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🎙Wayne Dupree
2017 Newsmax Top 50 Influential Black Republican, Host 2015 Blogger/Year; 2014 Podcast/Yr, NDC Board Mbr, Proj 21 Mbr, AtoZ Entertainment Booking: 865-689-7376
🎙Wayne Dupree 3 ಗಂ.
President Trump Feels Just Like Us! Mueller—Comey Relationship "Bothersome"
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🎙Wayne Dupree 4 ಗಂ.
Celebrities Didn't Help Ossoff, Now They're Begging Federal Money For Planned Parenthood
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🎙Wayne Dupree ಮರುಟ್ವೀಟಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ
Chrissy Francis 8 ಗಂ.
Official WDShow Store | Teespring Store Front is open! Order ur gear now!
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🎙Wayne Dupree 6 ಗಂ.
Live on Video 9:05pm - 10pm ET via FB 215 867 8655 🔴 We're Live 9:05pm - 10pm ET
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🎙Wayne Dupree 6 ಗಂ.
LIVE 🔴 Listen to "WDShow 6-23 OPEN PHONES FRIDAY 215 867 8255"
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🎙Wayne Dupree 6 ಗಂ.
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🎙Wayne Dupree 6 ಗಂ.
LIVE: WDShow 6-23 OPEN PHONES FRIDAY 215 867 8255 on
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🎙Wayne Dupree 11 ಗಂ.
On Cue, Depp Apologizes for Assassination Statement "I Intended No Malice"
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🎙Wayne Dupree 12 ಗಂ.
Manchin was hugging Obama a couple of years ago, now election time is coming. This is expected
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🎙Wayne Dupree 12 ಗಂ.
don't worry, the Senate "matter" into your obstruction of the FBI is just a full-fledge "investigation" 😜
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🎙Wayne Dupree 13 ಗಂ.
HE SAID IT! House Democrat — Subtle Hints Of Racism, Sexism Are Effective In South Where I'm From
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🎙Wayne Dupree 13 ಗಂ.
GET HER!! Grassley, Senate Open Probe Into Lynch Obstruction Role in Hillary's Email Investigation!!
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🎙Wayne Dupree 14 ಗಂ.
Don't miss my daily videos, audios, exclusive articles, photos via my . Now includes replays of radio show
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🎙Wayne Dupree 15 ಗಂ.
WH Condemns Johnny Depp Assassination Talk; Urges Hollywood To Speak Out Against Rhetoric!
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🎙Wayne Dupree 15 ಗಂ.
🚨 64 Percent Of Voters Say Investigations Into Trump And Russia Hurting The Country!
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🎙Wayne Dupree 16 ಗಂ.
WHAT UNITY? High-Ranking Democrat — I'm Glad Scalise Was Shot; Wish He Was F*** Dead [AUDIO]
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🎙Wayne Dupree 16 ಗಂ.
YEAH, THAT'S TOLERANT! California AG Bans State Employee Funded Travel To These Anti-LGBT Friendly States
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🎙Wayne Dupree 17 ಗಂ.
OH? Wasserman-Schultz Says FBI Never Contacted DNC About Russian Hack On Network
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🎙Wayne Dupree 17 ಗಂ.
💣 Conway ZINGS Camerota About Russia! CNN Is Aiding And Abetting This Nonsense As Well
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🎙Wayne Dupree 17 ಗಂ.
With Legacy Almost Out The Door, Obama Says Healthcare Bill "Massive Transfer Of Wealth"
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