Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.


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Stories and Poems:

Library of Congress

We sat and listened to the rain fall. Me and Eduard nursing our whiskies. Ice disappearing, drinks turned oil spills. Eduard’s huge horse eyes blinked slow. On our seventh-storey...

Excerpt from 'The Novel Teacher'

This is a sneak preview from our up-coming Going Down Swinging #33 from Eric Yoshiaki Dando’s short story The Novel Teacher. We will be launching the new GDS #33...

On Writing:

The Meditations: Chloe Wilson on 'Lyudmila Pavlichenko, From the Orchard’

The Meditations is a curated series of reflections on writing and storytelling from contributors to Going Down Swinging No. 35. This reflection comes from Chloe Wilson on her poem ‘Lyudmila...

People Are Reading your Stuff on the Internet

Sandra Hajda on what it means to write – and be read – in the internet age.

The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge: