TOTW: An anarchist's day in 2020

I've been finding myself with little excitement about my day to day these past couple months (years). Get up slowly, check my phone, eat, hop on the computer, exercise, social activity, eat, kill time, sleep. Maybe this is an abnormal schedule but it seems to be quite standard at least for those around me.

Routine is a useful tool for surviving in the world, but I don't need to tell you that it can feel incredibly constricting.

Anarchist Bookfair: Madrid, 12/4-6

Spanish State: XVIII Gathering of the Anarchist Book in Madrid

In the face of an infantilizing culture that foments individualism and condemns us to isolation through fear and technocratic sanitary justification, now that they condemn us to social distancing is when it's most necessary to learn, spread, and put into practice libertarian culture, solidarity, mutual aid and horizontality.

The event will take place on the days 4, 5 y 6 of December
+Info in:

A "see you later", or maybe a goodbye...

little girl and boy hugging each other

From Voz como arma

Hello to all.

For some time now, we have been internally questioning the real usefulness of this blog for social movements, or revolutionaries, in our environment and beyond. We have tried to revise which were really our contributions to the fight and which, on the other hand, only contributed to the spectacle, the folklore, and a purely aesthetic radicalism. We have wanted to look back, see the changes in the news and materials, the drifts we had taken, a little driven by our own criteria, but also by fluctuations in the type of content that came to us. Through this exercise, we realized that we also had another need. It had to do with the way in which certain movements or spaces of struggle perceived us and did or did not count on us as a space for dissemination of their initiatives, calls, projects or reflections. And this, in turn, led us to the situation we have now.

TOTW: Anarchist Speaking Tours and other adventures

only punk rock goes on anarchist tours nowadays

Reading through some of the Emma Goldman archives, I’m reminded and amazed to see the amount of speaking tours Emma and friends held. At one point in time over six months, she traveled to 50 different cities in 18 different states, delivering over 150 lectures and debates and that's probably not even the biggest stat for this kind of information about her. During one of her discussions, over 1,800 people attended in a city that nowadays would be lucky to have 20 people attend an anarchist conversation.

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