2013 Australian federal election. How did the far right fare?

The Mad Monk is Australia’s NEW! Prime Minister.


Five days after polling closed, here’s the results obtained by the far right.

[NB. FINAL results will not be available for some days; I’ll update the numbers periodically.]

Australia First Party

AF stood 10 candidates for the Lower House (8 in NSW and one each in SA and VIC) and gambled on a seat in the Senate in NSW and QLD. The party’s main claim to fame during the campaign was being placed ahead of the Greens in NSW by the Wikileaks Party on its Senate ticket. This decision by WLP drew no small degree of criticism, the party claiming it was the result of an “administrative error” while others claiming it was the product of a backroom preference deal. In the end, AF (Garth Fraser and Darrell Wallbridge) received 3,626 votes (0.08%) in NSW [FINAL], while Wikileaks fared considerably better with 36,399 (0.83%). As for AF in QLD, teenage former Stalinist, neo-Nazi and Labor party candidate Peter Watson joined Peter Schuback in sharing 6,531 votes (0.25%; a decline of 0.15) [FINAL].

Despite having previously declared that he was going to snatch the seat of Cook from former opposition spokesperson on Immigration, Scott Morrison, Party fuehrer Dr Jim Saleam managed to acquire just 610 [FINAL] votes or 0.66%, coming last among the seven candidates. In (“Get the ‘Face of Chinese Imperialism’ out of”) Bennelong, Victor Waterson scored 492 votes (0.56%) [FINAL], the last of eight. Of the nine worthies in Calare, Peter Schultze done a bit better, gaining 1,010 [FINAL] votes, smashing through the 1% barrier (1.11%) and avoiding coming last, a fate reserved for the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) candidate.

In Chifley, veteran bizarr0 Alex Norwick saw AF’s vote decline from 1.17% to 0.48% (396 [FINAL] votes). This decline may well be blamed on teh gheys; the DLP got its revenge by beating Norwick into last place. The decline in the AF vote was repeated in Lindsay, where Mick Saunders’s 610 votes (0.70%) [FINAL] represented a reduction of 0.47%; Mick’s vote did at least ensure that the most unpopular of the eight candidates on offer was Geoff Brown of the Stable Population Party. In Macquarie, Matt Hodgson managed to increase the AF vote by 0.02%, gaining 750 [FINAL] votes (0.83%), thereby pushing Teresa Elaro (DLP) into last place on a mere 502 (0.56%).

Things were a bit brighter for AF in Newcastle, candidate Michael Chehoff being placed first on the ballot and getting 922 votes (1.08%) [FINAL] for his troubles. In doing so Michael beat both the Socialist Alliance candidate (616/0.72%) and that of the Australian Independents (367/0.43%). The last Australia First candidate in NSW was Lorraine Sharp in Riverina. She got the best result for the party with 1,287 [FINAL] votes (1.46%) and placed eighth out of ten candidates for the seat.

Outside of its NSW heartland, AF ran just two further Lower House candidates, in Port Adelaide (SA) and Deakin (VIC). In Port Adelaide, last-placed Terry Cooksley earned 1,116 votes (1.23%) [FINAL] while in Deakin a bewigged John Carbonari failed to set the seat on fire with a measly 212 [FINAL] votes (0.24%), a reduction from the dizzying heights achieved last time around of 0.28%.

Australian Protectionist Party

The APP ‘Love Australia’, but how much does Australia love the APP? In the race in Queensland for a seat in the Senate, Rick Heyward, “a very proud Australian, who is passionate about protecting his country”, received 955 votes (0.04%) [FINAL] and the dubious merit of being the most unpopular of all party candidates. Oh, and Doug Boag too.

In the seat of Fremantle (WA), Teresa Van Lieshout had 205 (0.24%) [FINAL] people vote for her, the APP at least proving to be more popular than the LaRouche kvltists of the Citizens Electoral Council (131/0.15%). Things were a bit better for the APP in Swan, where Troy Ellis, “a Who Weekly finalist for their Most Beautiful Person Award” in 1999, rode a donkey on to gaining 718 votes (0.88%) [FINAL], and came third last.

Oh and in Corangamite (VIC), ex-One Nation candidate Nick (Man of) Steel got 156 [FINAL] votes (0.17%), unloving Australians ensuring the Protectionist came twelfth of 12.


In the Victorian seat of Flinders, two Independents, Denis McCormack and Paul Madigan, threw their hats into the ring. Denis scored 478 (0.51%) and Paul 708 (0.75) [FINAL] votes. Both were previously involved in the group ‘Australians Against Further Immigration’, including as candidates, while Denis also helped found AF. You can read some of Paul’s views in the comments on a previous post here. The dynamic duo want to REDUCE IMMIGRATION http://reduceimmigration.wordpress.com/.

One Nation

The other minor far right (?) party to contest the election was (Pauline Hanson’s) One Nation. It ran 11 candidates in the Lower House in NSW and four in Queensland, along with Senate candidates in NSW, QLD, SA, VIC and WA. Its best result was obtained by Pauline, Kate McCulloch and Aaron Plumb in the NSW Senate race. Generally, in the Lower House candidates placed just above the other fringe parties, typically Australia First, the Christian Democrats (Fred Nile’s mob), Katter’s Australian Party and the poor old CEC. Its worst result came in the Victorian Senate contest, where the Townsends managed to beat BOTH the Australian Republicans (38 votes) AND the Smokers Rights Party (78 votes) into last place with 242 votes (0.01%, a decline of 0.3) [FINAL]. It would seem that Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party soaked up most of the vote for anti-Establishment candidates with the remains being fought over by a wide range of parties left, (but mostly) right and generally obscure.

In the NSW Senate, Pauline Hanson, Kate McCulloch and Aaron Plumb got 70,851 votes (0.53%) [FINAL], a decline (!) on 2010 of 0.03%. In the House of Representatives, ON hopefuls scored as follows:

Barton | Perry Theo | 686 | 0.86%. Placed 7 of 8, he beat Rodney Tim Wyse of Katter’s Australian Party into last place (567 votes/0.71%). [FINAL]
Charlton | Brian Burston | 2,266 | 2.62%. Burston was placed 6 of 7 candidates, honours for last going to Trevor Anthoney of Bullet Train For Australia fame (1,460 votes/1.69%). [FINAL]
Chifley | Elizabeth Power | 1,403 | 1.70%. Of the 9 hopefuls, Power came seventh, notably beating Alex Norwick of AF (0.48%) by quite a large margin. [FINAL]
Hume | Lynette Styles | 2,521 | 2.77%. Styles was middlin’, coming fifth of nine. [FINAL]
Hunter | Bill Fox | 3,245 | 3.78%. This was a gain for ON of 0.43%, Bill beating both the Christian Democrats & CEC candidates. [FINAL]
Lindsay | Jeffrey Lawson | 1,901 | 2.17%. Placed 6 of 8, ON again triumphed over AF in the form of Mick Saunders (610/0.70%). [FINAL]
Lyne | Craig Huth | 2,208 | 2.56%. Mid-placed Huth (6 of 9) beat the CDP, KAP & CEC candidates (in that order). [FINAL]
New England | Brian Dettmann | 1,566 | 1.72%. In New England the ON vote increased by 0.85% on last time, Brian (7 of 9) beating the CDP & CEC. [FINAL]
Page | Rod Smith | 1,382 | 1.61%. Poor old Rod came last (6 of 6). [FINAL]
Parramatta | Tania Rollinson | 822 | 1.02%. As did Tania (8 of 8). [FINAL]
Werriwa | Marella Harris | 1,519 | 1.96%. Marella (7 of 8) beat the KAP kandidate into last place. [FINAL]

In Queensland, the ON Senate vote (Jim Savage and Ian Nelson) also experienced a mild decline, the pair receiving 14,348 votes (0.55%) [FINAL], down 0.36%. In the Lower House, results were fairly poor. Stewart Boyd in Fadden came last (8 of 8), gaining 510 [FINAL] votes (0.64%, down 0.96%); Mike Holt in Fairfax was no match for Clive Palmer, coming last and getting just 705 votes (0.83%) [FINAL]; in Herbert, Stephen Moir received a similar vote of confidence (623/0.81%), placing 7 of 10 and finally; in Moncrieff Veronica Beric just managed to beat the CEC bizarr0, obtaining 600 [FINAL] votes (0.75%) for her troubles.

In South Australia, Peter Fitzpatrick and Kym Dunbar got 2,968 votes (0.29%) [FINAL] about half (-0.22%) the number ON got last time around. In Victoria, Dale Townsend and Rosalyn Townsend received 242 votes (0.01%), a decline of 0.37% [FINAL]. The Australian Republicans, on the other hand, received A MERE 38! votes. In Western Australia, lone candidate Robert Farmer fared marginally better with 416 (0.03%) [FINAL].

Revealed: Assange knee-deep in failed WikiLeaks preference deals [Crikey]

Revealed: Assange knee-deep in failed WikiLeaks preference deals
Andrew Crook
August 30, 2013

A damning internal email trail from inside the WikiLeaks Party has revealed that Ecuadorian Embassy recluse Julian Assange was intimately involved in the Senate preference debacle that led to the party’s implosion.

Leaked emails sent by Assange and obtained by Crikey lay bare the internal war that consumed the transparency advocates and show how the self-described “president” and “party leader” tried to railroad democratic processes and impose the will of a small clique of acolytes. There is no WikiLeaks leader or president — under its constitution the party is controlled by an 11-member council.


Under the subject line “NC micromanagement of preferences”, Assange, the lead Victorian Senate candidate, slammed the council and suggested it should become a rubber stamp for decisions taken by individual candidates:

“I am receiving unhappy sounds from the NC micromanaging preferences. I agree with that. I am unhappy about it too. The people with the most information, motivation and responsibility are the Candidates and their campaign teams. I have a fully booked schedule and do not have time to attend snap NC preference meetings. I know that the NC is well motivated and wants to help, but it is not helping.”

“Preference negotiations are the single most important factor now in winning the campain [sic] and are extremely dynammic [sic]. Bar a raid on the embassy, we will not win without them. A great deal of time is being spent on it. At any moment there may need to be a re-adjustment based on a party removing a proposal to us or a new party stepping forward. This may then require adjustment of other preference agreements.”

Assange then goes on to propose:

“… that I assess the proposed final negitotiations secured by the Candidates and their teams to ensure that none of our Canadidtates [sic] or their negotiators has at the last moment has become a stalking horse for another party or would be a PR disaster (the latter is unlikely because our Candidates want to win).”

WikiLeaks activist Samantha Castro, who has since stepped down from the national council, responded in savage fashion, calling the missive “bullshit”:

“This plan sounds undemocratic and disrespectful to the national council of which I thought Julian was an equal member not the a person who could override choices by issuing statements from afar while not attending any meetings (bar one that I am aware of) The council is trying to ensure the values of the party are not trodden on in pursuit of deals that have NOT been shown in any real way to clearly benefit us and instead completely compromise our values and risk alienating our base. This is bullshit.”

In the days leading up to the decision, Crikey showed how WikiLeaks could conceivably cut a deal with the micro-Right to improve Assange’s chances in Victoria, but this tactic wasn’t pursued. Instead, when group voting tickets were released two weeks ago, the party nonsensically preferenced WA Nationals candidate and former West Coast Eagles goal sneak David Wirrpanda ahead of the Greens’ Scott Ludlam in Western Australia, potentially denying the staunch Assange supporter victory. In New South Wales, WikiLeaks bizarrely went to the redneck Shooters and Fishers Party and the extremist anti-immigrant Australia First Party ahead of the Greens, Labor and the Coalition.

A marathon 12-hour meeting on the day before preferences were due to be lodged concluded with an official directive from campaign director Greg Barns, but in WA and NSW this was ignored. In a statement released after the snafu, the party blamed the mix-up on administrative errors and said it “unreservedly acknowledges that the errors made in GVTs have angered many supporters and members and the Party apologises for those errors.”

Dissidents who have since quit the party say the tilt towards unilateral decision-making and the ossification of control around Assange, his biological father, John Shipton, and Barns left them devastated.

Yesterday, Crikey uploaded the swingeing resignation statement of volunteer co-ordinator David Haidon. Last week, former national councillor and former Assange uni mate Daniel Mathews posted a detailed account of why he had left the party he loved, with the preference debacle the final straw. Social media co-ordinator Sean Bedlam jumped ship, saying in this emotional YouTube video the party “has to die and can’t be allowed to continue”. Victorian Senate candidate Leslie Cannold quit, explaining on ABC News Breakfast how WikiLeaks’ founding principles of openness and democracy were betrayed. And national councillors Luke Pearson and Kaz Cochrane also resigned.

An earlier Assange email under the heading “CANDIDATE TASKING” shows his level of micromanagement of technical tasks:

“I require (as President) TWO people assigned to candidate registration tasks in each state for each candidate. There are only days in it and we’re dead in the water if there is a single mistake.”

In an interview with the ABC after the shit hit the fan, Assange twice claimed to be “party leader” and said couldn’t rescue the problems in Australia because he was too busy “saving a young man’s [Bradley — now Chelsea — Manning’s] life.”

[Comment: I wonder what effect these revelations have on the Party’s chances of winning seats? The main problem, as I see it, is that the Party has campaigned and indeed defines itself as one seeking Transparency and Accountability (and er Justice) and yet it seems clear from the available evidence that it’s none of those things, and is instead characterised precisely by a lack of democratic accountability, in this case to its nominal leadership, the National Council. In other words, it’s chiefly a vehicle to pursue Julian Assange’s political ambitions, a means of continuing to draw attention to his plight, and perhaps exerting further political pressure on Australian and British authorities to arrange some kinda deal whereby he can leave the Embassy without being arrested and deported to Sweden to face (possible) charges of rape and sexual assault. On the other hand, the preference deals that appear to have been arranged with other minor party candidates may in fact — if the Party’s level of electoral support reaches some minimal level — ensure at least one or possibly more of its candidates are indeed elected. I suspect that even this seemingly increasingly less-likely outcome may turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory. See also : WikiLeaks Party : How Not to Campaign for Office, August 21, 2013 | WikiLeaks Party mired in crisis, Patrick O’Connor, wsws.org, August 29, 2013 | notes on assange, August 12, 2012.]

Bonus Bedlam!

Special Bonus Batshit!

As noted, in NSW the Wikileaks Party decided to preference the Australia First Party ahead of the Greens, a decision initially described by it as an “administrative error” (sic). A neo-fascist party, its fuhrer is convicted criminal Dr James Saleam, a man with a lifelong commitment to various forms of neo-Nazi, fascist, and utra-right-wing politics. In Victoria, the party is standing John Carbonari (above) for the seat of Deakin. In May 2013, the party newsletter, Audacity, was distributed in the area. (Note that Audacity was also the title given to the newsletter produced by Saleam’s former political party, the neo-Nazi National Action. Dr Jim’s tenure as fuehrer was interrupted when he was sent to jail for organising a shotgun assault upon the home of a political opponent — he assumed control of Australia First a few years after his release.) The newsletter has been uploaded to the web and contains both racist vitriol and a genuinely crazed and hearty dose of homophobic rhetoric.

…and this is the mob the WikiLeaks Party believe is preferable to the Greens.

The Idealistic Faces Of “Australianism”

IN 1973 Al Grassby, immigration minister in the Whitlam government, announced the end of the white Australia policy. “It is dead,” he said. “Give me a shovel and I will bury it.” But the policy’s passing does not mean that it has been forgotten. Successive immigration controversies since have prompted claims that White Australia still holds a residual influence. ~ Gwenda Tavan, ‘Race lesson for leaders in policy’s slow demise’, The Sydney Morning Herald, May 4, 2005. See also : The Long, Slow Death of White Australia, Gwenda Tavan, Scribe Publications, 2005.

On the one hand, the ‘Australian Protectionist Party’ has proclaimed that it has succeeded in obtaining 100 members in NSW, thus allowing the party to register for participation as a party in local council elections in that state. On the other hand, the ‘Australia First Party’ appears to be on the brink of Federal registration; a process requiring it to have at least 500 members. After having initially stated that it had accrued 525 members in July 2009, and declaring that the requisite paperwork had been submitted in October 2009, the Party now claims that processing won’t take place until January, 2010.

With the collapse of ‘Australians Against Further Immigration’, and the near-total collapse of the ‘One Nation Party’, AF brings together a number of the remnants of these and earlier incarnations of the organised far right — of the late 1970s and early 1980s (‘National Resistance’ and ‘Australian National Alliance’) and the mid-1980s through to the early-1990s (‘National Action’ and ‘Confederate Action Party’).

Over to AF:

Australia First Registration Applicants Uphold The Ideals Of Australianism

Australia First Party has applied for registration as a party with the Australian Electoral Commission. The application was made on October 2 and will take some months to be processed.

Our party aims to consolidate those Australians who are prepared – right now – to stand up in the cause of Australian Identity, Independence and Freedom.

Some eleven members were obliged by law to co-sign the party registration application.

We are pleased to provide political biography on these members precisely because our party certainly aims to consolidate into one party those activists and shapers from earlier movements of nationalist resistance to the globalisation of our country. Our party has drawn together those who wish to pursue the struggle in an activist way. We have united people with long experience and we want other activists still involved elsewhere to appreciate that fact. In simple truth, Australia First Party represents a veritable tradition in Australian political life stretching back over decades. We aim to become the common vehicle that will achieve success.

1. Tony Pettitt

Tony will serve as Registered Officer. He entered nationalist politics in the late 1980s as an independent candidate and then worked through Australians Against Further Immigration and One Nation when he was a candidate several times and worked in an organizational capacity. He joined the new Australia First in 2008.

As noted, Pettitt is a veteran of the far right. The ‘new’ AF is the AF that developed after the split of mid-2007, when the Party went three ways: a rump party under the leadership of petunia-loving Shepparton resident Diane Teasdale; a new grouping titled the ‘Australian Protectionist Party’ under the nominal leadership of Andrew Phillips (but having as its principal spokesperson the Sydney-based Darrin Hodges); and the ‘new’ AF under Saleam’s leadership.

Pettitt drives a truck, and is a very talented performer for AF, having stood for the party in both Blacktown and Hawkesbury in September 2008. In Blacktown, the terrible trio of Tony Pettitt, Terry Cooksley (below) and George Atkinson managed to assemble 1,229 votes between them, or 5% of the total.

…Then the Third World migrants arrived and “things turned to shit”.

“If they want something, they just take it,” Pettitt adds. “No concern for the rule of law. Different values.” Pettitt will be one of the party’s leading candidates at the next federal election.

I ask the men about Saleam’s criminal history and whether it was an impediment to their electoral success. Both men say they believe he was framed and that the police do it all the time. One moment we are talking about Roger Rogerson shooting Warren Lanfranchi in a Sydney lane and then, the next, Pettitt chimes in to give an example of how easy it is to frame someone like Saleam: “Yeah, look at Saddam Hussein. Mass weapons of destruction. Where are they?”

There is irony that is lost on or unknown to these two men. The building we are sitting in was paid for with the remnants of George Saleam’s estate. Jim Saleam has been able to spend his entire adult life pursuing his racist agenda principally because his grandfather slipped through the White Australia net to become a successful and valued Australian…

2. Jim Saleam

Jim participated in the rebirth of the new Australian [n]ationalism, working through National Resistance and Australian National Alliance (1977-80) and was a co-founder of National Action which he led until 1991. He has written extensively on Australian identity. He joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 2001 and the new Australia First in 2007. He will serve as National Secretary.

There’s a few things missing from Saleam’s bio: 1) he was once a member of the Australian Nazi Party; 2) he’s a convicted criminal. In fact, Saleam’s leadership role in NA was truncated by his imprisonment for his role in a shotgun assault upon the home of Eddie Funde in 1989; he was supplanted by Michael (de) Brander of Adelaide.

Saleam was recently profiled by Greg Bearup in the Good Weekend (September 26/27), revealing Herr Doktor to be a little rich kid of Lebanese descent who’s all grown up now but who, sadly, still retains some very peculiar ideas about race and nation, and phantasies of white racial supremacy.

Altogether, a rather unpleasant fellow, but points for trying.

3. Nick Maine

As an ‘old warrior’ in the patriotic struggle, Nick is 87 years and served in the Australian Army in New Guinea. He both founded, and was a member of, several organisations, which arose after the betrayal of the White Australia Policy in 1966, to warn Australians of the dangers of liberal immigration. He joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 1996 and the new Australia First in 2007.

An elderly bigot old warrior from Queensland, Maine has been pouring out his fears for years. He doesn’t seem to like The Jew very much, possibly because he reckons they’re the dark force “behind Communism” (“Globalism = Zionism = Communism”). This also presumably explains why he wants to rid Australia of Bad Jews (‘Zionists’) and Muslims.

As well as being well-educated, Maine is also well-travelled: “I have been to Auschwitz and although my memory might not be perfect after 25 years I do not remember any blue walls in the alleged gas chambers, in fact I believe they were white – now sue me!”


4. Brendan Gidley

Brendan entered the nationalist struggle in 1984 as a member of National Action until 1991 and was involved thereafter in Australians Against Further Immigration and One Nation as an organizer[.] He has co-operated [with] some nationalist websites and publishing services. He joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 2002 and the new party in 2007.

ZOG says: “Another Victorian with a radical past who has hitched his star to Pauline’s wagon is Brendan Gidley, a One Nation branch committee member in the Melbourne suburb of Ringwood. Gidley stood for a Victorian Senate seat in 1993 for the Republican Party of Australia. He is also the founder of the tiny National Republican Movement, an anti-immigrant group that was active in the early 1990s, and which modelled itself on National Action. The NRM issued posters using artwork from the US-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. One of its stickers read: “Mass Third World immigration: Enriching our culture by TB, syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis, rabies, leprosy.” The NRM is still active, and is listed on a new far-right website as a supplier of “nationalist literature” written by former National Action and National Socialist (Nazi) Party leader Jim Saleam. The address given is Gidley’s PO Box in the Melbourne suburb of Kew.” (David Greason and Michael Kapel, AIJAC Notebook, June 16–July 7, 1998).

5. Neil Baird

Neil entered the nationalist struggle in 1992 as a member of Australians Against Further Immigration. He joined One Nation in 1997 and served the party as a candidate and in several administrative functions. He is a regular speaker [at] nationalist forums and joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 2005 and the new party in 2007.

Baird contested the Federal seat of Barton for ON in 1998 and again in 2004. For his efforts, he got 5,162 votes (6.8%) in 1998 and 1,284 votes (1.7%) in 2004. Baird also edits (or edited) a crank newsletter called ‘The News Report’, which featured ruminations on all the stuff you might expect a cranky right-wing zine to contain.

6. Alex Norwick

Alex participated in the rebirth of the new Australian nationalism, working through National Resistance and Australian National Alliance (1977-80) and was a co-founder of National Action; he also worked in the 1980s with other patriotic groups. In the 1990s he worked with Australians Against Further Immigration and One Nation. He has written on Australian labour history. He joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 2002 and the new Australia First in 2007.

7. Perry Jewell

Perry migrated to Australia from South Africa in 1972 and in 1990 co-founded Australia’s first mass nationalist-minded party – [the] Confederate Action Party. He worked subsequently through other groups in Queensland and founded in 2007 a movement to combat drug addiction in Australia. As a man of considerable political and other talent, he joined the new Australia First in 2009.

A far-right activist, founder of the now-defunct Queensland-based precursor to One Notion, the Confederate Action Party, and two-times Queensland Senate candidate (in 1993 and 1996), Jewell’s main claim to fame is having kidnapped his daughter a number of years ago in a bid to stop her using heroin (apparently). Jewell also contested the seat of Toowoomba North in the 2009 Queensland state election. He scored 494 votes (1.7%); which fact suggests that the people of Toowoomba North are not anywhere as patriotic as Perry.

8. Rob Fraser

Rob entered the nationalist arena in 1988, being an editor of the magazine, Bunyip Bulletin. He later participated in Australians Against Further Immigration. He joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 2004 and the new Australia First in 2007.

Fraser’s Bulletin was replaced by a far-right zine called The National Reporter. The Bulletin itself has been described as racist and anti-Semitic, and apparently included cartoons by some bloke called Dennis Nix of the US-based National Socialist White People’s Party (a party parodied in the Blues Brothers). Doug Jensen published an article in the July 1989 edition (the zine ran from 1988–1989) in which he described the conservation movement as ‘The Enemy Within’:

Conservation which insists on the confiscation of privately owned lands into national parks is synonymous with communism. And governments – socialist and so-called non-socialist alike – are funding this idiotic nonsense with hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money; fashioning laws to use national parks, buffer zones, planning restrictions, conservation, etc., as a big stick to belt the Australian people into submission and subvert our nation to the goal of democratic socialism, and, ultimately, to the international dictatorship of communism.

And who’s behind international communism eh? Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more say no more.

9. Nathan Clarke

Nathan is a younger nationalist activist who entered the movement in 2005. He joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 2005 and the new Australia First in 2007. He was a lead Council candidate for the new Australia First in Newcastle in 2008.

Clarke — along with Ian McBryde and Jim Smith — gained 328 votes at the election, or 2% of the total. Which means it’s just as well Clarke (who posts as ‘nafe’ on the Stormfront website) has a career in real estate to fall back on. (Not that he’d want to sell any property to The Jew of course).

10. Terry Cooksley

Terry joined Australian National Alliance (1979-80) and was a co-founder of National Action with which he remained until 1991. He was candidate in the 1990s for Australians Against Further Immigration and One Nation. He joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 2002 and the new Australia First in 2007.

Cooksley ran with Pettitt in local council elections in 2008. Interviewed by Greg Bearup, Cooksley, a “retired typewriter technician”, expressed a deep appreciation of Australian history, society, and political economy: Cooksley tells me he arrived in Australia as a £10 Pom and that it was then a paradise. “I could walk down the street, read all the signs and you never had to lock your car or your house”. Then the Third World migrants arrived and “things turned to shit”.

Hopefully, Australia First can turn that all around.

11. Darrell Wallbridge

Darrell founded a local nationalist party in his native Coffs Harbour (1981) … passed into National Action (1982-91) and was a candidate for [the] Confederate Action Party. He joined the first incorporation of [the] Australia First Party in 2004 and the new Australia First in 2007.

Darrell Wallbridge is a clown. No, really: he entertains children and grown-ups alike when he dons his clown outfit. Well, those who attend their kids’ parties — and the weirdos who attend the Sydney Forum.

So there you have it: 9 middle-aged fascist zombies + one elderly racist + one young real estate agent from Newcastle with a deep suspicion of The Jew = the face of “Australianism” in 2009.

Bonus TISM!