Defending The Anaheim Anti-Klan Activists


A few days ago, the KKK foolishly decided to show their faces at a park in Anaheim, California without their police friends there to protect them.  What happened as a result was entirely predictable: Anaheim anti-racists confronted the Kluckers as they got out of an SUV and ran them out of the area.  Some blood was spilled and at least one KKKoward stabbed three anti-racists.

Also predictable: when the police arrived, they arrested six KKKlowns and seven anti-racists.  But while all the KKK members were released without charges soon afterwards, the arrested anti-racists received trumped-up charges and had to post bail as high as $50,000.  The anti-racists who were stabbed now face huge medical bills as well.

Happily, Copwatch Santa Ana and the LA chapter of the Anarchist Black Cross Foundation  quickly put a crowdfunding page.   Shortly after a second crowdfunding page, purported to benefit one of the people stabbed, also appeared.

Partially because of the large amount of photos and video that were posted online after this incident, it received global attention and antifa from everywhere pledged their support.  As of this writing, over 2100 people from around the world have donated over $51,000U.S to both crowdfunding sites.

Today, The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund also made a donation to the original crowdfunding page.  We chose to support this one because  it is being administered by two groups that we recognize, who have pledged to support multiple anti-racists that were involved in shutting the KKK down that Saturday.

We are heartened to see how anti-racists from all over the world rallied to defend and support the heroes of Anaheim.  This event has underscored for us the importance of continuing and growing The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund.  Here are some reasons why we believe that’s true:

  • Anti-fascists and anti-racists shouldn’t have to rely on having ‘net-savvy friends that can put up and publicize a crowdfunding page to back them up in situations like this.  It’s vital to have a healthy, standing defence fund that’s ready-to-go whenever antifa need support.
  • It’s not always clear if a crowdfunding site related to a well-publicized event is legitimate or not.  In this case, there were many questions about whether the crowdfunding campaigns would really benefit our friends in Anaheim or if someone was trying to make a fast buck.  Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to verify in these situations.  But The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has a demonstrated track record of defending and supporting anti-fascists and anti-racists and reports on its activities regularly.   In addition, The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has been endorsed by two well-regarded anti-fascist networks in Sweden and the U.S.

  • There was some controversy about one of the Anaheim antifa, who appears to have made some racist comments online in the past.  With 37 members of the Decisions Crew (and growing!) + a consensus-based decision-making model, The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has the flexibility to make decisions in a fair and democratic way on the go.

    If you agree with this, we would encourage you to make a donation to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund today, so we are ready when the next Anaheim happens.



3 thoughts on “Defending The Anaheim Anti-Klan Activists

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