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Media Watch episodes are available for download for up to 12 weeks from air date. Download the complete episodes by clicking on the download links below and choosing 'save' when prompted. (Format: MP4; Size: 40 MB; Duration: 15 min).

Episode 33 - 25/09/2017 Download MP4
Red faces over Roberts reversal; Spruiking supplements; Spot the sponsored content; TV tantrums
Episode 32 - 18/09/2017 Download MP4
Rebel gets the last laugh; The power of Kmart mums; Media reforms gets green light; Malley's media adventure
Episode 31 - 11/09/2017 Download MP4
Spot the Tassie Tiger; A matter of trust; Too much publicity is never enough; A picture tells the wrong story
Episode 30 - 04/09/2017 Download MP4
The missing flood story; Reheating Christmas carols outrage; Media marriage friction; Today starts a war
Episode 29 - 28/08/2017 Download MP4
A monumental beat up; Same-Sex Campaign; Campaign clanger; Misplaced map outrage
Episode 28 - 21/08/2017 Download MP4
Media reform battles on; Jumping the gun on a medical breakthrough; Flash mob to cash in; More perils of live TV
Episode 27 - 14/08/2017 Download MP4
Teflon John and his media mates; Same Sex marriage frustration; Nightline kills the radio star; Memo to Mitch Fifield
Episode 26 - 07/08/2017 Download MP4
Reporting on terror raids; Abbott speaks and media repeats; Goodbye to a veteran
Episode 25 - 31/07/2017 Download MP4
The Pell show comes to town; Super spruikers; Dual citizenship duel; Flying dry
Episode 24 - 24/07/2017 Download MP4
Rainbow stars in Greens exit; An unholy row; Exploiting tragedy for column inches; Ray's Scomo spray
Episode 23 - 17/07/2017 Download MP4
Iceberg ahoy!; Amazon is coming; Non apology of the week from the Daily Telegraph; TV news turns off the Top End; International journalism award axed
Episode 22 - 10/07/2017 Download MP4
State of play, news media versus the digital giants
Amid a Senate inquiry, a Media Watch special on how Facebook and Google have damaged and might save journalism


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