20 #inauguration #dc #gateblock #gateblocking

A post shared by Theresa Keil (@theresakeil) on

#posttrump #disruptj20

A post shared by America (@posttrump) on

8:43 AM: Black Lives Matter holding strong at lock down.

Single file entrance. Still holding the streets #disruptj20

A post shared by J Marie (@elprincipito) on

8:39 AM: Unicorn Riot added to livestream at top of post.

8:33 AM: Blockades growing and being strengthened.

8:25 AM: Black Lives Matter lockdown continues.

Sit down. #BLM #disruptj20

A post shared by Christina White (@tinicoolquits) on

8:24 AM : Water protectors from Standing Rock arrive.

8:20 AM : Black Lives Matter remains locked down to inauguration check point. Other blockades growing.

8:12 AM : Black Lives Matter beings lock down.

Who do you serve? #disruptj20

A post shared by J Marie (@elprincipito) on

#blacklivesmatter if we don't get it, shut it down #SURJDC #disruptj20

A post shared by Justin Weber (@jl_weber) on

Stand up! #BLM #disruptj20

A post shared by Christina White (@tinicoolquits) on

8:10 AM: More protesters arrive at the inauguration check points. Reports of fights starting to break out with Trump supporters.

8 AM : Protests going on at 12 checkpoints getting into inauguration. Protesters report low attendance of Trump supporters.

7 AM : National Guard Hits the Streets, Blockades and protests begin. More info here.


#disruptj20 #thefutureisfeminist

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