Climate Justice

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    Video: Brian Tokar at the Oslo Ecological Challenges conference

Video: Brian Tokar at the Oslo Ecological Challenges conference

The New Compass has just posted a video of Brian Tokar’s presentation from last September in Oslo, titled “Climate Change as a Challenge to Democracy.” This was the opening session of the 3-day Ecological Challenges conference at the University of Oslo, and included a panel of academic and activist respondents to the opening talk. In April, New Compass Press will publish the full proceeds of the conference, under the title Social Ecology and Social Change.

New book reviews and an interview

Reviews are starting to come in for the recent books by Brian Tokar and Dan Chodorkoff that were profiled here: • The Swiss Ecologie Sociale website has reviewed both books (in French) • has reviewed Toward Climate Justice

Limits to Growth: Are we there yet?

From ISE Associate Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero:

In the last few weeks a public debate has flared up between Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman and environmentalist Richard Heinberg, senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute. Heinberg insists that reverting global warming and overall environmental degradation is impossible without stopping economic growth. Krugman dismissed his arguments in a September 18 op-ed (1). Heinberg responded with an article titled “Paul Krugman and the limits of hubris” (2).

The debate over ecology vs. economic growth is not new. In 1972 a team of Massachusetts Institute of [...]

Dan Chodorkoff appeals to architects in Denmark (Video)

In September Dan Chodorkoff keynoted a conference on Education for Sustainability at the Aarhus School of Architecture in Aarhus, Denmark.  He was the only non-architect on the program. Here is a recording of his presentation, Sustainability, Education, and Utopia, accompanied, in part, by a slide show. Dan begins speaking around 8:20, and the slides begin at 42:45. (The camera appears to focus on the screen whether or not it is in use.)

Other presentations at the conference are available at Starting from that page, Dan’s presentation is in the [...]

Beverly Naidus’ installations in Plymouth, NH

Long time ISE faculty member Beverly Naidus reports that she has two art installations showing through October at Plymouth State College in New Hampshire. One interactive installation is about extinction, “Curtain Call: Portable Altars for Grief and Gratitude” and the other is about the perils and rewards of activism, “AND NOW Behind Curtain #2.”

Beverly’s artist’s statement for the first of the two states in part:

I knew that I wanted to make a series of altars about extinction that would roll up and be easy to carry from place to [...]

New Murray Bookchin collection in French

From our colleague Vincent Gerber in Geneva:
October 16th will be the publication date for our book “Murray Bookchin, une écologie sociale et radicale,” in the series titled Precursors of Degrowth, produced by Serge Latouche. For more information, see my posting here.
This project comes up after the publication of my earlier book on Bookchin and social ecology, and Floreal Romero and I worked together on this. The aim of this small book is to present how ideas of social ecology influence (or are similar to) the recent Degrowth [...]

Brian Tokar: Defying Apocalypse

This commentary appears on the occasion of the forthcoming “Apocalypse Now?” issue of the Occupied Times of London, as well as the People’s Climate March in New York City and events before and after, and also the publication of the newly revised and expanded edition of my book, Toward Climate Justice.  It also appears on Counterpunch, ZNet and Toward Freedom:

Today it often feels as though we are hopelessly mired in apocalyptic thinking, both in our social movements and in popular culture. From Hollywood blockbusters to art house dystopias, and [...]

Left Green Perspectives [Complete back issue list]

[Note: Left Green Perspectives was published regularly between 1986 and early 1999, with an additional issue in January 2000. The prices listed with each issue represent the cover price at the time of publication; print editions are no longer available.]

Issue #1 (January 1986) $.50: “The Greening of Politics: Toward a New Kind of Political Practice,” by Murray Bookchin; “Radical Ecologist Fundis vs. Reformist Realos in the German Green Party,” by Howard HawkinsIssue #2 (February 1986) $.50:”Municipalization: Community Ownership of the Economy,” by Murray Bookchin Issue #3 (June 1986) $.75: [...]

Green Perspectives: Missing Issues

Thanks to Vincent Gerber in Geneva, we now have copies of several of the issues of Green Perspectives and Left Green Perspectives that were previously missing from this site as well as from other online sources. Click on Read More for live download links to issues # 9, 11, 12, 13, and 39, as well as links to issues available at and other websites.

New books from Dan Chodorkoff & Brian Tokar

From New Compass Press in Norway, a new collection of Dan Chodorkoff’s essays, The Anthropology of Utopia, plus a revised and expanded edition of Brian Tokar’s Toward Climate Justice.  Both available in September; review copies now available from New Compass:
Essays on Social Ecology and Community Development
By Dan Chodorkoff

How can we avert ecological catastrophe? How can we build community? What is the practical relevance of utopia? These are some of the questions anthropologist Dan Chodorkoff explores in his essays on social ecology and community [...]