
Mexico issues Visas to African Migrant Surge – August 30, 2016


According to the Mexican authorities of immigration, over 400 migrants from the African region have arrived at the state of Chiapas over the past week.

The National Immigration Institute is said to release a 20-day transit visa that will allow the migrants to reach the U.S. border and request asylum.

This strange surge was quite unusual as the migrants first entered Ecuador and Brazil to start their journey. Most of the migrants were present to the immigration officials though did not specify their nationalities.

Mexico’s Police Commissioner is fired – August 29, 2016


President Enrique Pena Nieto has come to a decision and has fired Enrique Galindo after a summarily killing more than 20 suspects during a drug rate last year.

The government argues that the battle against the armed drug gang members will no longer defend the original version of what occurred during the event.

Of the 42 suspects and police officer who were killed, there is the only suspension left to reveal what truly happened during the event and why the police were forced to bare arms and use force. It was said that the Federal Police altered the original crime scene and placed weapons in the hands of the dead bodies.

The members of the drug raid were said to be from the Jalisco New Generation drug gang in Western Mexico. After the report had been commissioned, Mr. Galindo said the police had been forced to use their weapons in defense again the violent drug gang.

Recent unfinished tunnel found in Sonora Border – August 29, 2016


In Mexican, the federal policed discovered a hidden tunnel in Sonora almost 30 meters away from the border crossing into Arizona.

According to the federal police, they were conducting tours inside the storm drain when they discovered loose textures of concrete which posed a risk to the drain structure.

After careful manipulation, the storm drain was revealed to be about 30 meters in length and 50×50 in diameter. The tunnel was 30 meters away from an abandoned building in Nogalas Arizona.

The investigation is still undergoing.