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Below are the newswire stories which have most recently been commented upon, allowing you to keep track of the latest commentary at a glance. From here you can more easily participate in commenting on articles that are posted, and continuing discussions that have started.

Story Title Comment Author Comment Posted
The Meaning of World War II—An Anarchist View Andrew Stergiou 1:50am S16
A Conference of the "National Anarchists" Wayne 8:24am S15
El acuerdo en preparacion entre la Union Europea y Libia es un crimen de lesa humanidad Alternativa Lib 11:53pm A28
Comments on “The First International and the Development of Anarchism and Marxism” by Wayne Price Wayne Price 2:02pm A25
What is Libertarian Socialism? An Anarchist-Marxist Dialogue Anarcho 3:05am A21
[Johannesburg] Housing and Land: We demand answers Gauteng Civic A 5:11am A16
Remembering Erich Muhsam @FKAD 6:10pm J24
A Response to “In Which the Anarcho-Syndicalists Discover C4SS” Wayne Price 6:06am J22
Anarchism, Ethics and Justice: The Michael Schmidt Case Jon 9:57pm J13
The First International and the Development of Anarchism and Marxism Victor 2:29am J5
We, supporters of Rojava, should be worried about its partnership with the United States. Alternativa Lib 2:21am M28
Democracia direta já! Barrar as reformas nas ruas e construir o Poder Popular! Alternativa Lib 10:20pm M27
Coyuntura Política en Venezuela: Crisis, Tendencias y el Desafío de la Independencia de Clase Alternativa Lib 6:07pm M26
¡Democracia directa ya! ¡Barrar las reformas en las calles y construir el Poder Popular! Alternativa Lib 12:09am M26
Dès maintenant, passons de la défiance à la résistance sociale ! Alternativa Lib 6:25pm M18
Αλληλεγγύη στα θύματα ομοφοβίας στην Τσετσενία Alternativa Lib 12:43am M14
17 Mai : Journée Internationale Contre l’Homophobie. Tchétchénie mais pas seulement. Alternativa Lib 4:18am M13
May 17, International Day Against Homophobia. Chechnya but not only Alternativa Lib 3:24am M13
What is an Anarchist? Am I an Anarchist? Larry Gambone 8:10am M12
Palestine-Israel - One apartheid state nearing 50th birthday and the tension rise* Alternativa Lib 10:33pm M9
LA RIVOLTA OPERAIA DEL 19 APRILE 1968 Gianni Sartori 6:27am M9
Los Mártires de Chicago: historia de un crimen de clase en la tierra de la “democracia y la libertad” Centro di Docum 7:13pm M5
Non vogliamo discutere di fronte al nemico la loro morte Gianni Sartori 2:40am A29
IERI LA RIMAR, OGGI LA MITENI Gianni Sartori 8:35pm A26
The Turkish army is attacking Yezîdî Kurds and Rojava villages Alternativa Lib 1:48am A26
Na jornada de luta camponesa Pequenos Agricultores e Sem Terra retomam as terras do Açu FARJ 7:39am A21
Statement on the Schmidt Case and Proposed Commission of Inquiry lies 6:25am A13
(Bielorrusia) ¡Libertad inmediata a nuestro compañero Mikola Dziadok! Alternativa Lib 10:34pm A11
Repression and Imprisonment in Cachoeirinha, Brazil Johnny 3:18am M31
Paulina Aguirre, Nenúfar Combatiente. Clau 10:30am M30
Chilean Exports to Haiti: Macoutes and Opportunists Jak 4:34am M10
Murray Bookchin— Anarchism without the Working Class Alternativa Lib 1:34am M4
38 anni di rivoluzione in Iran non hanno cambiato lo status politico del popolo curdo Alejandro Azadî 11:20am F22
Palestine-Israel, Celebrating a 12 years of persistent struggle in Bil'in and a small victory* Alternativa Lib 12:06am F19
Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları Ended His Hunger Strike With Victory Alternativa Lib 7:15am F17
Solidarité avec Théo et toutes les victimes des violences policières ! Non à la loi « Sécurité Publique » ! Alternativa Lib 7:07am F17
A Conservative Threat Offers New Opportunities for Working Class Feminism Alternativa Lib 1:44am F15
38 años de Revolución en Irán no cambiaron el estatus político del pueblo kurdo Alternativa Lib 2:21am F14
[Italia] Pesaro: Ritirare urgentemente il provvedimento di sgombero, restituire il maltolto allo spazio popolare Malarlevèt! donato romito 1:16am J30
[Dielo Truda]. “A Plataforma Organizacional” (fac-simile, nova tradução e ‘Suplemento’) Pablo 11:20pm J25
Devrimci Anarşist Tutsak Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları Açlık Grevinin 39 Gününde Alternativa Lib 11:24pm J21
Primer encuentro feminista Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria Alternativa Lib 11:22pm J21
The Fall of Aleppo Jag 6:43am J18

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