This past March 21st, the opportunist clique—sitting on the Central Committee of an organization which falsely claims to be the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP)—published the document “On the RPFF and the Oppression of Women” (in its English version only) on its website (, a document that had been prepared by the activists of the Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Front (RPFF) and by women members of the RCP in the Quebec District. The same day, the opportunist clique also published the documents “Break with Old Ideas” and “Statement of support for the Central Committee”.

The publicization of the first document, “On the

We are publishing three documents (see the Annexes following this introduction) that circulated within the ranks of the RCP last year and that served as fodder for a campaign aimed at tarnishing the reputation of the Montreal section − the Party’s historical center and its most populous and active cell in Canada −, a campaign put together by the right-opportunist clique in control of the Central Committee before the recent split, and who is now behind the website

These documents were prepared by the three protagonists who were resolutely ejected from the Maison Norman Bethune this past March

Other documents

To dispel the fog maintained by the opportunists

In order to allow concerned activists and organizations to better understand the nature of the divergences that have resulted in a split within the PCR-RCP Canada over the past few months, the Political Information Bureau has decided to make public the Political Report that was submitted last fall at the most recent Party Congress. The publication of this report follows the issuance of a new document from the Québec District of the PCR-RCP (available here) that offers a more comprehensive overview of this line struggle, which has not failed to attract the attention of the enemies of the revolution while

This year, communists and the exploited masses the world over are celebrating the centennial of the Bolshevik revolution, which became the first proletarian revolution in history to defeat the bourgeoisie throughout an entire country, and the first to allow for the establishment of a socialist State. This event represented a point of historical rupture: It changed the balance of power between ruling and downtrodden classes on a global scale, generated a remarkable upturn all through the international revolutionary movement and inspired, for decades to come, the exploited proletariat and oppressed peoples struggling for liberation in every corner of the globe.

This document is devoted to the episode of crisis that affected the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) towards the end of last winter. It is a follow-up on the first statement published on our website (, in which the Quebec District reinstated the four members expelled by the Party’s Central Committee and called for the defence of the integrity of the RCP and its program. We intend herewith to shed light on all of the disagreements between us and the opportunists that led to this expulsion, but most of all, to take all of the dispositions necessary for ensuring the continuity

This flyer was circulated by the Revolutionary Workers Movement comrades to Sears workers and customers:

59 closed stores, 2,900 layed off, that is how Sears Canada chose to pay their debts of the last few years. While about forty high level executives are given nearly 10 million dollars in ‘bonus’, the 2,900 workers will get absolutely no compensation. As always, we take the hit so the bosses can save their skin.

Sears say they had no choice to close down stores due to the competition of online sales. We say that the progress of technology should give us better lives,


Red, Revolutionary, Internationalist May Day!

“The flag of the October Revolution is invincible!”
– Mao Zedong

This year marks the Centenary of the October Revolution. Imperialists, reactionaries, reformists, and all kinds of opportunists are making efforts to delete, obscure, denigrate and sully this event, as they did last year with the 50th anniversary of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. They do so because they know that the great message coming from these events for the proletarians and the masses is more and more present. To get rid of imperialism, capitalism, war, exploitation of the proletariat and oppression of peoples we must make the proletarian revolution!

(Montréal, March 11, 2017) It seems that a communiqué will soon be published to announce the so-called “expulsion” of four members of our Party in the Montréal area under the pretext of an incident that took place on March 4th at a book launch at the Maison Norman Bethune, where three hostile elements, who had separated themselves from the Party and had carried out for several months a fractional activity while spreading rumours and lies, were invited to leave the bookstore.

The Québec District of the Revolutionary Communist Party condemns and rejects with the utmost firmness this illegitimate decision, originating

Our epoch is confronted with a rapidly expanding scourge: Islamophobia. Today, it is the dominant form of racism in our society. Muslims are the most stigmatized, the most subjected to discrimination and aggression. As such, Islamophobia is detestable as are all forms of racism and xenophobia. But the scope of Islamophobia is further aggravated by the fact that it concentrates the most explosive contradictions of our time. In this, it does not merely isolate and overwhelm a racialized sector of the people; it is at the heart of the class struggle on a global scale. Islamophobia has direct implications for

This article from the Montréal Revolutionary Workers’ Movement (MRO) was written a few days after the announcement of the decision of a well-known trade unionist from the construction sector, Bernard Gauthier (known as “Rambo” Gauthier), to run for the next provincial election. The article is an appropriate response to the lies of this impostor. A misogynist and a racist who assumes his positions, Gauthier has made himself known for his controversial defense of members of the FTQ-construction in the Côte-Nord region. People like him are using the genuine anti-system sentiments of the working masses to channel them into a dead
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