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ABC viewers mock 'embarrassing' Roger Corbett interview

One of Australia's most prominent businessmen has come under fire after comparing heterosexual and same-sex marriage to "a black man and a white man" on national television. 

Roger Corbett, the former Fairfax Media chairman and former managing director of Woolworths, made an appearance on the ABC's 7.30 to advocate for a "no" vote in the government's same-sex marriage survey. 

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ABC viewers mock Roger Corbett interview

One of Australia's most prominent businessmen has come under fire after comparing heterosexual and same-sex marriage to 'a black man and a white man'.

The interview started off well, with Corbett pointing out that he has many gay friends and he "respects them enormously". 

"I hope they even like me after tonight," he said. "But I think marriage, through generations of our society, has been between a man and a woman. Of course, people have got different sexual inclinations in their life or they're gay, and they have a perfect right to a union that is exactly equal ... but let's call marriage marriage."

7.30 host Leigh Sales then asked Corbett to expand on his reasons for opposing change. 

Corbett said he believes same-sex couples shouldn't be allowed to marry because "a man and a woman together can create children" and this is "probably the best arrangement".


He went on to stay he doesn't think businesses should take part in the same-sex marriage debate prompting Sales to ask whether he held this position on other issues like Indigenous recognition.

"No, I think it would vary from issue to issue," he said. "If it was, for example, slavery, I would think that that was entirely appropriate. But here [in] the community there is a norm of marriage being between a man and a woman." 

The businessman then went on to say same-sex marriage isn't marriage in the same way a white person isn't a person of colour.

"A man and a man and a woman and a woman can have a similar relationship, but it's different," he said. "A black man and a white man are equal, but they're clearly different. A black man will never be a white man and vice versa." 

ABC viewers have slammed the analogy, calling the interview "creepy" and "embarrassing". 

Earlier in the interview, Corbett said he was worried he might be "vilified" for speaking in support of heterosexual marriage. 

"[But] I feel that if you have a particular conviction and you're asked what your conviction is, you don't have much integrity or courage if you're not prepared to say so."