
'Teaching and learning fall by the wayside': principals

Principals spend too much time on admin and too little time on improving learning, a new study says.

Public school principals will be able to employ business managers to look after the day-to-day running of schools after new research revealed that principals spend too much time on administration and not enough time on improving teaching and learning.

The classroom practices that lift NAPLAN results

Students can lift NAPLAN scores when their teachers have high expectations of them.

Student who feel their teachers have high expectations of them do better in NAPLAN and are three months ahead of their peers in their learning by year 9, according to research which shows a teacher's encouragement to work hard drives academic performance.

Year 12 students taught wrong HSC maths course

Several students at Coonamble High School have been taught the wrong HSC mathematics course since the beginning of the year.

NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes has ordered an investigation after several year 11 and 12 students at a NSW high school discovered that they were being taught the wrong maths course since the beginning of the year, and will need to catch up in less than two months to sit their HSC exam.

The boys falling behind in maths and reading

One in five boys in year 3 have an emotional or behavioural problem, according to new research.

One in five boys in year 3 have an emotional or behavioural problem that sees them lag about 12 months behind their peers in reading and maths, according to new research which stresses that the mental health of young people needs to be a focus in primary schools.