All posts in category 'Egypt'

Outdoor Summer Film Series! Part 2: Out on the streets

July 17th, 2017 | Posted in Événements, Egypt, Resistance, Solidarity

Join Tadamon! for a summer film series exploring a range of realities and struggles – from those in exile, migrating due to occupation and war, to the struggles of workers against neoliberalism in Egypt. This event is co-organized by the Submedia Collective.

Out on the Streets

Out on the Street (Barra fel shari’)
Directed By Jasmina Metwaly, Phillip Rizk

    Tuesday August 8th @ 7pm
    Café Coop Touski
    2361 Ontario St E, Montreal
    metro Frontenac
    Facebook event


Rejecting Canada’s complicity with Egypt’s authoritarian military government

February 19th, 2015 | Posted in Canada, Tadamon!, Egypt, Solidarity
    Tadamon! Montreal statement, Feb. 2015.


A protester carrying a banner addressed to Mubarak: “The people want you to fall”. Photo by Hossam el-Hamalawy

Egypt’s 2011 popular uprising, against Hosni Mubarak’s authoritarian rule, is now being systematically overturned by the military-backed regime of Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, with the open complicity of western powers, including Canada’s Conservative government.

The spirit of Egypt’s globally celebrated revolution, defined by popular demands for “Bread, Freedom, and Social Justice,” chanted out by countless thousands on the streets braving police bullets just over four years ago, is under attack by an empowered army state, shaped by militarized neo-liberalism.

This political reality was made most evident in late January, with the deaths of multiple civilian demonstrators, shot by state police forces in broad daylight, killed during marches commemorating the martyrs of the January 25th “Day of Revolt” protests in 2011 that sparked the broader uprising that winter.

Thousands of political prisoners in Egypt remain behind bars without access to due process, many who are in critical health due to hunger strikes, all while Egyptian authorities continue to pass draconian legislation that violates fundamental human rights. And yet, Canada’s Conservative government provides ongoing political and economic complicity with al-Sisi’s military-backed regime.

This support must be challenged!


Moug—Waves : screening @RIDM

November 16th, 2014 | Posted in Tadamon!, Egypt, Events, Solidarity
    Tadamon! supporting Cinema Politica screening
    @RIDM – Montreal International Documentary Festival !


    Monday, November 17, 7pm
    Concordia University
    1455 de Maisonneuve west, H-110
    by donation !
    facebook event
    Montréal, Québec

    Ahmed Nour / Egypt – Morocco / 2013 / 71 / Arabic / s.t. English

A deeply personal film that reflects on revolution in Egypt as the lens lyrically moves among rich, captivating images, which are framed by thoughtful narration.


Tadamon! joins Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

May 18th, 2012 | Posted in Palestine, Revolution, Egypt
    May 2012 Tadamon! joins Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

Photo Hossam el-Hamalawy Street art on Mohamed Mahmoud Street in Cairo, Egypt.

This weekend, the Tadamon! collective will be participating in the annual Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, one of the largest anarchist events in North America that brings together hundreds of book sellers, print makers, artists, community organizers, independent journalists and many curious onlookers. Launched in 2000, the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair is an important space for people to discuss and share ideas outside of the framework of mainstream politics and tangibly build relationships within grassroots networks in Montreal and beyond.


The Ongoing Egyptian Revolution

March 9th, 2012 | Posted in Revolution, Tadamon!, Egypt, Solidarity

A Discussion with Egyptian journalist and activist Deena Gamil also featuring musical performances. In conjunction with Israeli Apartheid Week Montreal 2012

    photo Tahrir Square nighttime revolutionary protest via Hossam el-Hamalawy
    Saturday March 10, 2012
    Café l’Artère
    7000, Avenue du Parc
    Montréal, Québec
    facebook event


CKUT Radio: Reflections on Egypt Revolution

February 4th, 2012 | Posted in Egypt, Politics

indy journalist Lillian Boctor interviews with revolutionary socialist journalist Dina Samak

    Photo ‘Marching into Tahrir’ photo via Hossam el-Hamalawy.

The January 25, 2012 demonstrations in Egypt demanding the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) immediately hand over power to civilian rule proved to be wildly successful with hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets all over Egypt.


CKUT Radio: Egypt Revolution Anniversary

January 29th, 2012 | Posted in Palestine, Revolution, Egypt

interview with Egyptian activist Dr. Sabry Khaled on the eve of revolution anniversary

Photo: Hossam el-Hamalawy Activists in Tahrir Square on Friday night set up projector to screen videos of the army’s attacks on protesters during last week.

Listen to an interview with Dr. Sabry Khaled, via CKUT community radio in Montreal, on the eve of first year anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, marked by major protests in Tahrir Square calling for an end to SCAF rule.


CKUT radio: Voices from Egypt

January 20th, 2012 | Posted in Palestine, Quebec, Egypt, Independent Media
    listen/download interview series from independent journalist Lillian Boctor

Photo: Hossam el-Hamalawy Thousands chant against SCAF and the army on Friday night in Tahrir Square.

Interview series from independent journalist Lillian Boctor examining the situation facing post-Mubarak Egypt produced for broadcast on CKUT community radio in Montreal.

As the first anniversary of the January 25 uprisings approaches, the Voices from Egypt interview series aims to highlight grassroots voices that provide perspective, ideas and context to post-Mubarak Egypt and in the ongoing transition and revolutionary period. Examining the current political winds and push from grassroots movements on the left to implement the revolution’s call for social and economic justice, challenge the repression by the ruling military council and create a new, democratic and equitable Egyptian society.

Tadamon! collective presents the following interviews for download from various independent media websites in an attempt to share information, news and analysis on the contemporary struggles in Egypt today that have dropped from the international media headlines.


Tadamon! Pamphlet on Political Prisoners

December 28th, 2011 | Posted in Canada, Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!, Egypt, Prisoners

download Tadamon! popular education document at political prisoners pamphlet

Drawing by Molly Fair via Just Seeds for Certain Days: Political Prisoners Calendar

Popular education pamphlet created for recent Montreal event, on 10/12/2011, entitled “Political Imprisonment and State Impunity”, drawing attention to political prisoners all around the world from the Philippines, to Colombia, to Egypt, to Palestine and in both Canada and the US. Please download, print, distribute this PDF document that details specific campaigns and struggles involving political prisoners fighting for freedom on different corners all around the world.


Against Political Imprisonment and State Impunity

December 8th, 2011 | Posted in Canada, Palestine, Quebec, Egypt, Events, Prisoners

Panel discussion and vigil on political prisoner struggles around the world.
photo Palestinian boy views photos of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.

    Saturday, December 10, 2011
    13h-16h panel discussion / food
    16h-17h vigil / protest ending at US consulate in Montreal.
    St James United Church
    463 Ste-Catherine west
    métro McGill, Montréal, Québec
    facebook event


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