  1. Henkilöt Näytä kaikki

  2. 4 tuntia sitten

    "Tuomioistuimen päätös saa meidät näyttämään heikolta", sanoi maahantulokiellon jäädytyksestä. Heikolta ei näytä valtio vaan hallinto

  3. 2 minuuttia sitten
  4. 4 minuuttia sitten
  5. 23 minuuttia sitten

    The annual budget for Meals on Wheels is equivalent to ONE Mar-a-Lago trip.

  6. 24 minuuttia sitten

    President at rally last night: "I will not stop fighting for the safety of you and your families, believe me."

  7. 26 minuuttia sitten

    Make your own joke with these ingredients:

  8. 27 minuuttia sitten
  9. 35 minuuttia sitten

    how in freaken hell does cutting BILLIONS of dollars in medical research, aid to poor, arts &sciences make america great? 💩

  10. 36 minuuttia sitten
  11. 37 minuuttia sitten

    POLL: What do you think of the first budget proposed by the administration?

  12. 41 minuuttia sitten
  13. 1 tunti sitten

    . from Nashville : Emergency injunction on immigration halt is "unprecedented judicial overreach"

  14. 2 tuntia sitten

    "Suurin turvallisuusuhka Ruotsille on Säpon mukaan väkivaltainen islamismi." Mitäs se ... 🤔 

  15. 2 tuntia sitten

    . This motherfucker. He's defunding the , the , and the , but has us spend $3 MILLION everytime he visits Florida.

  16. 2 tuntia sitten

    USA:ssa trendaa matkustuskiellon kumoamisen jälkeen. Suurin osa tviittaajista ilm. onnellisia havaijilaisia.

  17. 2 tuntia sitten

    . Confucius warned us about you.."He Who Knows Not And Knows Not That He Knows Not Is A Fool - Shun Him"

  18. 3 tuntia sitten

    Just booked a trip to ,👍 At least their won't be any Deplorable crackpots there.

  19. 4 tuntia sitten

    When you see "Disciples of a False Prophet" trending and know it's not about any religion but about supporters

  20. 4 tuntia sitten

    Cut & clear message from the US senate on health care, If you're worth less you're worthless .

  21. 4 tuntia sitten

    "Disciples of a False Prophet" is a perfect description of voters. A mass cult deprogramming effort is desperately needed in America

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