24 Aug 2017

Why Does US Military Have Records On 2013 Egyptian Military Coup?

Egyptian army chief, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, led a coup against Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in 2013. The Egyptian constitution was subsequently suspended. When it happened, President Barack Obama avoided the use of the word “coup” to describe what unfolded. This was to ensure U.S. military aid continued to flow

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16 Aug 2017

Virginia Police Were Not Outgunned In Charlottesville, Documents Suggest

After the “Unite the Right” rally organized by white supremacists rocked Charlottesville, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe complained that the demonstrators “had better equipment” than the state’s police forces. However, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) detail sophisticated, military-grade weapons Virginia police received from the Department of Defense

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Opening session at the 2017 Stockholm Forum . Photo from
26 Jul 2017

FBI Targeted Renowned Arms Monitoring Group With Espionage Investigation

The FBI conducted an espionage investigation into arms monitoring group, SIPRI, after they asked a weapons manufacturer about a missile in development.

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