All posts in category 'Tadamon!'

Bissan Eid returns to Montréal

July 10th, 2017 | Posted in Palestine, Tadamon!, Solidarity

Canadian government must answer to the Eid family and be accountable for its inaction


On Friday, June 30th, Bissan Eid and her infant daughter Sarah returned to Montréal after six months in Gaza. They had previously been unable to leave due to the Israeli military siege over the Palestinian territory.

In January 2017, Bissan and the Eid family first called on the Canadian government to take action in support of Bissan’s right to return to Montréal. Yet, for over six months, the Canadian government failed to act. As a result, Bissan was forced to give birth in Gaza — far away from immediate family and friends and under military blockade.

Canada could have intervened earlier to bring Bissan home — that it failed to do so illustrates the ongoing reality of institutional racism within the Canadian state infrastructure. It is difficult to imagine the Canadian government would have provided so little support and follow-up to any other Canadian citizen trapped abroad. In this sense, Bissan’s experience of Israeli apartheid policies and structural violence were normalized by the Canadian government, who accepted the racist, violent treatment she was subjected to by Israeli authorities as a matter of course.

“Gaza is a real prison for over 2 million Palestinians who live there. During the 2014 Israeli aggression, 20% of the buildings in Gaza were destroyed. Israeli authorities do not allow building materials nor food to enter and there is only 3 to 4 hours of electricity per day. Palestinians don’t have the right to leave Gaza for any reason,” says Hadi Eid, Bissan’s father, also outlining that, “the lack of medical supplies imposed by the Israeli blockade has increased the infant mortality rate and nearly doubled the neonatal mortality rate. In a prison, you can eat, see a doctor when you are sick and have electricity 24/7; Gaza is worse than a prison.”


Bissan & Sarah are now on their way home !

June 30th, 2017 | Posted in Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!, Solidarity
    solidarity across borders, always !


After more than 6 months of struggling to depart Gaza, Palestine, Bissan, along with her 7-week-old child, Sarah, are now in transit back to Montréal. At this time, the Eid family and their supporters would like to thank the thousands of individuals and many organizations who supported Bissan and Sarah’s fundamental right to freedom of movement throughout this difficult period.


Bissan Eid forced to give birth in the Israeli military besieged Gaza Strip, as Eid family continues to call for support

April 26th, 2017 | Posted in Canada, Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!


For Immediate Release — Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

    Press Conference:
    Thursday, April 27th, 10h
    School of Community and Public Affairs
    Classroom on first floor
    2149 Mackay Street


Montréal’s Bissan Eid, a Concordia graduate student remains blocked in the Israeli military besieged Gaza Strip. Now eight-months pregnant, she continues to call on the Canadian government for support.


Solidarity with Bissan Eid !

April 17th, 2017 | Posted in Canada, Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!

    Pregnant Concordia student blocked from leaving Gaza, a call for support !



For over four months, Bissan Eid, a 24 year old Concordia graduate student has been prevented from leaving the Palestinian territory of Gaza. She is in urgent need of support from the Canadian government to secure an exit visa from the Israeli government.

In June 2016, Bissan, a Canadian citizen since 2005, travelled to Gaza to get married and to visit her aging grandparents. When she tried to travel back to Canada, she was prevented from leaving due to the slow processing of her exit visa by the Israeli authorities, who seldom prioritize applications of the Palestinians from Gaza who hold other passports.


Pregnant Concordia student blocked from leaving Gaza

April 12th, 2017 | Posted in Canada, Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!


    Press Conference:
    Thursday, April 13th, 10am
    School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia University
    Basement room
    2149 Mackay St.


For over four months, Bissan Eid, a 24 year old Concordia graduate student has been prevented from leaving the Palestinian territory of Gaza. She is in urgent need of support from the Canadian government to secure an exit visa from the Israeli government.


Night Demonstration to commemorate Palestine Land Day

March 28th, 2017 | Posted in BDS, Boycott, Palestine, Tadamon!, Events


Night Demonstration to commemorate Palestine Land Day

Friday, March 31, 2017 at 6:30pm
Gathering in front of Metro Mont-Roy

On March 30, Palestinians will commemorate Land Day, and the global campaign for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), to end Israeli occupation, colonialism, and apartheid.


Rafeef Ziadah with Phil Monsour : We Teach Life !

September 18th, 2016 | Posted in BDS, Canada, Culture, Palestine, Tadamon!, Solidarity


Launch of Rafeef Ziadah’s latest album, We Teach Life, in Montreal
presented by Tadamon!

    Monday, September 26 at 8:30pm
    La Vitrola
    10$ – 15$ (no one turned away)
    4602 St. Laurent
    Montreal, Quebec
    facebook event

Join us for a powerful evening, of poetry and art featuring Rafeef Ziadeh and Phil Monsoor.

We Teach Life is an album rooted in the ongoing struggles of Palestinian liberation against Israeli colonialism, occupation and apartheid.


Demonstration: Solidarity with Palestine in Three Letters: B. D. S.

August 9th, 2016 | Posted in BDS, Boycott, Palestine, Tadamon!, Imperialism, Solidarity


    Friday, August 12th at 8pm
    Place Pasteur
    1430 Rue Saint-Denis
    (Metro Berri-UQAM)
    facebook event

For over 80 years and since the Arab revolt in Palestine in 1936, the Palestinian people have been struggling against the seizure of their land in a Zionist colonial project that began even before the British Mandate on Palestinian territory. Since the “Nakba” (Catastrophe) of 1948, the destruction, exploitation and control of Palestine by the State of Israel is one of the most recent cases of Western colonialism on indigenous lands.

Despite condemnation by the “international community” for its illegality, including by the United Nations, Israeli expansionism continues through the violent bombing of civilian neighbourhoods, the forced displacement of the Palestinian population, and ongoing detention, imprisonment and killings – thus making Israel an “eternal dissident” on human rights.


Artists Against Apartheid ! 18/03/2016

March 12th, 2016 | Posted in Boycott, Canada, Culture, Tadamon!, Events, Solidarity
    taking place as part of Israeli Apartheid Week – Montréal 2016 !


    Friday, March 18, 2016
    doors 7:30pm / show 8:30pm
    10$ (no one turned away)
    Café l’Artère, 7000 Av. du Parc
    facebook event
    Montréal, Québec


Syria: Beyond and Behind the “Refugee Crisis”

November 5th, 2015 | Posted in Syria, Tadamon!, Events, Solidarity


Friday, November 6th, at 3:30 pm
Madeleine Parent Room (203A), 2nd Floor
SSMU Building (3480 McTavish)
facebook event

In collaboration with QPIRG McGill

In recent months, coverage of Syria in much of the western mass media has been focused on the “refugee crisis”. Certainly, the movement of hundreds of thousands of people- most of them from Syria – to Europe is among the signal events of the human experience in the contemporary period. Yet, the media story of the Syrian refugee migrations is often seriously incomplete. It is often a story of how this population movement will affect conditions in western states – demographic, political, social, economic – and about how, why and whether western states can and should respond.


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