Debbie Bookchin

ROAR Magazine interview with Debbie Bookchin

ROAR Magazine (Reflections on a Revolution), one of the very best websites chronicling today’s protest movements and global uprisings, has posted an extended interview with Debbie Bookchin about her father’s legacy and the importance of his essays collected in the book, The Next Revolution, co-edited by Debbie and ISE board member Blair Taylor. The interview is by ISE alum and University of Leeds doctoral student Federico Venturini.

On the question of Murray Bookchin’s most lasting contributions, Debbie explains:
On a very basic level, his introduction of ecology as a political category was extraordinary. He was fifty years ahead of his [...]

NY Times letter on Kobane

From the New York Times editorial page, November 25, 2014. Also see
To the Editor:

Re: “More Than a Battle, Kobani Is a Publicity War” (front page, Nov. 20):
While the Syrian border town of Kobani may be viewed as a public relations battle by the United States and the Islamic State, Kobani’s true strategic importance is that it exemplifies the new Kurdish commitment to eschewing nationalism in favor of building a citizen-empowered democracy that departs radically even from existing forms of democracy in the West.
In Kobani, as [...]

Review of “Recovering Bookchin” by Andy Price

Author/journalist Debbie Bookchin and ISE Board member Bea Bookchin offer this in-depth review of Andy Price's new book, Recovering Bookchin (New Compass Press, November 2012):