
Contact Us

For support requests and billing issues, please contact our 24/7 support team.Get support for Akismet, Cloudup, Gravatar, Jetpack, Longreads, Polldaddy, Simplenote, Simperium, VaultPress, WooCommerce, or VIP Hosting.

For press inquiries or to download a logo, visit our Press page.

For complaints (spam, abuse, legal, copyright, impersonation, slander, annoyance), please visit our Complaints page. If you believe material on any of our services infringes on your copyright(s), please see our DMCA page.

To report security issues, or security issues with any Automattic product, see our Security page.

To learn more about our lounge in San Francisco please visit the lounge page.

Please do not use our voicemail, postal mail, or contact form for billing questions, support, or complaints. Please use the support links listed above.

Our voicemail is (877) 273-3049.

If you want to mail us something, please send it to:

60 29th Street #343
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States of America

If none of those are a good fit you can contact our general mailbox below, and should hear back within a few weeks.