IPS is a progressive think tank dedicated to building a more equitable, ecologically sustainable, and peaceful society. In partnership with dynamic social movements, we turn transformative policy ideas into action.

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America is Ready for Universal Health Coverage

The United States today is the only industrialized nation that doesn't guarantee health care as a basic right to all its citizens. The Medicare For All Act could change that.

The President Is a Ponzi Scheme

Here and abroad, Trump's wealthy backers understand that his populist rhetoric is a masquerade.

The War on Terror Has Targeted Muslims Almost Exclusively

The war on terror was supposed to be about making our country safer. As a Muslim American, I don’t feel safer at all.

Hurricane Donald Hits the Republican Party

If Trump succeeds in ramping up military spending and gutting everything else, we’ll be left with a bunch of nukes and an underfunded state — and no one but China to keep us afloat.

It's Lonely Being a Person of Color in the Sustainable Energy Sector

When it comes to diversity, there's a "green ceiling" in many climate action groups, even as climate change affects people of color first and worst.

Racial Inequality Is Hollowing Out America’s Middle Class

As our country becomes more diverse, our racial wealth gap means it's also becoming poorer.

It's Not Too Late to Reverse the Road to Zero Wealth for Households of Color

No savings, investments or home equity. This economic dystopia looms for minority families, and so does a choice: Do we want America to be more like Brazil or Canada?

How Bush’s ‘New World Order’ Became Trump’s ‘No World Order’

Successive U.S. military interventions upended the very international system the U.S. once pledged to uphold. Now the world faces the twin challenges of ISIS and Trump.

Texas Is Flooded Because Our Democracy Is, Too

Our culture of legalized bribery makes climate disasters more likely, but there's an alternative.

Tax Cuts for the Rich Help the Rich, Not You

Big money will pull out all the stops to sell you a tax plan that exclusively benefits the wealthy. Don’t buy it.

An Anti-Poverty Program That Makes It Pay to Work

The Earned Income Tax Credit may be the most popular bipartisan anti-poverty tool. So why won't the feds expand it?

Trump Promised to Put American Workers First. He Lied.

Proposed cuts to federal agency budgets and changes to employment law benefit only the US president and his cronies.

Climate Change is a Bigger Threat Than Any Military — Our Budget Should Reflect That

Facing financial ruin and the ruins of South Texas, some hawks want to throw more money at the military. That's ludicrous.
rick perry

How Energy Department Whistleblowers Outsmarted the Trump Administration

Rick Perry was all ready to release a broadside against clean energy policies. Career civil servants pulled the rug out.

Trump’s Pardon of Joe Arpaio Is Deeply Disturbing

The president called a man who freely violated people's constitutional rights a "patriot." What does that make his victims?

The Racism Heard Round the World

When the neo-fascist National Front is more willing to condemn neo-Nazis than Trump, we have a problem.

It’s a Myth That Corporate Tax Cuts Mean More Jobs

Instead of tax-rate cuts for these big corporations, the coming tax debate in Congress should focus on making wealthy individuals and big corporations pay their fair share.

The View From the U.S.'s 'Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier'

Ratcheting tensions between the U.S. and North Korea are now nothing new for its Pacific colony Guam.

Teachers Shouldn't Have to Panhandle to Prep for a New School Year

The rich who run America's retail empires are conniving to slash the tax revenue that goes to America's public schools.

Nissan Intimidated Its Workers into Voting “No” on Unionizing

After a failed union vote in Canton, Mississippi, Bayard talks about what went wrong and what can be done to move the labor movement forward.

Check out our sister sites

  • Chuck Collins

    Restoring Progressive Taxation and Bringing Wealth Home

    September 12 @ 7:00 pm - November 14 @ 9:00 pm at Sandhills Community College, Owens Auditorium

    Chuck Collins speaks on "Reversing Wealth Inequality: The Case for Restoring Progressive Taxation and Bringing Wealth Home."

  • 41st Annual Letelier-Moffitt Human Rights Awards

    September 21 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm at The Fichandler Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater

    IPS honors two outstanding champions of human rights and celebrate the work we do along with our allies to advance justice, peace, and dignity for all

  • Telling Tales in the Time of Trump

    September 27 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm at Spooky Action Theater

    IPS's John Feffer, playwright and performer, tells stories of resistance and transformation.

  • Layaali: 25th Anniversary Concert to Benefit UNRWA USA

    September 30 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm at All Soul’s Church

    As a proud co-sponsor the Institute for Policy Studies invites you to join us for this special musical performance featuring vocalist Fadi Jano! and benefiting UNRWA USA's vital work for Palestine refugees.

  • 41st Sheridan Circle Memorial

    October 1 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am at Sheridan Circle

    Please join us to remember Orlando Letelier and Ronni Karpen Moffitt, who were assassinated on this site in 1976 by agents of the Pinochet dictatorship.

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Everyone has a right to thrive on a planet where all communities are equitable, democratic, peaceful, and sustainable. Together, we must speak truths to power and challenge the structures that keep us from realizing our full potential as human beings, members of society, and keepers of this planet.

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