Memorial for Rob Grodt's Family

$11,318 of $50k goal

Raised by 264 people in 2 months
Justin Woodruff
on behalf of Kaylee Dedrick

Please Help Support Rob Grodt's Daughter

Rob Grodt grew-up in California and later moved to New York, where he worked as a journalist and welder.

After hearing about the struggle of the Kurdish people in Rojava (Northern Syria) to resist ISIS, he chose to put his own life on the line to help fight against them. In the spirit of the Spanish Civil War International Brigaders, he made his way to Rojava to lend his support to the liberation war against ISIS and to building a free, democratic, secular, multicultural autonomous state in Rojava.

On July 6, Rob and several comrades were killed during a particularly fierce gun battle, taking back the ISIS caliphate's capital of Raqqa in vicious street-by-street gunbattles. Twenty eight international volunteers have given their lives fighting alongside the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) so far.

You can learn more about this brave young man in the videos below.

This campaign is to provide some monetary support for Rob's child. All money raised will be managed by his partner Kaylee, for their daughter. Rob loved his daughter immensely and made the difficult decision to fight to make the world a better place for her.

My name is Justin Woodruff and I am involved with several groups providing support to the YPG struggle. I have a friend who is there right now, training at the YPG military accademy before  going in to Raqqa to fight. I believe strongly in the fight against religious extremism and building a free, democratic and egalitarian state in the region. We should also be supporting the families of those who have given their lives to this struggle against evil.

I have spoken with Kaylee today (July 11). She was very moved to know that our community would try to give her some financial supprt. I have never set-up a GoFundMe before, but my goal is for Kaylee to have sole access to the funds raised. I will not have access to the funds, for transperancy sake. Kaylee has stated that she intends to use any money raised soley for their daughter and not herself.  

Rob Grodt gave his life for a truly noble cuase. I ask everyone to please contribute what you can, to help out his family during this difficult time.

Rob's last message:

Rob explains why he joined the YPG struggle:

Rob leaves behind his loving partner Kaylee and their four year old daughter:

Rob and his mother:

Rob died in the battle to liberate Raqqa, the ISIS (Daesh) caliphate in Syria. He volunteered to fight with the YPG, the democratic and progressive Kurdish self-protection units fighting to free Syria from ISIS oppretion:

Rob, a welder and activist, felt compelled to travel to Syria to take part in the Rojava revolution.:

Rob and Kaylee met during the Occupy Wall Street movement when he came to her aide after being pepper sprayed. Grodt reported said: "Nothing stregthens a relationship like a chemical agent".

Please help get the word out about this campaign and please, please, please consider giving what you can.

Thank you.
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Update 2
Posted by Kaylee Dedrick
1 month ago

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I never imagined, or even concidered losing Robert would be an outcome but the support has been incredible. It is so wonderful to see that Robs (Demhat's) actions would create such a beautiful ripple effect across the word. He had touched the lives of those that are local, and those half a world away. Everyday, an outpouring of support from a new life long friend who's life was changed by Roberts selflessness. I'm forever proud to have loved this man who helped me raise our daughter. A revolutionary just like him. I want to thank each and every one of the donors on this page as well. Tegan will always have a friend in the people who loved her father. Thank you all for being that friend to her. Please feel free to reach out to us. My email is

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Update 1
Posted by Justin Woodruff
2 months ago

This was received this morning from our American comrade in Rojava.

"There are a lot of people asking about how to support us here in Rojava. Frankly, we don't really need support. We have plenty of things, and the little money that we brought goes a LONG way.

Just to give you an idea... to get supplies to rojava, you need to smuggle stuff across the border, through a minefield, and only during certain days of the month. Electronic money is useless here, except if you can use it to trade with other western volunteers. The only real way to get any supplies here are to volunteer, collect money, turn that money into cash, and hope you end up in the same city as the person you want to give it to. That takes a minimum of 3 months, from first application to getting your tabur... and that's ONLY if everything goes perfect. And it wont.

But there IS something you can do. Anybody who is asking to donate or support, please give money to Kaylee and Tegan's (Şehid Demhat's family) gofundme campaign. If they have a comments section, donate it in the name of a volunteer, or in the name of the YPG/YPJ in general. If you know a tabur, donate in that taburs name. Trust me, most of us volunteers want to make sure Tegan has enough money to live as comfortably as possible, given the circumstances and the sacrifice her father made in combatting fascism. If you cant donate, share it on every lefty page you find.

That's how you can really support us. By mitigating the harm caused by the death of a Şehid."
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Read a Previous Update
Janet Williams
15 days ago

Touched by the story of this courageous principled man. So many things we don't understand til light is shined upon it Blessings Comrades

+ Read More
William Hinson
2 months ago

True hero and great American. Its a shame people needing a new car, or need to pay loans get more donations than this. I'll be happy to support this

+ Read More
Ben Nuttall
2 months ago

Fair play rob, thanks for your ordinary but extrodinarily brave example. Hope your family holding up.

+ Read More
Tim Jacques
1 month ago

If the rest of us could have even half of the passion and conviction of Rob, imagine the world we'd have. I didn't know Rob at all, but still feel I can be inspired by this amazing human being!

+ Read More

$11,318 of $50k goal

Raised by 264 people in 2 months
Created July 11, 2017
Justin Woodruff
on behalf of Kaylee Dedrick
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Susan Shirley
1 day ago

Sending love to you lovely ladies!

Ali Coskun
3 days ago
Katie Benrubi
6 days ago

Rest in peace.

Harold Appel
22 days ago
24 days ago
Jeff Dayton
25 days ago
Michael Tagliabue
25 days ago
25 days ago

Thank you comrade. Rest in peace.

David Steinberg
25 days ago
David Roddy
28 days ago
Janet Williams
15 days ago

Touched by the story of this courageous principled man. So many things we don't understand til light is shined upon it Blessings Comrades

+ Read More
William Hinson
2 months ago

True hero and great American. Its a shame people needing a new car, or need to pay loans get more donations than this. I'll be happy to support this

+ Read More
Ben Nuttall
2 months ago

Fair play rob, thanks for your ordinary but extrodinarily brave example. Hope your family holding up.

+ Read More
Tim Jacques
1 month ago

If the rest of us could have even half of the passion and conviction of Rob, imagine the world we'd have. I didn't know Rob at all, but still feel I can be inspired by this amazing human being!

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